Did any large groups of specific workers strike on these do-or-else pronouncements? That was the way to go.

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May 20·edited May 20Author

Had anymore than a few still possessing a spleen been involved, perhaps. Sadly, there were thousands of health 'workers' awarded exemptions, while the rest either succumbed or left their occupations, livelihoods and income. It remains to the present an unadulterated tragedy and manifest demonstration of tyranny, in addition to an enthusiastic, unmitigated embrace from the wider, wilfully uninformed, incredibly compliant populace.

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by DrLatusDextro

Why would a health worker be awarded an exemption and others not? That would make no sense if there was a real virus and real and effective vaccine. Oh I forgot, things that don't make sense are the most logical.

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Absolutely, except that is lost on most.

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It's probably because their union didn't fold like a coward.

In the USA, unions are very weak in comparison and most of them sold us out or were silent even though adding a mandate should have given them bargaining power, they just let it happen.

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The union or coalesced group (a number of medical specialists for example, is I understand noted) dodged the shots. They possessed the political power to hold the system to ransom. The politicians social licence is a fragile thing, easily smashed by a little judiciously applied leverage. If sufficient people were aware of this, the future could be better assured!

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Unless the worker was exposed and had natural immunity, oh I forget, they denied that too!

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Humans are the most suggestible of animals.

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Interesting. Perhaps we are. But then again, with little to fight and survive with except hands and intellect, threat mitigation/avoidance/recall seems an easy mid-brain function to co-opt.

Nonetheless, once bitten twice shy?

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May 20Liked by DrLatusDextro

I recall the language in the US (esp. as coming from Fauci- to be hedged to such a degree that it seemed to me to be crafted in such a manner that if it were ever later called into question- it would be deemed indeterminate enough to deflect assignment culpability -I believe they were once called 'Weasel Words'

They must continue on all fronts now- something ( even if it's not another Venomous Virus)

will take hold, until its head is severed.

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Separating "reptilian" heads from their posturing, slithering bodies appears an effective antidote to calculating insanity?

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by DrLatusDextro

yes, and don't be misled by their autotomic shed...


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Humans are so easily controlled... that they must be controlled

This is why we must be lied to e.g. https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-three-pillars-of-bullshit

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Yep - in Ontario so many medical professionals refused the Rat Juice that the govt was forced to drop the mandates.


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May 20·edited May 20Liked by DrLatusDextro

Just looked at it FE, you knew they never found a virus-any virus ever-right? If you think they did, can you send a paper of a purified isolated virus particle, thanks.

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May 20Liked by DrLatusDextro

New Zealanders proved themselves to be the weakest most compliant sheep in the world. The biggest surprise was how fast they would throw their neighbours under the jab bus. Bastards.

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Regrettably your observation has distinct and troubling merit. Snitching and dobbing in became a vaunted past time for many, encouraged by politicians and police alike. The spinelessness of so many flightless Kiwis appears profoundly underwhelming.

"New Zealand police website for snitching on people breaking coronavirus lockdown crashes due to popularity" https://reclaimthenet.org/new-zealand-snitching-website-crashes

"SNITCH CITY: New Zealand Site Crashes as Locals Rush to Report Rule-Breaking Neighbors Amid Lockdown." https://www.governmentslaves.news/snitch-city-new-zealand-site-crashes-as-locals-rush-to-report-rule-breaking-neighbors-amid-lockdown/

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These kinds of ̷p̷e̷o̷p̷l̷e̷ monsters are so repulsive, so infuriating, so base as to seriously test one’s morality.

Would anyone have a link to that video?

Here's more such degenerates: https://www.bitchute.com/video/aC4VK4b5Uz3f/

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Here you are Richard: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MkdaMFy2QjOg/

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Thank you Dextro, will use snippets to add to my video.

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I was living in NZ when the Rat Juice was rolled out. Everyone had a choice. Yes many would lose their jobs if they refused but hey - if someone asks you to inject an untested product developed in less than a year you walk from the job and work it out.

We sponsored two kids from the slums to attend school in NZ... both rejected the Rat Juice... they risked being sent back to the slums because they would lose their student visa status. Everything was at stake. But they chose not to inject

What they did was went to every business in town that did not require a Rat Juice vaccine... both got hired and sponsored and they worked through Covid ... then when the mandates were lifted they returned to school.

Not easy ... but doable.

How many people taking the Rat Juice risked being sent back to a 3rd world slum if they refused?

Again - everyone had a choice. A difficult choice but non the less... there were options

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May 21·edited May 21Author

FE, what you say is correct. There is a choice. The inhuman politician agrees wholeheartedly. Nonetheless, the political "choice" here is a ‘Claytons’ choice” – a choice that exists in name only and isn't genuine. Politically framed it intentionally placed a multitude of people between a rock and a hard place.

Next time perhaps, one imagines many more Kiwis maybe 'twice shy' and aware of the political choices on display. Then the politicians may come to perceive their incipient loss of social licence; therein lies their serpentine achilles heel.

Enormous kudos for your sponsored kids! They are the "Right Stuff" the future of humanity is built upon.

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Agree - it's an inhumane choice... that never should have had to have been made.

That said ... it was necessary ... because UEP needs loads of vaxxed up people for it to succeed


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May 20Liked by DrLatusDextro

Totally agree. Choices have consequences, whether immediate or delayed. Choices to stand up to tyranny at the outset have immediate consequences. Choices to comply with tyranny have delayed consequences. The latter is worse for human society, the former is better.

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how inspiring to read that

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"There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices."

I've been thinking on this for awhile. I can't speak for New Zealand, but as an "American" living in the hell that is NY state during the "covid me-too freakout" and one who refused the bioweapon shots, and suffered many consequences because of it - chiefly the loss of my job, I believe there is some truth in the above statement. The ones who had no choice in taking the shots were children and those in nursing homes. Everyone else really did have a choice. Sure the choice seemed like no choice, if that meant you lost your job, or couldn't travel, or would lose years and money of schooling, or couldn't visit someone in the hospital or nursing home (God sees that last one as the most hideous). But people still could have refused and suffered those consequences and many people did.

Four years of complete isolation from society for being a shotless leper, which for me continues to this day as I will never work in my "career" field again for making my choice of refusing the shots. I made a choice and suffered the immediate consequences. Those who took the shots made a choice and are now suffering the delayed consequences. Choices equal consequences, always.

Does that mean that the assholes who forced others to make such awful choices are blameless? HELL NO! They have already been judged and I wouldn't want to be them when they finally stand before God (and they will).

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excellent points

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Thank you, you have articulated well.....thoughts of workplace bullying and micro managing spring to my mind......similar MO. They are shortening our dog chain one link at a time and I'm trying to prepare my kennel for when the time comes again.

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