Watching the enemies within New Zealand, wittingly or unwittingly attempting to wreak the disintegration of this nation.
Politicians, Bureaucrats and Business ~ a triumvirate to eliminate ethics
The Enemy Within
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. … For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
― Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron
Hipkins: ‘There was no compulsory vaccination, people made their own choices’
[New Zealand] Prime Minister Chris Hipkins told reporters yesterday the COVID-19 jab was not compulsory, even though it was “mandated.”
The disingenuous perversion of language is a widely used political trick chiefly used to conceal strategies and intentions bereft of constituency.
A parallel language of legalese inverts many common uses (e.g. a civil summons being merely an invitation, a mandate being a request and not an order, enforcement not having actual force of law). “Dog latin” is a meaningless gibberish used to confuse the masses. ~ How we were legally enslaved
It relies in fair measure on the ignorance of a populace, the collusion of the media and the unwavering arrogance of the political elite. It is a routine haunt of ideologues and, in the case of New Zealand, of nascent tyranny employed by a Uniparty Collective of completely indistinguishable, virtue-signalling politicians.
PM Hipkins is merely what Hipkins does, with an oblique hat-tip to the WEF/WHO/UNEP and its legion of political and bureaucratic New Zealand ‘cling-ons’. And don’t think for one moment that anyone paying attention has not made note of the demise of established ethics in New Zealand. That left the room a long while ago.
New Zealand Politicians
The heavily censored New Zealand diet of propaganda euphemistically defined as “programming,” “News,” and “current affairs,” gyrates like an overpaid legion of belly dancing spinmeisters. The NZ Prime Minister claiming that the loss of income and job was a ‘choice’ is a perfect example of political disingenuousness that tightly ignored the mass of coerced people who cowered down in blatant subjugation, while being considered politically ‘inclusive’ and thus, unworthy of mention.
The official and careful political view would doubtless be that they were the subjects of their own ignorance, a bureaucratically cultivated perspective arising from dehumanised cynicism that has successfully eviscerated politics into the immoral and amoral hollow-shell of self-interest we see today. Think no further than PM Hipkins political and moral paralysis when defining a woman.
If anyone still claims to ‘submit’ to what New Zealand asserts is political ‘democracy’ they deserve a Darwin Award. The Uniparty dominates all. Perceived distinctiveness is illusory. Politics has degenerated into less than a scantily clad gossamer of illusion that embraces approved ideological thuggery. The time for people to re-evaluate everything, and especially “politicians,” very, very carefully is urgently upon all.
Thugs In Drag
Whether awake or awakening, it is clear that many neither appreciate nor desire the relentless State sanctioned media fueled skull hammering to which they are routinely exposed. Politicians have descended into unbridled thuggery, expedited by a free supply of COVID heroin and the chanting of choirs of the MSM. A political black-market is booming.
Nonetheless, the polemic of propaganda is excruciatingly tedious, predictable and repetitive. In fact, one wonders how over-paid State broadcasting news readers stomach their own bile? As for the over-inflated, self-absorbed Marxist stage props in the Wellington pantomime referred to as The Disinformation Project, pure satire drips without end.
And therein resides habituation and exhaustion by lies. So people seek other commentaries and news sources that constitute a more informed counterpoint to the usual State media Cyclopes of fear and control porn, with its dwindling numbers of subscribers. Sacrilege then, in this context should be considered a robust and healthy sign of reasoning, of separation from the diarrhoea of insanity.
New Zealand Business
It is now readily possible to see how self-interested New Zealand business leaders were so easily seduced by politicians and bureaucrats as useful tools. Their misplaced self-importance was cultivated by a stroke of pure Machiavellian evil to entrench political and bureaucratic power and control. It evolved further into a betrayal of the populace.
Did a single business leader stand up for established ethics or use their significant resources to explore the uncertainty that existed in a narrative predicated on invalid modeling, the rapidly evolving science and data, the personal experience of other people in other countries? Did such a leader or leaders use their influence to debate or challenge the orchestrated WEF narrative peddled by the New Zealand government who could barely wait to start preaching about a technofascist socialist “Reset?” Just where were these Captains of Industry when it came time to standing firm with the people against an increasingly aberrant government and growing tyranny?
The large swathe of the institutionalised business community were clearly committed to themselves.They betrayed the populace of New Zealand and hid themselves in high walled mansions behind screes of meaningless health and safety verbiage and the advice of government legal opinion. They were the people that literally practiced what PM Hipkins preached, whether they actually believed in it or not.
New Zealand has a very long history of socialism masquerading as government control. Business participation aligns in perfect harmony with the corporate socialist globalist mores of this deeply toxic, anti-human moment in human history.
In short, the populace of New Zealand never stood a chance pinioned as it was by a triumvirate of intersecting interest. In this instance, the three entities ~ bureaucrats, politicians and business leaders ~ that became a perfectly conducted ensemble in orchestrated deniability.
The idea that the New Zealand government instigated a war upon its own populace is profoundly disturbing. And while cracks may appear in the political carapace, corporate New Zealand will continue to run silent, run deep unless challenged by the people.
The following Minutes of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) furnish the requisite evidence and show that almost a year prior to the instigation of shots, the New Zealand government was grooming its business community to enact experimental shots, that no one, most especially the politicians and business leaders themselves knew anything about. … with the exception of one single New Zealand government entity, The New Zealand Ministry of Health.
The Enlistment Of The New Zealand Business Community
Mar 18 2020 ~ Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet | Briefing: Establishment of COVID-19 Engagment Mechanisms for Business | To: Chris Hipkins, Minister for COVID-19 Response
Agree to formalise support offered by the Business Leaders Forum
Signed by: Chappie Te Kani (Head of System Improvement and Continuous Improvement COVID-19 Group, DPMC)...currently Oranga Tamariki chief executive
Ministry of Health recently hosted a forum of 44 business leaders, selected Ministers and senior officials focused on working together to make the COVID-19 vaccination and immunisation programme a success for Aotearoa New Zealand.
Following a Ministry of Health engagement, conversations between business leaders Rob Fyfe and Kirk Hope have been initiated.
Purpose of Forum
Support for the vaccination public information campaign
Consideration of what other initiatives may encourage the population to get vaccinated
The forum will include ….. ensuring as many New Zealanders’ as possible get vaccinated.
The Business Forum will be a (selected) “independent group” available to support GOV COVID 19 response through engagement and insights. It will remain informal. There will be no committee structure. There will be no payment. (There will be no accountability)
Fifteen leaders from business community (“The Fifteen”) have been identified by Rob Fyfe and Kirk Hope. This shortlist of members includes representation from the following sectors: Maori business, tourism, retail and hospitality, construction, primary sector and seasonal workforce, air travel and transport, healthcare.
A wider network of 50 leaders (“The 50”) for expanded discussion will be used (dependent on subject matter). A forward agenda of topics of interest has been suggested by the forum co-chairs
metrics of recovery
testing strategy
vaccine roll out
immunisation passports
border settings
vaccine uptake
Forum will meet bi-weekly or monthly. Forum will also invite the PM to these meetings.
To facilitate useful engagement with the Forum, they will require some visibility of strategy, plans, and indicators of progress and outcomes across the COVID 19 response, and early sight of strategic conversations for example.....vaccination targets and sequencing. Note that '‘vaccines rollout” timing, sizing, and contracting (including whether the private sector can offer support to vaccines workstreams)
New Zealand Bureaucrats
The Hermit Kingdom WEF experiment had begun, March 2020 … as did the now thoroughly debunked narrative.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the world and New Zealand in a very short time. The world is facing a public health emergency and an economic crisis - a double crisis unprecedented for 100 years. Our geographical distance does not protect New Zealand from this crisis.” ~ DPMC 23 March 2020 COVID-19: Moving to alert level 3 and level 4.
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand, John Ombler was appointed controller of the all-of-government response and, in that capacity, was a deputy chief executive of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Ombler left that role in late 2020.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | ‘Noting Paper: All of Government System’ | To: Ad Hoc Cabinet Committee on COVID-19 Response | From: Dr Brook Barrington, Chief Executive, DPMC ~ 11/03/2020 ~ announcing his activation of the National Crisis Management Centre, essentially ramping up all Government control and management.
Dr Brook Barrington goes on to announce the appointment of John Ombler as, ‘All of Government Controller’, acting as ‘a pivot point between the national security system and the operational response. He will be supported by the Director General of Health and the Director of Civil Defence and Emergency, and by All of Government Coordinator for Strategy and Policy. The Ministry of Health will continue to lead the public health response’.
A further Noting Paper from 11/03/2020 was made to: Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Response, from John Ombler.
The key remarks made here were, ‘Keep it out, Stamp it Out and Manage it’. This was backed up by a Government Communications Protocol detailing a set of principles to guide communications: (allegedly) timely and transparent, focused on facts, health-driven, empowering, and economically and socially inclusive (unless you happened to wind up as a mandated recipient of the experimental, unethical shot).
Communications were guided by an all-of-government Public Information Management Function tasked to engage micro-level advice, reporting and insights, social media, public health information, strategic communication, and geared to improving trust and confidence in government response. A clearer narrative would be created to include greater social media engagement showing off all of government response.
Ombler comments that the COVID-19 situation could lead to a variety of scenarios … with timely information from all parts of government and “civil society.”
‘Single source of truth’
As may very easily be seen in the DPMC minutes, PM Ardern was not the architect of the ‘single source of truth’ phrase. It was her bureaucratic State entity that enforced the approach:
“A wide range of services will support those affected by COVID-19. A clear cut single source of truth will make it easier for the public to access the information they need.”
One wonders whether John Ombler will ever live it down or will he be fêted in his own mirror of magnificence? But Ombler goes on to make several additional and deeply troubling things very clear that bode very poorly for future New Zealand:
Earlier today, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirmed the country would go into alert level four - and a full national lockdown - at 11.59pm on Wednesday 25th March 2020.
Ombler said it was clear there would be significant disruption to everyone, "but the alternative would be far worse".
"I'm confident that this all of government leadership is the best way to support the community.
"These are restrictions to save lives."
The team was working alongside local government and the private sector.
"All of this work is urgent," he said.
Ombler said he would not rule out the Defence Force being on the streets, if it came to it.
"For a level of comfort, I'd be happy to see them there. If it got to the enforcement side, I'd be disappointed, but I wouldn't rule it out."
I hope people read and study these words carefully. An unelected bureaucrat was evidently abundantly media comfortable with the idea that a future New Zealand society in which compliance would be ordained by the military could readily be escalated as required in the pursuance of mandated shots, or indeed, a future of compulsory shots (please note the distinction).
The Catholic Advance (Wichita, Kansas) ~ 05 Dec 1903 Saturday ~ Page 7
Post Script
For a long time across the West a treacherous Fourth Estate has evolved into a Fifth Column against the populace. It is an exemplar of the worst kind of undermining betrayal, intentionally paralyzing the intellectual thought and critical thinking of the populace while simultaneously polarizing it into deeply entrenching mindless double-think. It is the embodied strategy of the New Zealand ‘Disinformation Project’ and the low wattage policy makers involved.
PM Ardern had the mindless temerity to echo a bureaucratic script, a script that should leave no room for doubt that unless the people of New Zealand chose an entirely new future for their country, its days of freedom appear to be truly dwindling.
The infamous line uttered by PM Ardern when she announced, ‘we are your singular source of truth’ was a priceless exposition of what was to come. It was also precisely the carrion that her craven New Zealand paid-for-play media vultures feasted themselves upon. It reverberated around the world and it effectively delivered the chill of evil and tyranny into the souls of very many.
New Zealand stands forewarned.
To anchor the New Zealand arm of the WEF experiment, PM Ardern announced that she was the: Singular source of truth in May 2020. She repeats her statement in PM Question Time of Sept 2020, verbatim.
PM Ardern media statement on May 15th 2020 ~ You Tube ~ Exactly the same script is delivered in Prime Ministers question time, Question no. 1, 2nd Sept 2020 more than 3 months later, highlighted in New Zealand Parliament Hansard.
Hon JUDITH COLLINS (Leader of the Opposition) to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by her statement, "We will continue to be your single source of truth"?
Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN (Prime Minister): I stand by my statement in its entirety. Some weeks ago, I was asked about rumours and speculation that had emerged across social media on COVID-19 that could have caused harm to New Zealanders. My full quote reads, "I've been watching for some days—and this is not unique to New Zealand—that, in the midst of what is a global issue, as you would expect, there are a number of rumours that circulate. I am present on social media; I see it myself. I cannot go round and individually dismiss every single rumour I see, as tempted as I might be. So, instead, I want to send a clear message to the New Zealand public: we will share with you the most up-to-date information daily. You can trust us as a source of that information. You can also trust the Director-General of Health and the Ministry of Health. For that information, do feel free to visit at any time—to clarify any rumour you may hear—the website. Otherwise, dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth. We'll provide information frequently. We will share everything we can. Everything else you see—a grain of salt."
Whatever they got away with last time is impossible now.
Their support base has shrunk a lot. Booster uptake was very low and still is low.
They know it doesn't work.
My friend not he BOP, Brian Gillett stood up. He is the owner of Brian Gillett Developments. A courageous man.