WikiPedia is definitely not among any of my resources of information. Its subjective bias and ideological alignment are well known. These may be readily tested and observed around many political or ideologically driven and sensitive subjects.
‘Enforced Disappearance’ is descended from ‘Forcibly Disappeared’ changed in December 2021. No reason for the altered semantics is offered, although it should be mentioned that the latter arguably seems a more accurate term for what appears to be currently occurring in New Zealand.
Be that change as it may, Wikipedia appears to offer a relatively comprehensive though perhaps slanted exposure of this poignant and distressing subject, to wit,
"Disappearing" political rivals is also a way for regimes to enforce complicity in populations. The difficulty of publicly fighting a government that murders in secret can result in the widespread pretense that everything is normal, as it did in the Dirty War in Argentina.
I think the addition of the words, ‘and compliance’ after ‘complicity’ would help further distinguish the conned from the coerced in our current national fiasco.
The witting or the unwittingly ‘conned’ portion of the populace appear ‘complicit’, while those ‘coerced’ courtesy of a perceived necessity, whether abject resentful surrender at the threat of losing a job, or in the case of a dependent infant or child, trusting powerlessness, or simply because of State terrorisim, the intentional and heavily promoted inciting of fear, these became ‘compliant’. Together the complicit and compliant broadly sit in what may be described as the, ‘go along to get along’ camp. On the other hand, those that categorically refused to participate at any level including mandates, despite the many focused and intense levels of ‘persuasion’, they were simply ‘canceled’.
Previous commentaries here and elsewhere have clearly shown how much better post hoc, the ‘canceled’ fared by almost every metric, despite their near universal and co-ordinated persecution, demonisation, ostracisation and oppression. Further, they came out better informed, awakened and alert to an even wider illegitimacy, a blatant attempt at the seizure of massive global influence and control by a small, unelectable self-anointed Davos elite at the centre of the WEF, known as The Schwabian Cult.
A majority of those who rejected the narrative did so based on their own critical thinking, not because they held some preordained bias, but that they were fortunately born with, or had experientially acquired, an innate bullschitt antenna.
‘Go Along To Get Along’
Regrettably, it seems the ‘go along to get along’ crowd have been running into increasing and visible difficulties, not least a sudden inexplicable penchant for sudden death or ‘turbo cancers’ or autoimmune conditions, the list of unpleasant maladies growing ever longer by the day. These are accompanied by a number of novel maladies whose putative underlying physiological mechanisms are the source of an ever lengthening list of published papers around the many emerging pathological mechanisms of action in the literature.
Envisaged in an even more dystopian future, this time a potential living nightmare imposed by overt, unrestrained corporate global medical tyranny of an ‘approved’ WHO novel injection spree triggered by their own proclaimed edict of a ‘plandemic’. It seems clear that the official response in New Zealand will be based upon the foundations and experience of the past 3 years of bureaucratic, political and legislative grooming. It seems wise to keep this in mind and be aware of what may come. Remember that the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), that pet creature of the BMGF and WEF is heavily invested in a future of multiple injections. They plan to have 15 billion to deliever by 2026 and the BigPharma companies are lining up for a slice of the action.
In New Zealand it has been deemed acceptable and ethical to instigate psy-ops, to bribe and as required, to impose fines upon an uncompliant populace, and eventually to deny access to medical treatment and finally, to deny access to groceries at the supermarket. There exists a special ladder of escalating coercion for those who fail to, ‘go along to get along’. I have addressed and described this in a previous post.
Losing one’s income and job, facing stark economic choices, and worse, seeing the legion of mindlessly conditioned ‘go along to get along’, the friends and family melting away from one’s life, all torture-like consequences of wisely rejecting the narrative. The unvaxxed became new-age disdained lepers.
Now, the narrative has seamlessly segued into a widespread societal taboo. Discussion let alone dissent is unapproved, while ridicule and eye-rolling remain approved responses toward ‘anti-vaxxers’ despite the ridiculous and orchestrated moves toward virtue pecksniffian faux-apologies.
Let us highlight the current deafening silence surrounding what I have come to consider as, "The Disappeared" ~ "Los Desaparecidos."
The Disppeared
This is an entirely justified title. The media and official silence, the literal stonewalling of this data stands out as a glaring societal and governmental red flag. These people suddenly disappeared. Discussion is taboo. Complicity is required.
Sudden Adult Disappearence (SAD)
New Zealand total annual excess deaths from oecd.stat.
the number of deaths during a particular period above the usual, expected number [average] under normal conditions, which can show the effect of something like a disease or harmful event
Jabs, boosters and mandates were introduced in 2021 and continued into 2022. At the very least, assuming 2000 deaths related to the putative ‘affliction’ (see below) conducted in an omnipresent relentless cacophony of manufactured corporate, media and government hysteria, 2022 saw a more than doubling of that number in absolute silence, with the exception of the snake oil peddlers who persisted with their narrative, while countries elsewhere world wide were finally abandoning theirs:
The difficulty of publicly fighting a government that murders in secret can result in the widespread pretense that everything is normal…
2020 … -160 (52 weeks) (slightly less people died on average)
2021 … 2169 (52 weeks) (more people died than usual)
2022 … 5240 (48 weeks) (many more people died than usual)
Post Script
In the next month, the last 4 weeks of 2022 oecd data should be published. It will be interesting to see the finishing line for the year.
I have intentionally avoided discussing the causes of Sudden Adult Disappearence, which has been acknowledged as a profound source of puzzling bafflement. It is widely and eruditely discussed across the net and on substack.
The relentless screech of official denial accompanying the slightest suggestion that there may be an unpredictable problem at the end of an mRNA/LNP needled barrel is horribly revealing but ‘they’ know ‘they’ have no choice. Double down, again and again, possessed by evil, while most unfashionable, appears eminently possible.
Another tyrant once wrote:
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
Welcome to the New Zealand PM Ardern supragovernmental anti-dissent Disinformation Project, quite de rigueur in national and gobalist corridors of power these days.
…As For A Glimpse Of The Awkward Truth
In this one hour interview titled What Really Killed Millions? | Denis Rancourt Dr Mark Trozzi, December 5, 2022 (also posted on Rumble), Denis Rancourt does a deep dive on excess mortality by US and Canadian State and Country, diving into age, health status and income brackets (not gender).
The Drosten RT-PCR test did not diagnose an infectious disease. Those refused anti-biotics because these were said to be contra-indicated for C19 by the WHO, died because they did not have C19 and, instead had pneumonia or another lung infection, treatable with anti-biotics.
The twitter thread covers the same practice here:
56. Pneumonia can be broken down into 4 different causes of death: Bronchopneumonia, Aspiration Pneumonia, Community Acquired Pneumonia & Hospital Acquired Pneumonia. These four causes when added together kill the largest number of people on an annual basis prior to the pandemic.
57. The Medical Examiner (one individual in each hospital), was certifying all these Pneumonia deaths as Covid-19 deaths. When 4 different diseases being grouped and now being called Covid-19, you will inevitably see Covid-19 with a huge death rate.
58. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in Covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner system being in place.
59. Patients being admitted and dying with very common conditions such as Old Age, Myocardial Infarctions, End Stage Kidney Failure, Haemorrhages, Strokes, COPD & Cancer etc were all now being certified as Covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.
While over in the UK,
To use a cliché, seriously, you can’t make this stuff up.
I look forward to seeing your take on your PM resigning. Will it matter? I know in the US, we have a uniparty and one is swapped out for another one - but all are the same.
"and worse, seeing the legion of mindlessly conditioned ‘go along to get along’, the friends and family melting away from one’s life, all torture-like consequences of wisely rejecting the narrative."