“You Will Own Nothing – and Be Happy”
Those in power, “are often the worst, most insignificant, most cruel, most immoral and especially the most mendacious people”. (Tolstoy, LN. 1905 ~ Speech against War).
The dancing political, bureaucratic and self-appointed, uninvited pecksniffians of our time epitomise the teetering figurines of Supermarionation.
While ‘Supermarionation’ alerted an entire generation to the reality of prancing puppets, sadly too many of us have forgotten these important but subtle childhood lessons of history. Indeed, we have become quite habituated to seeing billionaires and corporate emperors morph into pontificating elite caricatures uttering preposterous nonsense. These larger than life super-puppets mince their way around the World stage or book a ticket on the ‘Lolita Express’. They are fawned upon or scolded in turn by the MSM and social media, together with a plethora of wannabes. They seek to extend their presence and influence, often surreptitiously, or while using Waholian moments granted by the vapidity of the salacious or the bathos of charity, both readily afforded by the chatterati to dent the bored attention-span of supposed ‘useless-eaters’.
For those fed on Gerry Anderson's delicately suspended diet of 'Thunderbirds Are Go', there remains a possibility that none of this theatre feels or looks even slightly surprising or unpredictable.
However, for the most part we have ignored this expanding unreality at our dire peril.
The reassuring solution appears sublimely simple. We simply need to stop listening to the interminable brainwashing, turn off the noise and sever the damned strings, detaching the puppets from the puppet meisters.
The Puppet Meisters Deploy Their Puppetry
With the dawn of 2020 came a nascent awareness that much of what was perceived as the accepted global norm appeared to be going wildly and rapidly awry. The comfortably prosaic nature of the World segued on a downward trajectory into the truly miserable and then unmistakably tyrannical. In so doing, it revealed the brittle fragility of our collective illusion of liberty. Now some four years on many have painfully discovered that freedom may literally only be claimed and owned by those who have fought for it, have skin in the game. Those who have not are imposters and destined to eventually have liberty stripped away from them with relative ease, as has indeed been demonstrated. Therein lies our collective starting point.
The majority who have unwillingly, or merely uncomfortably or even in obsequious embrace, been transfixed by the globalists hypnotic trance of fear, lurch on in fostered uncertainty beset by an unending and expanding array of phantasmagorical in silico constructs. Meantime, the State sanctioned terminal ‘solutions’ being promoted by a coterie of unethical but well paid prescribing and dispensing agents with their 1000 yard stare, continues on without blinking.
Orwell, Schwab, Ardern
The New Zealand government claimed its podium of disrepute with its flagrant and manifestly dystopian assertion of being the, “single source of truth.” It broadcast this with an idiotic political single-mindedness that may only perceived as apical stupidity.
The underlying reality the statement explicitly echoed the behind scenes direction of the arch-bureaucrat John Ombler. Ombler was appointed by Brook Barrington, chief bureaucrat of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, with the activation of the National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC) system and its structure to strengthen and deepen cross-government coordination. John Ombler became All of Government Controller, supported by Director General of Health and the Director of Civil Defence and Emergency, and by an all Government Co-ordinator for Strategy and Policy, while the Ministry of Health continued to lead the public health response to COVID-19.
Ombler proclaimed to Ministers on March 11, 2020 (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet minutes), “Leadership from across society to help maintain societal cohesion.” … “A clear single source of truth will make it easier for the public to access information they need.”
What appears subsequently obvious is that Ardern’s dull witted team of choreographers took up the Orwellian red flag with self-betraying, unbridled gusto, and in so doing dug themselves even deeper into the predictable mis/dis information pit reserved for tyranny …. for example:
Ardern over the Government being forced to apologise for putting out false information over the weekend which led to thousands of Aucklanders queuing up for COVID-19 tests when they didn't need to.
"Was her Government the single source of truth when it mistakenly told 700,000 Aucklanders to get a COVID-19 test and then failed to proactively correct the record?" Collins asked.
Within 2 weeks of Ombler’s advice to Ministers, the declared position of the New Zealand government as highlighted in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) minutes of March 24, 2020 took on unambiguous authoritarian overtones that headed rapidly downhill into the unethical and ascientific.
“unprecedented nature of this global pandemic”
“opportunity to break the chain of transmission of a silent killer”
“I am fully aware that we have moved with huge speed. No other country in the world has moved to these measures with no death and so few infections. Shutting down the economy takes planning, this is what we did.”
“these moves will be enforced”
“and we will be the enforcer”
“we will not hesitate to use our enforcement powers if needed”
“we will enforce the national interest”
“If we don't unite we will be in lockdown for longer”
“Every person needs to play their part”
“Staying at home and limiting contact will save lives”
“We will be enforcing all measures”
“It is as simple as that”
Elsewhere, the advent of a global ‘re-set’ capturing an unethical, amoral, tyrannical ‘new normal’ was seen throughout the West in general and the Anglosphere in particular, although Germany appeared quite hard to surpass. It was arguably crowned off in the US by Anthony Fauci proclaiming, “I am the science.”
With the arrival of 2024, the delusional ‘new normal’ has acquired more tangible and unpleasant forms, and yet there remains a multitude of people that cannot or will not be persuaded that all is patently not well. This remains somewhat of a mystery, defined by some in spiritual terms, and by others in psychological terms, or even as a collective phenomenon of group-think described by Desmet’s ‘mass formation’.
For the moment though, let us just consider this mystery as one predicated upon indvidually conditioned delusion expressing itself in variable degrees, but nonetheless possessing the repellent and pervasive odour of intentional exploitative grooming. Whether overtly by State MSM or covertly by the ‘back door’ fiddling of alphabet agencies on social media platforms, it seems very clear that a plethora of entities are devoted to the the ruthless utilisation of the euphemism of mis/dis information to conceal and promote their malevolent objectives.
Of the omnipresent sickness or far worse, which unpredictably follows the MSM gaslighting of the requirement for an escalating number of unsafe ineffective ‘shots’, people still leaning against the proverbial death wall to face yet another needled barrel must grow weary of that endeavour and awaken to whatever residuum of survival instinct they may still own.
So what comes next then, aside from the obvious, the hubris laden date cast in the minds of supra-national megalomaniacs, 2030, the date upon which they have welded their intent and against which they appear doomed to flounder.
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
The Demise of the Fourth Estate
As the output of the greatest most pervasive and continued psy-op in human history is relentlessly ‘pushed’ by the co-opted foot soldiers of the Fourth Estate become Fifth Column, this legion of spin-meisters maintain a stream of intellectual and emotional diarrhoea explicitly designed to counter and undermine our sense of empirical observation and experienced reality. They seem quite well paid for their treacherous subservience. Nonetheless, for a growing number of millions may be even billions, their repetitive discharge has gradually had the reverse effect.
Moreover, a possibility of poetic justice also emerges here. These foot soldiers must surely appreciate that they are on the cusp of being replaced, joining a long line of allegedly ‘useless eaters’ whom they formerly decried on command. They may well come to savour the joy of flipping bug-burgers for MacInsect.
Generative AI, known for its ability to produce text, images, and videos from open-ended prompts, has been a source of both excitement and concern in recent times. There are fears about its potential to replace jobs, disrupt elections, and even overpower human control, leading to catastrophic outcomes.
Whoever controls artificial intelligence holds a significant influence over various societal aspects, including the potential to shape or restrict the flow of information, leading to censorship. AI’s capability to analyze and process vast amounts of data enables it to monitor and filter content across digital platforms. In the realm of media and communication, AI can be employed to curate personalized content, which, while beneficial for targeted advertising and user experience, can also be used to selectively suppress or promote certain information, thereby influencing public opinion and societal norms.
Moreover, AI’s role in government and surveillance systems can extend to controlling the dissemination of information, potentially leading to censorship in the name of national security or public order. This could have profound implications for freedom of speech and expression, as AI-powered systems could be used to automatically detect and suppress dissenting voices or alternative viewpoints.
The power to censor or shape the narrative through AI could be a tool for maintaining political power or suppressing opposition, making the oversight of AI in such areas a matter of great importance and one that will come to the fore as we move into 2024.
The Lobbyists Dictating AI Policy and Influencing the Future of Technology ~ By Didi Rankovic, ReclaimTheNet, Issue: December 30, 2023
The Gleaners
Glean ~ Early 14th Century., "to gather by acquisition, scrape together," especially grains left in the field after harvesting, but the earliest use in English is figurative, from Old French glener "to glean" (14c., Modern French glaner) "to glean," from Late Latin glennare "make a collection," of unknown origin.
Gleaning facts, science, critical discourse, ethics and truth has become an increasingly demanding endeavour. The MSM/social media distillate seeks to intentionally evade rationality and critical dialogue while weaving a web of manufactured incoherence designed to promote the downstream illusion of critical thinking (also think ‘controlled opposition’ here), They have a goal of hijacking and subverting critical analysis with a crafted litany of distraction and mis-direction.
While the sustained interrogation of the uniformly pathological engenders debilitating fatigue, for many a consequence is an expansion of perceptual sensitisation. People who have lived under the yoke of Marxist tyranny can see current game in town all too well.
It appears revealing to watch the mantle of ‘uniformity’ displayed by the State MSM/social media entities grow daily ever wider. Note how this expansion hermetically insulates regional blocs, erasing for example any significant glimpse of the loud and effective protests of Dutch or German farmers in New Zealand, or highlighting the long burning lithium ion battery fires on container vessels, one marooned off-shore by alarmed authorities in the US, or the inconvenient child filled cobalt ore mines of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or the silenced devastation of millions of vaxx injuries and deaths.
The faux-industry of the MSM appears doomed to become a virtual "MSM" as AI takes up the intellectual and ideological slack, while gravitating toward the uniform with just a soupçon of carefully cultivated incoherence. Thus, learning to discern authenticity, to deal critically, systematically and intuitively with actual incoherence, to tease out the signal from the noise of humanity seems an important array of skills, perceptions and sensitivities to harness and possess. It seems obvious, that AI ~ will become the manifestation of government, corporate entities, the MSM et al. ~ and it will attempt to masquerade as authentic humanity in all of these manifestations.
A challenge arises to humanity; the demonstration of its authenticity.
A Stanford professor who specializes in A.I. says it’s redefining ‘authenticity’ and it could be as revolutionary as the calculator ~ Victor R. Lee and The Conversation; May 2, 2023.
An Awakening
As we learn to return once again and congregate in communities of like minds, reaching out to others in rejecting and naming those insidious and pernicious influences that sought to undermine all of our hard earned experiential and instinctive grasp of the truly devious and tyrannical, a growing kernel of human coherence becomes a counterpoint to a virtual world that promotes delusion and social narcosis.
For many, the ‘climatism’ polemic that emerged in the early 1990’s that became the quintessential MSM monotone served as a useful sensitisation to the “safe and effective” narrative.
After all, the language of threat and its solution is well patterned.
A dire threat of an ice age (c.1960s) was rapidly replaced by the prospect of being imminently fried (1980s), the latter appearing more outlandishly fear ridden than being frozen. The ‘solutions’ to both tested against the logical fallacy of ‘reductio ad absurdum’ (‘disproof of a proposition by showing that it leads to absurd or untenable conclusions’) merely illustrated now patently ridiculous the scenarios being played out had become, and how explicitly they relied upon a rigid, preposterous, cherry picked interpretation of natural variation.
The green humanity hating purulence, possibly best expressed as the ideologically sought after impoverishment of energy, progress and life, and one that intentionally seeks to deprive millions of health, prosperity, freedom and happiness, is now a fostered and persistent MSM societal excoriation. The incarcerating diktat of supra-national entities plays out daily with grinding tedium. There seems little discernible difference from the doom laden meanderings of the IPCC, UNFCCC or UNEP to the easily recognisable “safe and effective” machinations of the WHO, WEF, CEPI, GAVI and the constellation of their incestuous corporate allies.
So rose the unfettered expansion of an ascientific hating ideology, spouting unfalsifiable climatism nonsense that grievously infected the political milieu and all aspects of civilised discourse. By 1999 the green-chant had segued into the unfalsifiable lament of climate change™, with an encompassing unfalsifiable definition that such change was the product of any direct or indirect anthropogenic influence on atmospheric composition and land usage. The falsifiable ‘mis-step’ of global warming was quickly erased. The ‘climatism’ charade was further locked into the political, institutional, and even religious milieu. The Pope pronounced forth in May 2015. Indeed, it may not be lost to some that in September 2015, the Pope further signalled his imprimatur to the UN by officially opening the 70th UN General Assembly that launched the ideological war on humanity expressed by the 2030 Agenda of UNsustainable Goals.
The corollaries with BigPharma are easy to see, as is the web of interconnecting and intersecting supra-national entities devoted to expanding their noxious influence and control. ESG scores may well come to routinely embrace pharma/medical compliance.
Welcome to “Zero Carbon”
The data defying fix was in and it was deadly
“Zero carbon” … as profoundly nonsensical as it is noxious to life on Earth while managing to be reminiscent of the infamous axiom ‘Arbeit macht Frei’ (Lorenz Diefenbach 1873), although, and let’s be clear here, its intent appears to conceal similar terminal consequences. The sinister implication of Zero-carbon should not be lost in the daily noise.
The Necessity of Carbon
All life on this glorious and wonderful Earth requires the wondrous element of carbon with all its stunning organic compounds and its useful, formidable and glittering allotropes. Carbon laces the universe. From chondritic meteorites ~ carbonaceous chondrites ~ to the lakes of ethane and methane rain on Titan, to the Earth’s own infinite sources of upwelling abiogenic oil. Carbon in its many forms is quite literally everywhere, including the magnificent plant fertiliser, carbon dioxide. Of its most blessed expression is humanity itself. It takes no imagination to comprehend the explicit term, ‘zero carbon’.
Whether in resource rich Africa, paid to remain stagnant, poor and power impoverished or in the January winter frigidity of the government sponsored down trodden dependents of Glasgow, the new-age ‘solution’ has a smell, look and feel that appears similar to the extremes witnessed in the 20th Century. Only this time the scale defies comprehension.
The Threat Clear And Present Danger Of 2024
In this 5th Gen war against all mankind, it is clear that the MSM has abandoned any attempt of pretense by irretreivably deserting its former role of independent critical commentary, described as the ‘Fourth Estate’, to become a ‘Fifth Column’, against the wider populace, and succumbing instead to the bribery and blackmail of its governmental, bureaucratic and corporate masters.
This year may attempt an unfettered assault on the control of information. The inconvenience of truth and facts may become obscured by monikers of information and disinformation. The State stage props may be further augmented by the use of AI (artificial “intelligence”), although ‘intelligence’ in this setting might be better understood to refer to the product of State and corporate sponsored surveillance, as opposed to native wit. State information resources and governance may be used to continue the genuflection toward supra-national subservience.
The New Zealand Prime Minister (Ardern) and her cabinet office accompanied an ill-defined coterie of bureaucrats, politicians and ministers appear as a surrogate WEF regime embarked upon the control of information and ultimately dissent, debate and discourse. Free speech becomes redundant if disagreement is labeled as mis- or dis- information. Such is the Alinsky-esque means of delegitmisation.
The WEF totalitarians closely embrace BigPharma and they obviously embrace BigTech. As written in the New Zealand National Security Long-term Insights Briefing (October 2022) they spruiked with blatant temerity their dismissal of any and all reasons for rejecting Pfizer injections, blaming “hesitancy” on Russian psy-ops.
And I thought comedy had become unfashionable.
Post Script
An unmissable short read ~ see the above link by Prof Martin Neil, Professor of computer science and statistics at Queen Mary, University of London. UK.
"Fifth-generation warfare is a strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare: The Corbett Report. 28/03/2022
Thanks for putting the time into this nice post. About the wherearethenumbers SS, Just put this on your shelf with a tag because Fenton & Neil are strong virus, covid, and infection pushers (they say these in their own post), and ignore calls for no-virus discussion:
5... 4... 3... 2... 1 Anything can happen in the next half-century!