I am going to write loose, fast and dirty.
Why not? That is exactly what our political and institutional elite impose, while performing ideological Alinsky-esque balletic poses to rigidly control the lingua-franca and narrative so we’re locked into pregnant persons he/her backed up a gallery of paid-for-play presstitutes peddling The Party’s Marxist polemic.
I do not submit.
Officialdom in New Zealand, has purchased or intimidated a majority into resentful or sneering silence buoyed by the State media, the propaganda arm of The Party. Were the mass of formally ill-at-ease actually manifesting dissent, resistance, disagreement or debate, is hard to know. Perhaps they were merely incipient aspirational points of friction? Whatever they once were they’re now a well camouflaged majority clothed in a sharp edged, right-angled corporate globalist rainbow. It is impossible to know whom they loathe and resent most; their State sanctioned institutional oppressors, the inconvenient and persistent dissenters ~ a focus for their conditioned hatred, or themselves? Personally, I suspect the latter trumps all, and if any of the former, it is projection or a peculiar sublimation of the latter.
So To The Points Of This Commentary
In October 2022, in a piece entitled, New Zealand is Stuck in the Dark Ages—Excess Mortality Trends in New Zealand and Overseas, the Hatchard Report team produced a detailed and intelligent commentary around the observed and appalling New Zealand excess death rate.
mRNA Covid vaccination was rolled out beginning at the end of March 2021. Beginning at the end of April, excess deaths were running considerably ahead of 2020. During weeks 17 to 36, there were 1,319 more excess deaths in 2021 than in the equivalent period in 2020. These were the weeks of maximum Covid jabs, and the total excess deaths during this period account for 84% of the 2021 excess over 2020.
The high number of excess deaths in 2022 up to the end of September (2,864) is unusual. There were records broken. Week 30 (end of July) was 26% above the historical average, even after adjusting for New Zealand’s increase in population.
Here’s the rub, in New Zealand, we do not have access to sufficient data that would help to ascertain whether Covid vaccination was a key contributing factor in the higher excess death totals in 2021 and 2022.
However, the Hatchard team goes on to opine the following, though it might have been more honest to stick with, “The exact causes of high excess deaths in 2021 and 2022 remain unknown,” rather than assert their own claim and these days, de rigueur ad hominem, “If anyone is telling us that they are sure Covid alone is to blame for excess deaths (and some are), they are either hoaxing or deliberately obfuscating.”
Nevertheless they do go on to acknowledge that:
The exact causes of high excess deaths in 2021 and 2022 remain unknown, or rather the information which would determine this has been withheld from public scrutiny.
The principle barrier to understanding has been the Ardern doctrine that the government should be our only source of truth. As a result, virtually all our sources of Covid information emanate from Ministry of Health experts and from government sponsored sources including funded MSM articles and so called disinformation experts. These channels are all pro-vaccine by design.
This has effectively bypassed the normal channels of scientific investigation. Ministry of Health bulletins are not peer reviewed by independent scientists. Their methods of data collection and analysis are not subject to scrutiny. …
… We have been left with a steady diet of what amounts to little more than vaccine propaganda.
“Oh! Micron”
Team Hatchard and/or the NZ Government MOH need to explain the following.
Whatever “oh! micron” is claimed to be, it got off to a memorably under-propelled start and was proclaimed a nothing-burger by everyone from Bill Gates down, to the doctors in South Africa where it first allegedly emerged clinically and in silico. This fact was bemoaned by Gates himself, namely that the World would no longer require his WHO redefined “vaccines," for their WHO redefined “pandemic,” since they were receiving immunity (rather than commercial “protection” at the end of a needled barrel) free of charge. Trouble was, New Zealand’s disease virgin population had already been primed by a State sanctioned and mandated Pfizering and presented fertile ground for theorised vaccine induced disease enhancement. I prefer to think about this in terms of straight-out injection caused systemic injury.
NZ Excess Mortality Rate: A Picture Of Bizarre Variation
This short further commentary not only serves to highlight the apparent temporal association of jabs and boosters with death in New Zealand. The first jab does not show an immediate an obvious association because the numbers Pfizered took awhile to escalate to reveal the association with excess deaths (deaths above or below the usual mean rate) although the signal did appear, see below. The initial data may also be confounded (amplified) by the epidemiological ‘harvesting’ after the long autumn, prior to the winter of our discontent.

Let’s Take A Closer Look
‘Stats New Zealand ~ Tatauranga (odd word, translation here) ~ Aotearoa COVID-19 data portal’ provides information to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). The data is official and readily available on the linked web site. Whether it is an accurate reflection of the truth is another matter impossible to verify. Given the current political obsession with dissent I venture to say that all bets are off now and into the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, take a look at the ‘inexplicable’ and huge perturbations of variation from the mean (0 value on the graphs below) evident across the years, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
The average (mean) weekly excess deaths in New Zealand
2020: -3 per week (negative value)
2021: 42 per week
2022: 112 per week
With a graphic mean at zero, the range either side of the mean is of interest. In this case it ranges from peaks of 95 people (-13%) less than the 0 mean value over weeks 32 & 33 in 2020, to an additional 239 people (33%) more than the mean in week. 31, of 2022.
The range is an appalling 334 people over a two year period for the same week.
Standard deviation is a useful measure that informs us about the distribution in the variation of death about the mean weekly deaths. While the mean identifies a central value in the distribution, it does not indicate how far the data points fall from the center. Higher standard deviation values signify that more data points are further away from the mean.
In other words, extreme values occur more frequently, 2022 being a case in point.
2020 (52 weeks): 49 people,
2021 (52 weeks): 33 people.
2022 (41 weeks of reported data): 51 people
Earlier work on the New Zealand OIA referred to the Ombudsman (H202204606/OMB 579799) eventually cajoled MOH hospitalisation and death data by vaxxed and unvaxxed status. It showed very high concordance in the ratio between the number in hospital and the death in either group, although death was positively confounded by Pfizering to an escalating value up to x13 by July 2022.
Excess Death Annual Variation
This is an astonishing, officially blind, intergalactic range in variation of 334 people, essentially in the same weekly period two years apart, separated by the interim novel, dystopian intervention of an unethical, unscientific State sanctioned Pfizering that amounted to multiple shots for some 4.1 million people, 79% of the 5.2 million New Zealand population.
The statistical gurus in New Zealand must know this but it is not a matter of public knowledge. It seems to me that ethics and humanity would demand, nay insist, upon a detailed statistical analysis and commentary from them.
Since both ethics and humanity have left the room, along with controls and science, the shape of things to come neither appears reassuring or promising.
The 2020, 2021, 2022 OECD Excess Death Graphs
Vertical axis, % excess deaths change from average at 0.
Horizontal axis shows week by week through the year.
Note the negative excess death rate through autumn and winter of 2020, a long mild autumn and mild winter augmented by the slow life and free money of acute “lock down,” that constrained a variety of activities and environmental exposures. This led to New Zealand being one of the very few countries in the World at the time that showed a negative value for excess death.
Typical of this phenomenon, which merely delayed the departure of individual souls, lies the ensuing epidemiological metaphor, ‘harvesting’ that occurred subsequently once acute “lock down” had been eased, confounded as we now know by the well identified and utterly deleterious social and economic effects of pointlessly destructive mass constraint, mask wearing and domestic incarceration.
New Zealand Excess Death Graph 2020, 2021 & 2022 (OECD data)
Cometh The Experiment: The Jab And The Mandates
No more than a grand psy-ops supported coercion, the New Zealand national experiment was imposed on a corporate socialist nationalised society that places a high social value on compliance. It was child’s play and a high point for the tyranny whose political hallmark and social legacy has been division, inequality and exclusion. Instigating further division by launching an unbridled, unprecedented assault and mandated Pfizering was icing on the ideological cake.
Thus, the vaunted 100 day “platform” now apparently being advocated by Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is intended to serve as a future vector for any “ ‘flu” or “RSV” or other “viral” in silico sequence dreamed up in a CEPI sponsored lab or deemed a ‘threat’ by the WHO.
CEPI is an spidery appendage of the WEF and WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BigPharma and a list of governments including New Zealand. The circularity is breathtaking. It was formed in Davos in 2017 and it is the edfice around which the “vaccine” finance, mandates and narratives spin.
Post Script
The observation of excess death in New Zealand has been comprehensively analysed and reported elsewhere. While it is ‘record breaking’, ‘unprecedented’ and ‘astounding’, it predictably receives no attention from the State media, the institutions or academe, and is probably of even less interest to NZzzz, unless one happens to be personal, separated by a tragic degree or two of freedom from a deceased jabbed, loved person.
As Professor John Gibson opined ~ here ~ in August 2022,
the excess mortality associated with the booster rollout that is highlighted in this analysis should be a key part of any future cost-benefit analysis of decisions about using COVID-19 booster vaccines for the general public.
What of ethics, science and humanity?
In Space No One Can Hear You Scream
In New Zealand when you scream no one hears and no one listens because there is a conditioned social vacuum created by a terribly dangerous government ideology. Further, psy-ops conditioning ensures most are not listening, or even want to listen. Want a stark contrast? How about motor vehicle deaths below:
OECD data indicates considerably more than 2000 people perished in New Zealand in temporal association with their Pfizering, far more than the annual deaths on the road about which you may note there exists a relentless self-righteous screeching coupled with an incessant money grab for often quite trivial speed offenses. The Left often like to refer to that as a ‘double benefit’.
The same is seen when CO2 is labelled a pollutant at the same time as a monetary value is attached to it. It’s old hat and it’s a hackneyed political ploy that most unfortunately still snooze their way into disaster as the Dutch farmers are now learning. New Zealand has been snoozing forever it seems.
PM Ardern’s Labour/Maori government Minister Grant Robertson accorded Pfizer and BioNTech waivers of liability in October and December 2020 on behalf of the New Zealand people from which the politicians had sought no ethical justification, while the same government funded the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations out of taxpayer money to the tune of $35 million.
Conflict of Interest? Double benefit?
Who knows? Like the temporal association observed between a good Pfizering and death,
… just crickets.
The exact proportion of causal attribution to excess deaths and ongoing sickening and sickness remains to be discerned. That numerous “safety signals” exist appears abundantly self-evident.
Only in Germany, at least some are using the mounting dead to good purpose. Histopathological autopsy evidence explaining the basis for death due to acute arrhythmogenic cardiac failure (sudden death syndrome). Thus, myocarditis can be a potentially lethal complication following mRNA-based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.
Vaccine Fail: German data makes definitive link between dozens of Heart Deaths & mRNA injections
The autopsy published study pdf is linked to in the article.
What of ethics, science and humanity?"
Ethics, science and humanity was thrown out the window of society long ago. Transhumanism is the end goal and requires none of those three.