Never Had It So Good: An Irrational End To Abundance, The Grab For Power
2014 November 23 People Starting To Ask About Motive For Massive IPCC Deception
“All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true in itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.” ~ Mein Kampf
Maurice Strong, Canadian communist and business man, founded the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP). He stated in his keynote speech in Rio in 1992.
“Central to the issues we are going to have to deal with are: patterns of production and consumption in the industrial world that are undermining the Earth’s life-support systems; the explosive increase in population, largely in the developing world, that is adding a quarter of a million people daily; deepening disparities between rich and poor that leave 75 per cent of humanity struggling to live; and an economic system that takes no account of ecological costs or damage – one which views unfettered growth as progress. We have been the most successful species ever; we are now a species out of control. Our very success is leading us to a dangerous future.”
By 2015, the means of “implementation,” were annnounced, outlined in the Post-Rio to Post-2015 Background Paper: Means of implementation. These hinge on a combination of finance, technology and coercion (think the digitalisation of currency and people, the elimination of debt and ownership, the unbridled control offered by BigTech and the coercion of countries through a sinister ‘registry of commitments’ that will influence their ability to conduct trade.
The Destination In Mind?
Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio, an Argentinian Jesuit) opened the 70th UN General Assembly in September 2015. In so doing he conferred his tacit imprimatur upon the corporate globalist diktat that followed, namely, the launch of a very re-badged ‘UN Agenda 21’ and proclamation of a corporate globalist agenda with a focusing implementation date of 2030.
In this reincarnation of the old Agenda, the newly printed ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ took an alternate all embracing form euphemistically termed the ‘Transformational Agenda’. It was formally referred to in the UN draft outcome document of August 2nd 2015 as, ‘Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development’, reiterated in short-hand as the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’. It served to wrap all previous corporate socialist social, environmental, and economic aspirations into the appearance of a single aspirational global document, which was in fact very little more than a statement of coerced top-down diktat.
‘Transformational’ … Socialist Regression … Same Old
There are 91 articles in the draft agenda, which constitute the emplacement, implementation and enactment of tyrannical levers of corporate globalist governance. There is no vote, no choice, no debate and no disagreement brokered by any of the unelected, unelectable overpaid UN faceless apparatchiks that marshaled this Regression, and presumably intend to administer it.
The final 91st article chillingly states: “We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to achieving this Agenda and utilizing it to the full to transform our world for the better by 2030,” while the 71st article reminds us of the breadth and depth of the global coup: We reiterate that this Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, including the means of implementation are universal, indivisible and interlinked.
Do not for a single second doubt their sincerity, ambition or dedication.
Manufactured Destabilisation
In light of the current (intentional) and terrible energy debacle in Germany and England as the northern hemisphere limps toward a grand solar minimum winter hijacked by the delusion of ‘climate change’™, the proclamations from French President Macron that the time of abundance is at an end and from the Belgian Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, that “the next 5 to 10 winters will be difficult,” the EU and wider global political farce are preparing for the next orchestrated theatrical performance of crisis followed by a seguing dance into normalisation. The chaotic drama is being prepared to usher in the corporate globalist salvation a vice like BigTech mediated tyranny, a literal diabolical ‘Transformation’.
State Treachery Against Its Own Populous Now On Open Display
Currently we are witnessing State perfidy and open warfare against its own citizens. Attacks on the citizens began with ‘lock downs’ of the COVID debacle and continue today with mandated jabs and masking. A deeper assault has been instigated upon the provision and distribution of food, upon agriculture and fresh water, upon supply chains, upon energy, upon societal cohesion and trust, upon culture customs and traditions, and upon values. The assaults have been relentless and appear poised to translate into the digital world.
All about "changing the perspective of reality," the mass conditioning is enabled and facilitated by the propaganda arm of a sycophantic and compliant State media. The first step in changing perspective is known as demoralisation, next comes destabilisation, followed by the crisis stage, and then finally comes normalisation, the promise of a fix, all things better, of course never, ever delivered under tyranny.
‘Transformational’ Deprivation, Destitution and Despair
Fulfillment of UN Transformational Agenda article 28, embodies a Soviet style 10-Year Plan, stating:
We commit to making fundamental changes in the way that our societies produce and consume goods and services. Governments, international organizations, the business sector and other non-state actors and individuals must contribute to changing unsustainable consumption and production patterns, including through the mobilization, from all sources, of financial and technical assistance to strengthen developing countries' scientific, technological and innovative capacities to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production. We encourage the implementation of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production. All countries take action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries.
And if that is not graphic, explicit, unnecessary and troublesome enough to garner your attention, there is another agenda in play, Habitat III, New Urban Agenda. This was adopted in Quito, October 2016. It is yet another UN agenda predicated on the inanity of the debunked Malthusian notion that by 2050, the World’s population is set to double, while evidence and reasoning indicate very much to the contrary.
Much of the urban agenda is a re-write of the ‘Transformational’ Agenda except that it is specifically oriented at conurbations and transportation, while being overloaded with all the usual UN-speak vacuous buzz words and silly, padding statements of the obvious.
However, article 114 of this urban attack lays out the intended future for privately owned cars, an explicit means of personal liberty, means of prosperity and happiness that, IF PERMITTED BY US, will be removed.
We will promote access for all to safe, age- and gender-responsive, affordable, accessible, and sustainable urban mobility and land and sea transport systems, enabling meaningful participation in social and economic activities in cities and human settlements, by integrating transport and mobility plans into overall urban and territorial plans and promoting a wide range of transport and mobility options, in particular through supporting:
“a significant increase in accessible safe, efficient, affordable, and sustainable infrastructure for public transport as well as non-motorized options such as walking and cycling, prioritizing them over private motorized transportation;”
Eliminate Cars, Extinguish Personal Liberty, Enable Control
Sometime ago, from the elite Alpine shadows of the Davos Cabal (the Schwabian WEF cult) in Switzerland, ex-president of Mexico Felipe Calderon and former US vice-president Al Gore proposed to ban cars from every city in the world, way back in 2015. (Al Gore thinks we should spend $90trn designing cars out of cities January 2015).
Was anyone paying attention?
Of course Al Gore and his well heeled WEF cronies would promote the abolition of personal freedom except in a severely limited proscribed form. Who imagines for one moment beyond the politicians, the pecksniffians among us and the most gullible, that everyone would possess an cheap EV?
Dream on.
Loaded as it is with a 30% dead weight of batteries choking with rare earth metals mined with child slave labour in an electricity market trending to extinguish affordable access to power, EVs are the manifest and useless epitome of ‘unsustainable’.
Nevertheless, they provide a temporary means toward a permanent political goal.
Post Script
Loitering On The Edge highlights that once we plunge over the edge, the visible tenuous recording of a free life and the opportunity for prosperity ceases. We all flat line.
And so, here we all are, being moved along a ever narrowing track toward the edge of an abyss. And they’ve been broadcasting and semaphoring that death sentence for years. So, continue to sleep on the edge at your peril. Wake-up to some loitering, see what is in store for us and do all we can to bring it to an end.
Condemn the WEF cult Gullible Re-Set. See it for what it is, a dead-end, in the historical graveyard of very bad ideas.
Demand without quarter, the Good Re-Set.
Excellent article. Here in NZ we could remove the entire parliament and start again without all this criminal Agenda 30 / Great Reset nonsense. We are isolated and can be self sufficient. We do not need the rest of the world. How difficult is it to remove 120 people and their opposition party equivalents? It should be easy but the IQ of the average New Zealander is so far underground that it might, sadly, be impossible.