Introducing this valuable book that will serve to help enhance critical thinking around several paradigms installed by relentless conditioning that circumvent the very act of critical thinking itself. In fact, to merely raise the subject engenders a response characteristic of unfalsifiable belief and one that invariably serves to openly betray the lazy non-thinkers frequently unacquainted and unwilling to be acquainted with the seminal literature. Such conditioning is as pervasive as it appears insidious and sinister. It has been raised to significantly new heights in the last four years with the control of media and journal content, while it has incontestably encompassed scientific and medical education since the early 20th Century.
These paradigms now act as pivotal lynch-pins in the unelected (and unelectable) Junta of corporate and supra-national bureaucracy, which endeavour to the ‘manage’ the World and its global population, most recently through the 2020 “COVID” coup d'état.
With the duplicitous aid of a kakistocracy, a mélange of governing politicians and national bureaucrats, and their entourage of media ‘presstitutes’, the attempted ‘fix’ was in. All that remained was for the legion of injecting doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and nurses euphemistically referred to as “vaccinators” to pull the triggers of their needled barrels, and to continue to do so.
Did these acolytes accrue soul mangling wealth from unethical consent-lite shots? This very question was highlighted in the publication of the stunning receipt and dispatch data (OIA CRM0401037 July 2023) from the many medical practices and pharmacies of New Zealand.
While the Junta and its paid legion of bowing acolytes scored a huge “victory” with 71% of the global population in receipt of an unpredictable, ineffective and unsafe injection, it seems reasonable to conclude that their perceived win, an exercise in unmitigated hubris may breach on the shoal of the law of diminishing returns. Will this segue to their exorcism into the prodigious annals of failed history? It appears likely.
Daily more cracks splinter the globalists carapace (just today for example, Seven MPs request comprehensive data transparency from the UK ONS, and, Calling for the urgent arrest of Dr June Raine and senior MHRA staff (UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency).
We are seeing those inconvenient ‘unintended consequences’ slowly re-emerge, science executed with methodological rigor, and ethics born from established truth restored by integrity. It seems a slow process, agonizingly so, it feels. Nonetheless, it does possess inexorability as humanity is confronted by a compelling binary choice, sheer unfettered insanity and evil juxtaposed to nothing left to lose.
For example…
Growing skepticism about wider vaccine efficacy among Canadians amplified by the COVID-19 “pandemic” – especially among parents with children under 18, while, ‘opposition to mandatory childhood vaccination jumps from 24 to 38 per cent since 2019’. Among those who say it should be a parental choice, only half (49%) say they would vaccinate their child without reservation. Fully one-in-five (20%) are outright opposed to it, while three-in-10 (31%) are on the fence. Argus Reid Institute Feb 28, 2024
Post Script
The Final Pandemic – An Antidote to Medical Tyranny
…contents as follows
Foreword by Prof. Tim Noakes
Chapter 1 – Creating a Pandemic
Allopathic Medicine Invents Diseases
COVID-19: The Bait-and-Switch
Meaningless Cases
Enter “Patient Zero”
Clustering and “Asymptomatic Transmission”
‘Typhoid Mary’ – The Original “Superspreader” Story
Death of “Whistleblower” Doctors
Prepare the Public with Hollywood BlockbustersChapter 2 – Scapegoats for Disease
Invent a Disease and Blame it on Animals
Blame SARS on Bats with no Evidence
Slaughter Millions of Animals to Drive the Fear
Blame the Pox on Gay Men (and Animals Again)
Suggest the Disease came from a Lab (and Animals Again)
The Washington Post Connects no Dots
Fear-inducing “Viruses” Like Ebola…that Never ArriveChapter 3 – The History of Misplaced Beliefs
What Human-to-Human Transmission?
But Can’t You Catch a Cold?
Blaming Nutritional Deficiencies on Germs
Blaming More Dietary Problems on Germs
Blaming the Effects of Environmental Toxins on Germs
“Treatments” that Cause the Disease?
Don’t Worry if the Germ Even Exists
Death-dealing Drugs Marketed as “Life-saving”Chapter 4 – Pandemics of Testing
PCR Already Known to Cause False Pandemics
The PCR Exposed Whooping Cough’s Faulty Science
What is the Polymerase Chain Reaction?
Why was SARS-2 (COVID-19) Bigger than SARS-1?
How to Create “Virus Genomes”Chapter 5 – Press Release Science
Programming the Public
Celebrity Cases
Rigging the Playing Field
“Stuffing Their Mouths with Gold”
Persecution of Those Questioning the Narrative
Case Study: The Suppression of The Perth GroupChapter 6 – All Pandemics Lead to Vaccines
What are Vaccines Doing?
The Bill Gates Factor
Big Pharma Invents Demand
Case Study: ‘HPH’ & Her Licence to Lie
The Cause of the Rise in Vaccine “Misinformation”Summary
About the Authors
Hardcover US$34.99 + shipping
Paperback US$23.99 + shipping
E-Book US$9.99
The Final Pandemic ~ An Antidote to Medical Tyranny arose to cater for a wider public audience. Further reading of an academic, freely accessible text is accessible here, ‘A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)’.
Good call Latus! I bought it last week and was gonna hold it up in a photo in all its glory when it came...but since you did it the anticlimatic* regret is too much for me. There's always the next book!
*also means doesn't believe in human caused climate change
Control group 17% and rising. That's a real problem for bigPharma