The WHO chant in February 2020 (!):
“We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus and is just as dangerous.”
Dr Mike Yeadon in his recent remarks below and in the content of the Open letter to the European Medicines Agency (2020), underscored the institutional record of utter contempt held for ethics espoused by a repulsive litany of bowing authoritarians now clinging and chanting to mantras of ‘dis’ and ‘mis’ information as they slowly slither down their greased pole of brassy lies.
Dr Mike Yeadon ~
So when I looked at the purported vaccines, I detected at least three distinct mechanisms of toxicity.
I assure you, not one of those features would have remained in molecules in the research teams armoury after the first project meeting. It wouldn’t need to be me leading it. Any of my senior staff would see the very obvious safety risks. My peers in industry would also know of them. I’ve talked about them in interviews, pieces to camera, and affidavits.
No one has tapped me on the shoulder to explain why I’ve got it all wrong. Several very clever people have independently said overlapping things, such as Professor Sucharit Bakdhi.
Others with great expertise in intracellular signalling and molecular biology quickly spotted at least two other, clearly designed-in, obviously intentional, mechanisms of toxicity (to do with nuclear localisation signals).
That makes at least five, independent, starkly obvious, in-the-structure harms. Based on at least some of these, I and doctor in Germany, Wolfgang Wodarg, wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Agency, prior to any such product being granted an Emergency Use Authorization.
We listed several concerns for the kinds of harms we expected and feared would follow from mass administration to the population. In response to this letter, the media fell upon us both, we were smeared by our national broadcasters and pushed off numerous online platforms.
Within weeks of the commencement of mass roll outs, all but one of our concerns were starkly obvious. The last one had to do with reproductive toxicity, which duly rolled in a year later.
If you choose to disregard this testimony, I don’t know what to say.
Open letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
In December 2020, Dr. med. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon outlined profound concerns attached to the synthetic modRNA/LNP Pfizer injections that became an imposed mainstay for authoritarian “intervention” in New Zealand and elsewhere. They submitted their letter of concerns to the EMA at exactly the same time as the Finance Minister of New Zealand, Grant Robertson, was signing the waivers of liability for Pfizer and BioNTech, and ironically, before the New Zealand MedSafe Authorities had signaled their tacit approval of the Pfizer shots that came in early 2021.
Their submission to the European Medicines Agency is linked again here.
Actions Requested
I. Stay the Phase III trial of BNT162 in the protocol country Germany and in any other EU protocol countries (as applicable) until study design is amended to provide that:
Before an Emergency Authorization/Conditional Approval and/or UnrestrictedAuthorization is issued for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, all “endpoints” or COVID-19 cases used to determine vaccine efficacy in the Phase 3 or 2/3 trials should have their infection status confirmed by appropriate Sanger sequencing (as described in section C. III. below), given a) the high cycle thresholds used in some trials; and b) design flaws of certain RT-qPCR tests identical to or modeled after what is sometimes called the “Drosten-Test”.
II. Stay the clinical trials of all vaccine candidates designed to stop transmission of the virus from the vaccine recipient to others and/or to prevent or mitigate symptoms of COVID-19 for which PCR results are the primary evidence of infection until study design is amended to provide ….
III. High cycle thresholds, or Ct values, in RT-qPCR test results have been widely acknowledged to lead to false positives. Also, a group of scientists and researchers have recently called for a retraction of the paper that describes the so called “Drosten-Test” (sometimes also being referred to as the “Corman-Drosten protocol” - a specific RT-qPCR assay described by Corman,Victor M., Drosten, Christian and others in “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.”
Statement of Grounds
VIII. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). In short, a well identified increased risk of serious disease subsequent to injection, probably best described as yet another potentially severe or even fatal ‘adverse event of significant interest’ (AESI). Informed consent regarding this risk never took place in New Zealand, and the issue was well identified in the literature in March 2021.
This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.
Informed consent about antibody dependent enhancement was not apparent in New Zealand.
IX. There are some concerning issues with the trial designs, spelled out by Dr. Peter Doshi in the British Medical Journal. Dr. Doshi focuses on the two biggest issues. First, none of the leading vaccine candidate trials is designed to test if the vaccine can reduce severe COVID-19 symptoms, defined as: hospital admissions, ICU or death. And, second, the trials are not designed to test if the vaccine can interrupt transmission
If neither of these conditions is met, the vaccine in essence performs like a therapeutic drug, except a vaccine would be taken prophylactically, even by the perfectly healthy, and more than likely carries a higher risk of injury than a therapeutic drug.
The synthetic modRNA/LNP Pfizer shots were clearly unpredictable (Bliden KP et al. 2021).
We did observe highly variable immune responses including those with well below average anti-RBD IgG levels and avidity. It is therefore important to monitor immune responses at the individualized and personalized level,…
As we all know, the injections neither prevented ‘transmission’ nor ‘infection’ here / here. Nor did they reduce a risk of hospitalisation.
X. In the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine candidate, polyethylene glycol (PEG) is found in the fatty lipid nanoparticle coating around the mRNA. Seventy percent of people make antibodies to PEG and most do not know it, creating a concerning situation where many could have allergic, potentially deadly, reactions to a PEG-containing vaccine.
XI. Several vaccine candidates are expected to induce the formation of humoral antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. Syncytin-1 (see Gallaher, B., “Response to nCoV2019 Against Backdrop of Endogenous Retroviruses,” …. responsible for the development of a placenta in mammals and humans and is therefore an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy…. which would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile. To my knowledge, Pfizer/BioNTech has yet to release any samples of written materials provided to patients, so it is unclear what, if any, information regarding (potential) fertility-specific risks caused by [such] antibodies is included.
According to section 10.4.2 of the Pfizer/BioNTech trial protocol, a woman of childbearing potential (WOCBP) is eligible to participate if she is not pregnant or breastfeeding, and is using an acceptable contraceptive method as described in the trial protocol during the intervention period (for a minimum of 28 days after the last dose of study intervention).
This means that it could take a relatively long time before a noticeable number of cases of post-vaccination infertility could be observed.
Post Script 2024
The Fat Lady has yet to sing her final aria, and the finale has yet to play out … but Just For The Record …
December 11, 2020 ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ If People Start Dying After Taking The Vaccine ~ CNN
This now difficult to find article stated (h/t to the Internet Archive WayBack Machine), (predictably, the article may no longer show; it didn’t at the time of writing this piece but I have left the link).
‘In an article on the COVID vaccine rollout, CNN stated that Americans should not be concerned if people start dying after taking the vaccine because,
“…deaths can occur, which do not necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.” ... “We wouldn’t be surprised to see that, incidentally, the vaccination is taking place and then someone dies shortly after being vaccinated, not because it has nothing to do with the vaccination, but simply because the place where People are the end of their lives” ...“Something that we would expect, as a common occurrence, because people often die in nursing homes.”
The author of these public health comments was Dr. Kelly Moore MD, a long serving member of the US CDC, since 2001 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer and, later, a Preventive Medicine Resident, her CV attests to her deep and committed involvement to vaccines.
And In The Wings….
An emerging UN monstrosity of faceless, un-electable and unaccountable bureaucracy, the ‘scorpions’ of a globalized administration with the mission of creating an incontestable dystopian “truth” that few asked for and even less want …
WHO reports outline responses to cyber-attacks on health care and the rise of disinformation in public health emergencies ~ Feb 2024
To provide a clearer understanding of these risks and to reduce their likelihood and severity, WHO produced two reports, in collaboration with INTERPOL, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the UN Office of Counter-terrorism, the UN International Computing Centre (UNICC), the UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, and the CyberPeace Institute. ~ Published on 26 January 2024, the two reports identify ways to strengthen health security through operational solutions.
Examining the threat of cyber-attack on health care during the COVID-19 pandemic
“Health systems globally have turned to digital solutions to enhance the clinical quality and the cost-efficiency of their services.”
Understanding disinformation in the context of public health emergencies: the case of COVID-19,
“Disinformation, unlike misinformation, is created with malicious intent to sow discord, disharmony, and mistrust in targets such as government agencies, scientific experts, public health agencies, private sector, and law enforcement. In other words, disinformation is a weaponization of information.”
“Understanding infectious disease disinformation history and its intersection with public health over time is crucial to formulate effective solutions to counter disinformation. The report examines different types of pandemic disinformation over time …”
Irrational, Machiavellian doublespeak…word salads with implications of hate speech…
Now just might be a great time to awaken, to come alive to stay alive, one might even say.
I do not believe that anyone has ever troubled to write, “May you die in interesting times,” but there is a well known exhortation that intimates,
The lipids were known by moderna way back to be toxic, especially in multi dose applications.
Occams razor..
"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."
Thanks Latus, this is a good review of some basics.
"High cycle thresholds, or Ct values, in RT-qPCR test results have been widely acknowledged to lead to false positives." This means that if the Ct value was low there would be less false positives and more true positives, however that would meant there was actually a virus found which we know is untrue so there is no true positive for sars-cov-2 so that neither positives nor negatives nor the test itself has any diagnostic meaning.
Here we can see that the "covid" PCR can be positive on many organisms, and that NONE of the 7 prior said corona viruses were ever actually found:
Dr. Yeadon pushed false positives, variants, ADE, and bioweapons-all of which require a virus, his company Ziarco got $27mil from Pfizer. He's what they call "soft propaganda".