Withdrawing Their Social License
Arresting The Narrative of NZ Politicians, Bureaucrats, Corporates & Institutions
Recently “devices” in New Zealand responded to an “emergency alert” in yet another test run by the New Zealand government to reassure itself that a majority of the populace were tethered to, and therefore receptive of, their latest alarm rehearsal designed to reinforce fear and to reinstall a sense of powerlessness and isolation.
Likely carefully choreographed by the Intelligence community psy-ops unit, or whatever name it uses to describe itself and its nefarious supra-national purposes, the dry run was a head’s up for anyone possessing a bullschitt attenna, or anyone capable of the merest whiff of déjà vu.
To those not loitering on the edge, those poised most unsafely in the never-never land of nodding heads, genuflecting knees and shot riddled arms, the following commentary might conceivably furnish a small “nudge,” a sense that all is not quite what it should be in the Underverse world of ‘safe and effective’.
With thanks for the following commentary from Anna Petley, NZDSOS Media Team, On Behalf of NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science (@NZDSOS)
Citizens of the World Unite on the Road to Geneva
Sit in a quiet space. Still your breath.
Now imagine this . . .
Your phone vibrates, and that horn-like signal blares from it …. You look down to see an Emergency Alert Civil Defence message with that ominous yellow triangle. Your heart skips a beat.
You scan the text and realise immediately it’s Groundhog Day. Bird flu has hit the shores of NZ, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a global lockdown under the newly declared PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern).
This is your 12-hour notification that New Zealand will return to lockdown to contain the outbreak to keep everyone 'safe'.
What do you do?
Pull out your old masks and get ready for socially distancing yourselves from everyone on your allowed 30 minute daily walk?
Watch the midday updates on bird flu cases and further restrictions while businesses continue to suffer and are forced to close.
Test yourself and line up for the latest jab so you can keep your job?
Fearfully put on your compliance mode, download the tracing app and submit to poor public health advice?
OR do you take a deep breath and know that this time, we have a choice?
We can choose what level of interactions we want to have, what we put in our bodies, and whether to test.
While this scenario might feel like more of a nightmare than a visualisation, it could be very close to an upcoming truth.
On June 1, the WHO and representatives from NZ and around the world will decide whether or not to finalise and sign international agreements or treaties.
Two documents are being prepared for signing:
the Pandemic Treaty
the Amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005.
The signing of these documents will ultimately give the WHO power to lock countries down, mandate jabs and demand vaccine passports for movement if they declare a global PHEIC.
It is not too late to stop this controlling act.
Citizens of the world are uniting this week and participating in a convoy to the WHO in Geneva.
The event is called the Road to Geneva and citizens from many countries will be travelling to gather there for a series of events from May 30 to June 1 2024.
The resistance movement is trying to stop this behind-closed-doors meeting that will give powers to the WHO the world has never seen before.
If you think ‘lockdowns won’t happen again in my lifetime’, you might be disillusioned. If the Pandemic Treaty or IHR Amendments are signed, WHO can issue lockdown orders for anything deemed a risk to our health, including pandemics or environmental concerns. Any country resisting these mandates will suffer as-yet-unclear repercussions. These might include trade sanctions, denial of access to medication and even foreign enforcement of mandates.
Is it any coincidence that Slovakia's Prime Minister was almost assassinated after announcing resistance to WHO? Several African leaders similarly were murdered during early covid.
And is it any coincidence that this secret meeting to sign the treaty is only a short week after we were all sent a ‘test’ Civil Defence Emergency Alert text message?
Stay vigilant, inform yourself, and have your say about this blatant removal of our rights by sharing this email and our latest post. We can’t rely on New Zealand mainstream news to inform us correctly and without agenda.
If we don’t all stand up and say NO, we might find that we are locked down, isolated and injected once again.
Actions to take:
Share this post from our blog
Download this pamphlet and pass it on to everyone
Talk to everyone and gently inform them of the situation
Download and share the graphic from this email on social media.
Let our politicians and councillors know that they are personally complicit if they go along with destroying our freedom.
Yours in health and freedom,
Anna Petley
NZDSOS Media Team
"If you think ‘lockdowns won’t happen again in my lifetime’, you might be disillusioned"
Shall we all unite and sing KOOMbaya?