
Paul Henry ~ New Zealand broadcaster, June 12, 2024


"I think this country is deeply in the sh*t." | Paul Henry at Change Makers

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Jun 14Liked by DrLatusDextro

It is a sad little country with way too many sheep

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There are good and righteous people fighting the good fight. There is nonetheless, a legion of compliant, coerced, and conned; underpinned by the cultivated snitchers and dobbers.

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The thing is ...

They referred to Ardern as 'Jessica'... as if she was their kind auntie... and they voted that dumb bitch in droves...

I know a senior cop who knows people .... and her hubby was without a doubt dealing gear... they were told to back off ... of course he was under house arrest for awhile -- cuz?

Oh and there was his knocking up of the fresh young nanny... how hard is that to believe when the other option is that scrawny drug addict of a wife?

Auntie Jessica hahahaha what a f789ing joke... even worse than Trudough

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

There is so much one might say. Let's keep it axiomatic and short?

The voters got exactly what they wanted, the comic book political parody; an overpaid globalist masquerading as a champagne socialist, armed by Pfizer with indemnified needled barrels, pontificating ad nauseam at the UN about misinformation, and leaving New Zealand, predictably, in the lurch.


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The snitchers were the thing that killed my love and affinity for my people and country.

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I lived in NZ for 8 yrs... and have a passport... For much of that time I had to endure the drug addicted F789tard otherwise known as Ardern (watch this https://youtu.be/m6kVzxtzY-8)

The final straw came when a cop pulled me over for overtaking a vehicle travelling at 55km per hour in a 100 zone... 'on a solid yellow line'... I was certain it was not a solid line but was late for the playoff game in our local sports league so I initially let it go (although I did ask him if he took pride in the way the police handled the protests in Wellington... who were trying to stop the mandates that were imposed on the police and others.... he told me that he worked the protests...)

On the way home I checked and most definitely it was not a solid line. So I disputed the charge sending in a photo of the broken line ... 3 months later the cop submits a photo of a solid line 1km further up the road from where the incident happened - at an intersection... obviously totally insane to overtake at an intersection and surely that would carry a dangerous driving penalty.

I was unable to make the court date due to a work trip overseas... and because this was the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of my affinity for NZ (and willingness to continue paying taxes and conducting any business in that country)....

I did the following:

1. I served notice to a NZ company handling significant volumes of coding support for one of our companies. This would result in at least two high paying jobs being lost (150k ish per year each)... and offshored the work to eastern Europe where most of our coding is done (for much cheaper).

I sent the officer who lied an email informing him of this. Before doing so I attended the police station and asked if doing this would blow back on me ... the officer there said so long as you do not threaten the officer you are all good... he said the officer would not care about that ... and he suggested I was being a bit extreme and should think about the jobs lost.... my response was -- that's the problem -- he won't care .... which is why I am doing this ... I am also doing this because it is the only option I have when the state f789s me... so I am f789ing the state... because the state is rotten... and rotten states fail...

2. I put the wheels in motion selling all property we own in NZ.... and we exited permanently in early 2024. Good riddance... I suppose I have something in common with Ardern because she's abandoned the sinking ship as well.

Now I'm just sitting back watching as I see the country going to pieces.... the property market is down over 20% and on the precipice of an implosion ... I am told jobs are getting very difficult to find....

Like I said ... this is what rot brings... and I will not feed the rot.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

Currently people are leaving the country at a very high level, but somewhat disguised by the number being imported, although when about half of a rural/urban community are now from elsewhere far afield, it begins to look rather obvious. The collapsing economy and sabotaged production may well founder the housing market as you suggest. Meanwhile the corporate and supranational entities continue their attempted coup. One is tempted to run for the hills, but presently, where to? If 'they' turn nuclear, suggested here, then the musical chairs may come to a grinding halt? https://cairnsnews.org/2024/06/15/the-sum-of-all-fears-is-here-steve-quayle-and-mike-adams-on-the-nuclear-annihilation-of-the-west/

The globalists may use this as their, 'we can save the World' moment, but in everything they have implemented so far they appear to epitomize over-reach and ample hubris as they descend further into economic, social, ethical, biological and moral chaos and the many numerous unintended consequences.

Wishing you well and saluting such direct, decisive action, which surely must often be repeated now.

;-) your favourite constable may have already crossed the ditch for more pay!

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Good job

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