Moderna had issues with multi dose gene therapy before any spike...
Also, isn't it odd that even the non mRNA vaccines have the same clotting and myocarditis risks?
It makes me think that even the non mRNA shots are using a similar peg based lipid "carrier".
Keep in mind that past vaccines weren't associated much with clotting or myocarditis. They have other big side effects, like allergies, neurological issues, etc.
The LNPs are the replacement for the aluminum (and some mercury) toxic adjuvants which were being scrutinized.
If only the doctors who call out the jabs could stop repeating unproven assertions based on the idea that mRNA works at all, they could see that it's the toxic carrier causing issues.
But then, a lot of these doctors still think past aluminum etc vaccines are safe.
They have yet to connect the dots that toxicity is the problem, not pseudo-science sci fi genetic bullshit.
Thank you. Of note, (WEF/BMGF) CEPI funding Clover Biopharmaceutical developing their novel Aluminium oxide Al2O3 adjuvant trimeric cocktail. Bravo! Meanwhile, Moderna chasing approval on dozens of LNP platformed shots (just a nod as the 'safety' has already been demonstrated) while CEPI declares the magic of its 100 day woe to go mRNA/LNP sequence switchable platform.
PS. The docs love their expensive toys. New number plate on a Tesla III in the BOP, VAX1
The number one guy on aluminum research on health effects is on substack... They shut down his study a bit before he was going to come up with the conclusion. (Most people with Alzheimer's have high aluminum concentrations in the brain. Similar with his research into dead autistic brains... ).
Now it makes sense, they're still pushing aluminum. Heck, they still use mercury in flu jabs?! It's pure insanity and inevitable that it will fail because of the huge lies today vs with past vaccines.
The worrying increasing incidence of autism and similar disorders related to degradation of associational neurons in the developing brain will come to haunt what's left of humanity by the time we get through this. We're arguably looking at the death knell of 'vaccines' brought about through unfettered greed for power, control and money, driving consequent over-reach. The mRNA/LNP platform is DOA.
"The non sequitur included here highlights that vaxx status appears to have been specifically omitted from Article 19."
Interesting tidbit from my own life. In 2019 I was taking some HR sexual harassment course online required for my job. I remember my eye being drawn to the list of "items" Saab, Inc. (my ex-workplace) did not discriminate against and vaxx status was one on the list. OK. Fast forward two years later and when Saab, Inc. forced everyone to take the bioweapon shots, I searched in vain for that same list and found that it had been removed. Everyone got the same memo. Protected statuses are only protected when the PTB want them protected.
Excellent response of appalling corporate duplicity, N, thank you. The 'fluid' nature of corporate "principles" (which may be amended or deleted any time ~ think Budweiser, Gillette, Banks etc.. think ESG scores) turns them into invertebrate virtue signalling Swiss cheese. New Zealand Bill of Rights much the same; ie. 8. Right not to be deprived of life; 9 Right not to be subjected to torture or cruel treatment; 10 Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation; 11 Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment; all flushed down the khazi without a murmur from parliamentarians who gleefully imposed injection mandates.
Given that nations are now corporate entities none of this should surprise us.
Nice post. FYI, no one has found mRNA in the vaxes. the biodistribution study only looked at NLPs not what was in them. There has never been a purification of mRNA study or mRNA to Spike dose-response study. If you have these pls share and keep up the good work!
Yes it is. Still, with an audience in mind and knowing the complex cellular biology, and many others dealing with the topic most excellently, I tread a lighter road.
Thank you PM. I realise that vial variability is legion and poorly defined as a result. I note a report of vials with microRNA, and another: '8/8 monovalent vaccines sourced from a single case from a single lot of Pfizer monovalent vaccines all fail the EMA specification of 3030:1 RNA:DNA (330ng/mg DNA/RNA). They are over the limit by an order of magnitude (18-70 fold). The DNA contamination is very consistent and the vial to vial ratio of RNA:DNA is very consistent within the same lot of monovalent vaccines'.
The implication appears that some RNA (albeit far below spec) is present?
ok thanks. I have asked anandamide this to see if there is info because I could not find the DNase data he describes for a vax and wonder if the data he presents is about the process itself or if there is data about a vax:
Hello, and thank you for the post. Can you provide
1. a link to a paper that shows this for LNPs in one of the Covid shots being used,
"We instead see a 0.77CT and a 0.4CT offset which implies less than half of the DNA is in solution and the majority packaged in Nuclease resistant LNPs which will slip right through any ‘Fortress’ door."
The Halma paper was only a review and did not itself do the LNP study. [and the paper keeps talking about the never found Sar-Cov-2 as if it actually exists]
2. Any paper showing that the DNA and/or RNA in a Covid shot content codes for and/or transcribes/produces spike protein and a dose-response curve for this?
Given RNA epigenetic variability (Willbanks A, Wood S, Cheng JX. RNA Epigenetics: Fine-Tuning Chromatin Plasticity and Transcriptional Regulation, and the Implications in Human Diseases. Genes 2021, 12, 627. and the already observed immunological unpredictability of shots (Evolution of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody and IgG Avidity Post Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccinations. Bliden, Liu, Sreedhar et al.; July 2, 2021), I do doubt a contention of generalisable 𝛿d/𝛿r exists or if it is claimed, it may be fraudulent. ie.; tucked away in Bliden and colleagues 'Conclusion': "We did observe highly variable immune responses including those with well below average anti-RBD IgG levels and avidity. It is therefore important to monitor immune responses at the individualized and personalized level, identify those who are still at risk even after vaccination, and provide meaningful measures to protect them from infections."
Question: Vial compositional variation or patient variation or both?
it notes, "screening for anti-S or anti-RBD antibodies can be used to search for the presence of humoral immune markers after a Covid infection..."
So this means that ant-RBD is just more fraud because there is no Sars-C-2 thus no S1 and thus no RBD. Ergo, there is no immune response to non-existent made-up entities.
Now our friend Ananda has not replied yet about his DNase in LNP post yet. But since I cant find any paper to support his grim-reefer study in a covid vax (and even if I could that doesnt prove the DNA codes for spike nor that there is mRNA in the shots), and he made such a convoluted post with many distracting links about a relatively simple concept, I'm feeling worse than after a jet coaster ride.
"According to current medical knowledge, the time that these markers are present (post-disease or post-vaccination) is not yet known, nor is their formal efficacy (however, reinfection rates appear to be anecdotal with respect to the number of infections reported worldwide)."
Horrible uncertainty that also undermines generalisability.
And, I am haunted by the obvious, that formal controls seem beyond extremely thin on the ground, actually absent.
I'm with you on the virus issue. Throwing a few selective Abs up without controls (S v N Abs) can be interpreted in a number of ways not requiring any "virus" presence.
PS there MUST be an mRNA dose-response relationship for everything mRNA makes otherwise we would be dead. Either the d-r curve is linear or curvilinear it doesnt matter, IT MUST GO UP FROM THE START OF ZERO. If there is NO d-r then the only conclusion is there is no mRNA in the shots and/or the entire theory of mRNA making proteins is gonzo.
And if they could not measure this d-r, then they cant say that they made shots of mRNA making spike, as how would they know? ITS ALL NONSENSE PROPAGANDA.
I thought (if I recall correctly) that Kevin McKernan undertook a Pfizer vial analysis showing variability of composition and deviation of composition from claimed composition and regulation quantities of mRNA and most problematic (to regulators) microRNA and DNA. There's an article about this on substack I recall reading.
It's all deeply unethical and a distraction from the fact that mass injection was mobilised in a global assault.
Nice stuff on the issues with the LNPs.
Moderna had issues with multi dose gene therapy before any spike...
Also, isn't it odd that even the non mRNA vaccines have the same clotting and myocarditis risks?
It makes me think that even the non mRNA shots are using a similar peg based lipid "carrier".
Keep in mind that past vaccines weren't associated much with clotting or myocarditis. They have other big side effects, like allergies, neurological issues, etc.
The LNPs are the replacement for the aluminum (and some mercury) toxic adjuvants which were being scrutinized.
If only the doctors who call out the jabs could stop repeating unproven assertions based on the idea that mRNA works at all, they could see that it's the toxic carrier causing issues.
But then, a lot of these doctors still think past aluminum etc vaccines are safe.
They have yet to connect the dots that toxicity is the problem, not pseudo-science sci fi genetic bullshit.
Thank you. Of note, (WEF/BMGF) CEPI funding Clover Biopharmaceutical developing their novel Aluminium oxide Al2O3 adjuvant trimeric cocktail. Bravo! Meanwhile, Moderna chasing approval on dozens of LNP platformed shots (just a nod as the 'safety' has already been demonstrated) while CEPI declares the magic of its 100 day woe to go mRNA/LNP sequence switchable platform.
PS. The docs love their expensive toys. New number plate on a Tesla III in the BOP, VAX1
The number one guy on aluminum research on health effects is on substack... They shut down his study a bit before he was going to come up with the conclusion. (Most people with Alzheimer's have high aluminum concentrations in the brain. Similar with his research into dead autistic brains... ).
Now it makes sense, they're still pushing aluminum. Heck, they still use mercury in flu jabs?! It's pure insanity and inevitable that it will fail because of the huge lies today vs with past vaccines.
The worrying increasing incidence of autism and similar disorders related to degradation of associational neurons in the developing brain will come to haunt what's left of humanity by the time we get through this. We're arguably looking at the death knell of 'vaccines' brought about through unfettered greed for power, control and money, driving consequent over-reach. The mRNA/LNP platform is DOA.
"The non sequitur included here highlights that vaxx status appears to have been specifically omitted from Article 19."
Interesting tidbit from my own life. In 2019 I was taking some HR sexual harassment course online required for my job. I remember my eye being drawn to the list of "items" Saab, Inc. (my ex-workplace) did not discriminate against and vaxx status was one on the list. OK. Fast forward two years later and when Saab, Inc. forced everyone to take the bioweapon shots, I searched in vain for that same list and found that it had been removed. Everyone got the same memo. Protected statuses are only protected when the PTB want them protected.
Excellent response of appalling corporate duplicity, N, thank you. The 'fluid' nature of corporate "principles" (which may be amended or deleted any time ~ think Budweiser, Gillette, Banks etc.. think ESG scores) turns them into invertebrate virtue signalling Swiss cheese. New Zealand Bill of Rights much the same; ie. 8. Right not to be deprived of life; 9 Right not to be subjected to torture or cruel treatment; 10 Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation; 11 Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment; all flushed down the khazi without a murmur from parliamentarians who gleefully imposed injection mandates.
Given that nations are now corporate entities none of this should surprise us.
Nice post. FYI, no one has found mRNA in the vaxes. the biodistribution study only looked at NLPs not what was in them. There has never been a purification of mRNA study or mRNA to Spike dose-response study. If you have these pls share and keep up the good work!
It's worse --
Yes it is. Still, with an audience in mind and knowing the complex cellular biology, and many others dealing with the topic most excellently, I tread a lighter road.
Thank you PM. I realise that vial variability is legion and poorly defined as a result. I note a report of vials with microRNA, and another: '8/8 monovalent vaccines sourced from a single case from a single lot of Pfizer monovalent vaccines all fail the EMA specification of 3030:1 RNA:DNA (330ng/mg DNA/RNA). They are over the limit by an order of magnitude (18-70 fold). The DNA contamination is very consistent and the vial to vial ratio of RNA:DNA is very consistent within the same lot of monovalent vaccines'.
The implication appears that some RNA (albeit far below spec) is present?
ok thanks. I have asked anandamide this to see if there is info because I could not find the DNase data he describes for a vax and wonder if the data he presents is about the process itself or if there is data about a vax:
Hello, and thank you for the post. Can you provide
1. a link to a paper that shows this for LNPs in one of the Covid shots being used,
"We instead see a 0.77CT and a 0.4CT offset which implies less than half of the DNA is in solution and the majority packaged in Nuclease resistant LNPs which will slip right through any ‘Fortress’ door."
The Halma paper was only a review and did not itself do the LNP study. [and the paper keeps talking about the never found Sar-Cov-2 as if it actually exists]
2. Any paper showing that the DNA and/or RNA in a Covid shot content codes for and/or transcribes/produces spike protein and a dose-response curve for this?
Thank you PM.
Re. 'dose-response curve'. I smiled at this.
Given RNA epigenetic variability (Willbanks A, Wood S, Cheng JX. RNA Epigenetics: Fine-Tuning Chromatin Plasticity and Transcriptional Regulation, and the Implications in Human Diseases. Genes 2021, 12, 627. and the already observed immunological unpredictability of shots (Evolution of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody and IgG Avidity Post Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccinations. Bliden, Liu, Sreedhar et al.; July 2, 2021), I do doubt a contention of generalisable 𝛿d/𝛿r exists or if it is claimed, it may be fraudulent. ie.; tucked away in Bliden and colleagues 'Conclusion': "We did observe highly variable immune responses including those with well below average anti-RBD IgG levels and avidity. It is therefore important to monitor immune responses at the individualized and personalized level, identify those who are still at risk even after vaccination, and provide meaningful measures to protect them from infections."
Question: Vial compositional variation or patient variation or both?
Ok thanks for the info Latus. If you see here
it notes, "screening for anti-S or anti-RBD antibodies can be used to search for the presence of humoral immune markers after a Covid infection..."
So this means that ant-RBD is just more fraud because there is no Sars-C-2 thus no S1 and thus no RBD. Ergo, there is no immune response to non-existent made-up entities.
Now our friend Ananda has not replied yet about his DNase in LNP post yet. But since I cant find any paper to support his grim-reefer study in a covid vax (and even if I could that doesnt prove the DNA codes for spike nor that there is mRNA in the shots), and he made such a convoluted post with many distracting links about a relatively simple concept, I'm feeling worse than after a jet coaster ride.
The eurofins site also states:
"According to current medical knowledge, the time that these markers are present (post-disease or post-vaccination) is not yet known, nor is their formal efficacy (however, reinfection rates appear to be anecdotal with respect to the number of infections reported worldwide)."
Horrible uncertainty that also undermines generalisability.
And, I am haunted by the obvious, that formal controls seem beyond extremely thin on the ground, actually absent.
I'm with you on the virus issue. Throwing a few selective Abs up without controls (S v N Abs) can be interpreted in a number of ways not requiring any "virus" presence.
PS there MUST be an mRNA dose-response relationship for everything mRNA makes otherwise we would be dead. Either the d-r curve is linear or curvilinear it doesnt matter, IT MUST GO UP FROM THE START OF ZERO. If there is NO d-r then the only conclusion is there is no mRNA in the shots and/or the entire theory of mRNA making proteins is gonzo.
And if they could not measure this d-r, then they cant say that they made shots of mRNA making spike, as how would they know? ITS ALL NONSENSE PROPAGANDA.
I thought (if I recall correctly) that Kevin McKernan undertook a Pfizer vial analysis showing variability of composition and deviation of composition from claimed composition and regulation quantities of mRNA and most problematic (to regulators) microRNA and DNA. There's an article about this on substack I recall reading.
It's all deeply unethical and a distraction from the fact that mass injection was mobilised in a global assault.
My posts will remain free. Hopefully a glitch. Please try again.