Shocking article!

The guy is Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone


The article misspells names it seems:

☞ Dr. Wolfgang Wodergh’s last name correct spelling is Wodarg

☞ “he is associated with Voderg”

☞ “on fryl and the elderly”=frail and eldery?

☞ “Wodder and Yadon”?= Wodarg and Yeadon?

👉 This I completely agree, they are indeed "whodidthedog?" That "ladontop"

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Thank you PM for the Rod Sterling reveal.

Indeed, the article as written is riddled with errors 'he' instead of 'she' (Dr. Kelly Moore), typos and non sequiturs, repeating words and so on. Still, it manages to hit many of the points in an incredibly prescient manner.

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They've been dropping hints all along. Such as the notorious Bill Gates TED talk in which he said if we do a good enough with (various measures, including vaccination), we can reduce the population by 15%.

The pandemic rehearsal of October 2019.

The quick release of the first few days of v-safe data showing very high rates of anapylactic shock and hospitalization following the jabs.

These are consistent with cluing in the astute and informed. I've thought a lot about the endgame for all this. What sort of people would you want to remain if you were doing a great cull?

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"What sort of people would you want to remain if you were doing a great cull?"

Therein appears a vexatious paradox.

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Indeed. Even if I believed drastic population reduction was necessary to save the human race, I'd certainly not go about it in such a way. But the most powerful ain't necessarily the wisest, even if their intentions are noble. What is that saying about the road to Hell?

What makes the most sense at this point is that even those as high on the totem pole as Gates are disposable useful idiots, whose religious fatih in technology is being weaponized. He doesn't look the healthiest, after all.

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Very bizarre, comes across as written by a robot. Certainly demonic. St Michael defend us in battle ⚔️

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Be our defence against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou,

O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God,

thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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It's written by a writer from India -- ESL (English as a Second Language). I used to teach English Lit at university and had many foreign students. This website was started to discuss literature, as you can see from this link: https://web.archive.org/web/20170108124420/http://www.granthshala.com/about-us/

This cobbled-together piece by an ESL writer from India was simply (and laudably) warning others not to take the Covid jabs. Not demonic.

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Thank you for the insight and clarification. I absolutely agree with your take. I believe that it was an attempt to expose the depth and extent of the imposed global hypnosis and the arising consequences. The writer nails so many of the "metrics" and manages both some obvious and more subtle warnings.

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