Remember the line in the 007 movie of 2015 where SPECTRE was described as "everywhere"? That line and the "squid" motif of the 007 movie clearly hearkens back to journalist Matt Taibbi's famous description of Goldman Sachs in his 2010 RollingStone article:

"The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

As we all know now, ever since Taibbi's article came out, GS is referred to relentlessly as "the Vampire Squid" or simply "the Squid". The cabal loves to taunt us by reminding us peons, via referential symbolism, of their power.

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Blerdy marvellous comment, thank you.

Hollyweird and the MSM do seem to be a diminishing spigot for relentless rinsing and conditioning. Any former subtlety or subliminality has been replaced by an obvious cudgel that reliably wrecks a good story line. Many of the bored and restless peons seem to be gradually looking elsewhere, ie. https://www.loor.tv/

"Unfiltered by Hollywood or church ladies, Loor is a crowdfunding platform that enables film makers to build whatever they want without the restrictive woke agenda, and get paid while doing it."

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