Can You Sense The Great Unraveling?
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Winston Churchill, The Lord Mayor’s Luncheon, Mansion House, November 10, 1942
One is probably like many, ‘recalibrating’. This is euphemism to be sure. Exactly what the potential end-point of this personal trajectory looks like remains uncertain, not unlike the vagaries of the times in which we find ourselves. However, as one breathes, one strives to remain edgily positive and in greater possession of a ‘glass half full’ than awhile back.
I have never considered for one moment that the calculating and pernicious purveyors of 21st Century evil, whether Malthusian Marxists or Davos Man company-store capitalists, and all those who calculated, instigated and perpetrated the global needled assault would come to reluctantly rest on their laurels. Nor did I think that an even larger clichéd mass of over-paid useful idiots, embodied by the brazenly impervious medical jabsters would pause or even appear to pause from their assault. They have not. As for the punters though, they do appear somewhat less interested.
Progress? Maybe.
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print (
No surprises. Actually, there never were any, even after the extraordinary ‘APPENDIX 1. LIST OF [1200] ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST’ of the Pfizer 6 month redacted report. Did you expect anything different?
I was not disappointed, nor did I set myself up for disappointment. Things do seem so much clearer now. One knows where the trip wires and booby traps lie, and one can generally finger the proverbial enemy, even sensing it lurking in the shadows.
We inhabit a socially fractured World, now bizarrely splintered every which way to Sunday. It is a World of the conned, coerced and compliant, and their pecksniffian legion of enablers. And yet here we still remain, three wheels on our wagon, the long suffering, enduring, hardy bruised souls with their vital and vibrating bull-schitt antennas epigenetically, experientially or spiritually installed. We who daily suppress the intellectual and emotional vomitus induced by a litany of orchestrated lying and endless distraction, of gaslighting and astroturfing, of relentless propaganda and force-fed indoctrination, we’re still rolling on.
We can see through the disgusting bathos of “safe and effective” all the way through to the ludicrous conniving occlusion and devastating consequences of a monstrous attempt to jab the entire world, for quite literally no reason, here, here and here.
There obviously exists a plethora of ulterior motives designed to foster a twisted and sickening globalist utopia (see below), but to those aware, the globalist narrative is stripped bare, exposing an ideological chancre, its putrid fragility for all to see. It is a biological, social, economic, moral, ethical and evolutionary dead-end.
Desperate Times Mean Desperate Measures
The following exemplar is a red-flag example of the attempt to re-write history, together with a robust range of further ‘problems’. The ridiculous title gives it away. People who sell stuff know only too well that -99 is very persuasive metric. Others have already reviewed and rebutted this “99 million” paper, for example, here.
While keen to avoid circling the drain (aka. nothing new to be seen there), one found it irresistible to take took a look at the paper in question for my own satisfaction (COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals ~ Faksova, K. et al.).
Several “concerns” immediately manifested themselves. First, the paper was received by Vaccine on 29 January 2024 and astonishingly accepted the following day, 30 January 2024. No revisions were required. For a complex paper with an author line of of 35 named contributors claiming a data base of 99 million vaccinated individuals and a $10.15M price tag, one can only say that whatever masqueraded as ‘peer’ review could not have reasonably extended beyond a ticked box? Such, it seems, is ‘pal’ review.
Second, the funding sources of the paper reveal an unbelievable concentration of vested interests harboring a potential mountain of bias. Indeed, as declared by the paper the chief funding source rests with the US CDC and HHS.
The GCoVS project is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totalling US$10,108,491 with 100 % per cent funded by CDC/HHS.
Third, the 35 study authors make an interesting list as does their ‘Declaration of competing interest.’ Numbered amongst them a well identified academic renowned for her fervent embrace of the WEF jabster bandwagon, yes, you probably guessed it, the New Zealand doyen of vaccines, Helen Petousis-Harris from the School of Population Health, University of Auckland, and Global Vaccine Data Network, Global Coordinating Centre (GVDN® ), Auckland.
She is listed as a GVDN site lead. Quite the vaccine star. She also features in the line-up of the Observed vs. Expected methodological development Work Group seminal to the methodology of this paper. She reported that financial support was provided by New Zealand Ministry of Health and that she has served on expert advisory boards (for example, the Brighton Collaboration that constructed the SPEAC protocol itself: see previous article) and had speaking engagements for Pfizer and GSK. She has also received research funding from GSK.
Fourth, the Global Vaccine Data Network, Global Coordinating Centre (GVDN®), Auckland NZ is an ensemble that derived its “seed” funding from none other than the Gates Foundation, and they benefit from research grants hosted by UniServices, a corporation owned by University of Auckland, just thrilled to declare that it was able to train 29,592 COVID-19 vaccinators.
Fifth; in April 2021, the GVDN® received significant funding from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for project over three years, entitled Global Covid Vaccine Safety (GCoVS). In August 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention granted additional funding to extend the GCoVS project by two years and expand the number of sites participating globally. Moreover, funding for New Zealand focused research has also been received from the New Zealand government, in the well clad guise of the “Ministry of Health.”
These people are literally swimming in an Olympic pool of largesse, of vested interests and of funding circularity. The display here beggars belief, but once again for those aware there are and can be no surprises. ‘Circling the drain’ as I have already have mentioned is a very tedious and repetitious past time.
….Back To The ‘Study’
Interestingly, this uncontrolled retrospective observational study makes no attempt to use a matched control population, (ie. unjabbed people). One might speculate that in the recruitment of unjabbed controls it would perhaps have been construed as an open concession by the NZ government in general, and PM Ardern and her institutionalised WEF sponsors in particular, that they had failed in their brutal and coercive attempt to jab the entire NZ population? …failure is a well lit bridge too far for the institutionalized BigPharma and Gates captured academics, and certainly the MSM State propaganda. There would be no virtue signalling to be found on that road.
Further, anticipating the results of a properly controlled and methodologically sound study designed to capture death, sickness and injury from the jabs, which was founded on an unequivocal and blinded differentiation between jab recipients and unjabbed controls would quite reasonably, one opines, have been utterly damning. Whether prospective or retrospective, such a study would have lent irrefutable causal wind to the mountain of recorded injuries and deaths, predictive physiological, immunological and genetic studies, and all the deleterious emergent and circumstantially consequential data.
So instead, “expected” AESI rates were obtained from participating sites using pre-COVID-19 vaccination healthcare data stratified by age and sex, while observed rates were reported from the same healthcare datasets since COVID-19 vaccination program rollout.
This is of course a statistical dodge purporting to compare apples with apples but instead, actually engineers a statistical justification of making an ‘apples with lemons’ comparison. It is in other words, a statistical contrivance.
For God’s sake, the recipients of the novel synthetic polynucleotide and lipid nanoparticled shots were de novo recipients of de novo shots for something so thoroughly ill-tested and malevolently imposed no amount of usual AESI “expectation” could possibly predict or reveal the carnage that had and will continue to occur. And just tough luck if you didn’t make the 42 day cut-off after a shot. Many people with ‘turbo’ cancers, more slowly developing autoimmune conditions, or neurodegenerative conditions will be omitted, not to mention the legion of bafflement who simply dropped in their boots or in their bed on day 43 or sometime after that, day 60 or day 100.
And…..the authors have had to concede in print that:
The results from our study should, however, be interpreted considering multiple limitations.
The under reporting would seem truly colossal. I think in this deeply contrived instance, one could safely start at 100%. The Harvard Vaccine Injury Study revealed a fewer that 1% report rate in VAERS (Principal Investigator: Lazarus, Ross. Team members: Michael Klompas. Performing Organization: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.). See commentary: A Harvard Vaccine Injury Study conducted from 2007 to 2010, reveals on page 6 a fewer than 1 % report rate in VAERS.
So, Faksova, K. et al., the authors of this study, are again forced to concede that,
Potential under reporting across countries may have led to an underestimation of the significance of potential safety signals.
They are however, careful to downplay the ‘under reporting’ by using the adjective “potential” when they will likely know exactly the opposite. Still, with the US CDC/HHS paymasters to satisfy the fix seems in for the moment.
It’s now down to the punters and their innate sense of survival.
Finally, the rank absurdity of the “13 conditions” claimed in the paper to represent an AESI of specific relevance to the [insert: alleged ] current landscape of real-world vaccine pharmacovigilance [insert: remember that there were >1200 in Appendix 1 of the Pfizer 6 month document and billions of injectees ! ] that were selected from the list compiled by the Brighton Collaboration SPEAC Project. This assertion may be generously described as one that possesses the appearance of ethical bankruptcy, namely an attempt to legitimize the installation of a structural reporting system designed to dis-incentivise the act of reporting an adverse event. I have written about this about previously (2022) and highlighted the unethical game in play.
The goal here in the application of the scientifically rigorous, many paged SPEAC protocol is to exclude the routine, usual practice of administration of multiple novel mRNA Pfizer injections in an uncontrolled public health experiment from the probability of exposing their causal association with a serious adverse event or death.
While seemingly “scientifically” justified by cruel and inhumane individuals, such a dichotomy of standard remains horribly and despicably unethical.
These individuals exclude the risk of a causal association by scrupulously and methodically identifying the presence of the tiniest slither of chance, bias or confounding in any given case of injury or death. In this paradoxical manner then, a routine clinical practice (actually a running ad hoc uncontrolled experiment) evades close scrutiny while claiming rigorous scrutiny.
What else is circling the drain?
Huge Financial Shock Inevitable & Hitting Now – Ed Dowd
The interview here with Ed Dowd is interesting and useful because it may help to illuminate some of the fiscal issues at play. Here we see the titanic imbroglio of debt that promises to eventually morph into the greatest financial jig of all time. At some point it seems that the jig will run out of musical chairs and the global debt parasite, which subsists on a gigantic supply of illusory credit will implode, reminiscent of the oozlum bird, “flying around in ever-decreasing circles until it disappears [with an almighty big bang] into a black hole.”
Meanwhile, are their economic or fiscal consequences arising from the legion of dead? Yes, you bet. They form a deflationary event. Dowd sees variably controlled cyclical forces in play as the current financial system comes to an end. Deflationary fiscal forces (interest rate hikes) and death demographics counter effects from inflationary immigration. The global debt problem appears set to limp along until a major currency crisis emerges. In this case, Dowd suggests that the Yen is currently the most unstable currency that could initiate a global chain reaction of currency collapse.
What should people do? Dowd says cultivate our social networks and learn to come to rely, trust and depend upon each other. In the US, watch for a false flag event designed to distract voters. The globalists appear desperate to have the current system limp along until the US election.
Now, a non sequitur but an important and relevant one …
What is the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and how does it affect us?
The Bank of International Settlements (“BIS”) is essentially a bank for central banks that is owned by central banks, much as many speculate the central banks themselves are owned by elite financial institutions, corporations, and oligarchs. The BIS was established in 1930 through an intergovernmental agreement between Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States, and Switzerland, and opened on May 17th, 1930. The BIS currently has 62 country central bank members.
The BIS was initially founded after the Treaty of Versailles was signed to help facilitate the reparation payments between central banks of each respective country. It was kept open when hostilities started in 1939 and throughout WW2. ….
In the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement, a disagreement between the UK and the USA resulted in a recommendation to dissolve the BIS but this was stopped by John Maynard Keynes and some backdoor deals that appear to be questionable given the resolutions and laws passed related to the BIS. The BIS’s core focus after WW2 has been European project, or combining Europe into the European Union, a project that most sober and uncompromised individuals would call a complete disaster for nearly everyone.
[nb. The EU is the proto-global supranational “State.”]
The Davos Class Is Desperate
May 10, 2024 ~ By Marty Bent via
The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that’s required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. – Satoshi
One of Davos' favorite front men, Yuval Noah Harari, joined the BIS Innovation Summit earlier this week to spread some laughable anti-bitcoin propaganda. During his chat, Harari opined that "as a historian" he does not like bitcoin because it is a "currency based on distrust". Here's exactly what he said:
Wow. This is what we in the psy-op world like to call "gaslighting". It's a tactic used to make someone believe something that is totally false and most likely never happened is actually true. … Nothing could be further from the truth and one only needs the ability to pick their head up from their phone, look around at the state of the world and recall four years of history to refute this objectively insane point of view.
Do you all remember when a majority of the world's governments banded together to shut down the global economy while flooding the global economy with TRILLIONS of dollars of liquidity? I think we can all agree that this was most likely the most extreme example of central planning on the political and monetary fronts that the world has ever seen. If we are to follow Harari's logic that this level of coordination and central control over the monetary system, one would have to be able to look out at the world right now and confidently say that collective trust in governments and banking institutions by the people is at an all time high.
Clearly, this is not the case. In fact, the exact opposite is true.
The Davos class is desperate and scared, as is evidenced by the nonsensical assertion put forth by Harari earlier this week. This should encourage you. Lean in. They know they're losing the narrative battle.
We're going to win.
Post Script
The ultimate goal? A globalist dystopian utopia, a technocratic society governed by a social credit system akin to China's model, where individual freedoms are sacrificed in the name of centralized control. Climate change and environmental concerns have been strategically leveraged as justifications for implementing far-reaching policies that undermine national sovereignty and erode traditional societal structures.
Who's Really Behind The Great Reset (Not WEF) w/Ivor Cummins
Weakening Society to achieve a “Globalist Utopia?”
Weakening society to achieve a ‘utopia’? Just think about that for a moment. What kind of ideological moron conceived that notion …seriously? /rhet
Just to reiterate…
We inhabit a socially fractured World, now bizarrely splintered every which way to Sunday. It is a World of the conned, coerced and compliant, and their pecksniffian legion of enablers. And yet here we still remain, three wheels on our wagon, the long suffering, enduring, hardy bruised souls with their vital and vibrating bull-schitt antennas epigenetically, experientially or spiritually installed. We who daily suppress the intellectual and emotional vomitus induced by a litany of orchestrated lying and endless distraction, of gaslighting and astroturfing, of relentless propaganda and force-fed indoctrination, we’re still rolling on.
We can see through the disgusting bathos of “safe and effective” all the way through to the ludicrous conniving occlusion and devastating consequences of a monstrous attempt to jab the entire world, for quite literally no reason, here, here and here.
There obviously exists a plethora of ulterior motives designed to foster a twisted and sickening globalist utopia, but to those aware, the globalist narrative is stripped bare, exposing an ideological chancre, its putrid fragility for all to see. It is a biological, social, economic, moral, ethical and evolutionary dead-end.
"It is a biological, social, economic, moral, ethical and evolutionary dead-end."
Of course it is. That is the goal. Evil knows everything it does leads to a dead-end. It is the means of "chaos" that is the most important. Continual chaos is the goal - it doesn't have to lead to anything. The most important thing to remember is that life in this chaotic world is transitory and brief. But the next life is forever. FOREVER. If humans only knew what this really means, our actions in this brief life of chaos would be so much different. Even though evil may steal this finite life from you, never let evil steal the next eternal life from you.