“Can you please advise who in government has the authority/power to stop the process of vaccination with the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine? Please include everyone or every position that has that authority.”
Answer (abridged) OIA: H2023026285 | 23 June 2023
“No individual within government has the authority to stop all use of the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine within New Zealand, as the vaccination programme is authorised and supported by a network of laws and decisions. However, several roles within government have significant influence over the scale of programme, as outlined below.”
“Removing government funding would limit the scale of the programme but not stop the process of vaccination. COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary and anyone who wants one, and is eligible, can get one.”
Dr Andrew Old
Deputy Director-General
Public Health Agency, New Zealand
Post Script
Contrary to the machiavellian and disingenuous assertion of Dr Old, the truth is that the Government of New Zealand may repeal the various laws and associated legal and legislative instruments and cease COVID-19 vaccination anytime it chose. A majority vote on a suitable motion or motions in parliament would instigate and expedite the process, and the will of the people, were it such. Of course this would not rest on the actions of a single individual.
Saturday 14 October 2023 is the date for a general election. Melodramatic as it may seem, it may well be the last chance for the New Zealand public to have a hand in their destiny and to subvert a fate that appears likely to await them.
The Deagel population forecast of 2014 (abridged)
Deagel is a military contractor that in 2014 published a forecast of massive population reductions out to the year 2025.
This population forecast was so controversial, showing population reductions of 80 percent in the United States and between 50 and 80 percent for almost every Western European country, that the study mysteriously disappeared from Deagel’s website post-Covid in March 2021.
Until the impact of the Covid “pandemic” and resulting mass vaccination campaign, many researchers were scratching their heads as they reviewed the Deagel spreadsheets. But now it’s beginning to make sense.
Researcher Craig Paardekooper recently released his report on predictions of global depopulation based on an updating of the Deagel numbers. You can see his updated predictions for every country. New Zealand loses 32.7% by 2025, while Australia loses 40%. Running currently at an excess death rate above the 2015 - 2019 mean of 20% in both countries should be pause for thought (or silence depending on which side of the needled barrel one is positioned).
What To Do?
People need to stir themselves and the political pot to ensure they safeguard their precarious and precious futures, which may quite well become unpredictably and unpleasantly shortened when the mRNA/LNP platform is used in force majeure once again, this time completely relieved of ethical constraint by the approved Ladder Of Intervention Coercion. Whether National or Labour, both wings on the same corporate globalist vulture, the country’s destination will be the same. And if it is not these political parties then even worse, it will be by direct edict from the WHO to whom one or both these New Zealand parties surrendered national sovereignty, your individual bodily autonomy and welcomed surveillance, the likes of which you cannot imagine.
Then the populace will face its greatest nightmare, an unbridled New Zealand government released from all responsibility, care and ethics for their actions by the supranational WHO, that unelected and unelectable corporate globalist nexus.
That thought is an abhorrent nightmare.
Reach out to your local MP and explore their contrived lack of awareness.
Why the WHO nightmare?
Direct edict by the WHO is not in your best interests or that of the country. It will however, vastly enrich the vested associated interests of the WEF, CEPI, BMGF, BigPharma et al. and those of the investors and partners (NZ GOV and the numerous other countries) ~ see: CEPI Investors Overview as of 20 January 2023, in a colossus of circular conflicts of interest.
Keep in mind Australian academic, Prof. Jane Halton has been the Chair of the Board of CEPI since 2018, and note that Germany (home of BioNTech) is the largest donor. Norway is the erstwhile home of CEPI, and see their massive donation to CEPI, second only to Germany in amount.
If you’re uncertain what or who CEPI is and its purpose, who coalesced to form it and when ~ 2017 ~ check out:
"Saturday 14 October 2023 is the date for a general election. Melodramatic as it may seem, it may well be the last chance for the New Zealand public to have a hand in their destiny and to subvert a fate that appears likely to await them."
I admire your hope! Here in the US, there are no more elections, just selections. RFK has been selected to reside in the next Caesar seat. Nothing will change.
Good summary for N Zealanders!
About Deagel, I have a spiny sense it's about this
I had that link in this post