When I saw them tricking people into bad care at the start, I already saw that something wrong was happening. We are the ones who chose not to fight on the battlefield from the start

Then I saw the vaccine start hurting people. I was shocked why people didn't look into it more, we could have made a strong case of no to mandates. I understand it now. Many people enlisted in the war voluntarily, because they thought they would win.

The sneakiest trick in the book! Even Pfizer was advertising how we will win.

Maybe now those shell shocked people will ask questions next time.

This war killed a lot of gullible people who trusted liars. The liars killed off a lot of their own supporters!

And here we stand in a time where the people in the middle who went along to get along, aren't getting the boosters but they can't fathom why they made that first mistake. It's ok if they never wake up fully. They're not going to make the same mistake again almost by instinct.

We stand tall in a time of people knowing that they were lied to. We stood by our judgements and convictions regarding this war and guess what, we were right.

It's a matter of time when people like us will start being recognized as someone who could spot the scam.

The irony is that we were able to spot the scam because of the basic instinct of survival. It didn't require degrees or training. There were clear signs to say no. There were systems that didn't follow procedures.

To spot a lie doesn't require expertise on the topic. All it requires is curiosity and basic understanding.

A toast to humanity learning how to spot liars. We had been barraged by lies, but that let us see a bit of who the real enemy is. Not other humans, but those who pretend to care and lie... Psychopaths/sociopaths

It's not that difficult to teach others.

They gotta understand to make sure to match what people say and make them feel to what they do.

Same exact thing to help someone move away from an abuser.

Then, they have the choice and they are no longer a pawn.

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I struggle as I meet patients and people who as a consequence of shots, have family members that have suddenly developed (or have died from) galloping (presumptively jab related until proved otherwise), 'turbo' cancers.

Their ignorance is excruciating to witness.

Pointing out to them the invasive presence of needled barrels in their lives (pun intended) is likely indigestible to them in their grief. Reminding them at some appropriate juncture that the uninvited, uncontrolled, unethical experiment had "difficulties" ....

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Yeah it's horrible to see in family too. I've tried to help but they keep reaching for the big pharma medical game plan. Every new issue they act like pharma needs to cure it and in some cases they think are curing it.

If they could only step back and realize where the hurt started...

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan

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One of the great life skills is to enable people to discover it for themselves while saving face. Which it is not always doable. People will die for their beliefs. Sometimes all we can give is our love and support; and in that, ironically, such awareness can and often does blossom.

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The pattern of propaganda was obvious to any who recognize it from history. It did not require any scientific knowledge whatsoever to see the red flags and hear the screaming sirens. But alas, most were deafened by the programming that would not allow anything negative about anything called a vaccine. The best we can do is offer them an easy way out the door with dignity intact. As if we just discovered it ourselves.

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This New Zealander thanks you for shinning a light on it

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Rise up, good people, and kill your oppressors and enslavers. Always remember, the Bible doesn't really say "Thou shalt not kill", that's the Jew-version. The Bible says "Thou shalt not MURDER." To take life in defense of self or ones people is good and Godly.

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There seems an important distinction to be made when differentiating between "revenge," and "retribution?"

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How about if we just call it "righteous justice"?

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The question evolves eventually into one that questions a Government's legitimacy? We have yet to reach a critical mass across the West that leads to mass rejection of colluding globalist administrations.

"Obedience which is not based on consent is based on coercion; thus the more obvious it is that a government is illegitimate, the more gross and widespread will its violations of security rights be, reaching even those who do not actively oppose it."

pp 215, para.2 ... in a nutshell. ...

DAVID LUBAN Just War and Human Rights


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Let's start at the beginning. Let's take a look at the word "government", and once you understand the word "government" the way I understand the word "government", you will understand exactly what my pov is. Etymology is fun, and you actually learn things. You should hear what I know about the word "cannibal", but I digress.

The word "government" is made of 2 Latin words. Govern, obviously, means "control". A speed governor controls the speed, yeah? You could also say it limits the speed. Either definition works here, so take your pick. The "ment" part comes from the Latin "mentis" or "mind". So, here's something you never learned in school. The word "government" means "mind control".

And here's my position on things. If I'm smart enough to understand that the word "government" means "mind control" (maybe 1 in 1,000,000 know this), then I'm smart enough to understand that I don't want or need ANY OF THAT SHIT. Do you feel me?

To wit, I can't for the life of me grasp people running off to "vote" for some new ruler. I scratch my head and it seriously puzzles me. You want to "vote" for a new leader? Huh. Well, have fun with that. Myself, personally, I don't need any "leaders" to tell me what to do or how to live. I don't need to be "led" anywhere, like some sheep or cattle. In fact, being "led" anywhere sounds like about the last thing I want to participate in. I've never had anyone lead me to pussy or treasure, so I'm pretty certain that anyone that tries to lead me somewhere doesn't have my best interest at heart.

Wanna bet $500 I'm right?

"Government" is, to me, an archaic system who's time has LONG PAST and which should fade into the annals of history. I care nothing for wanting to rule over anyone (and I consider anyone that DOES want to "rule" to have some kind of self-important narcissistic psychosis), and I don't want anyone to rule over me. As Benjamin Franklin once said, civilized man's greatest right, is the right to be left alone. And that's all I want from people, especially "governments", is to be left alone.

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The 7 yrs of Latin that helped civilise me were not entirely wasted ;-).

Regrettably, I do not trust that all around me God fearing, civilised individuals may be reliably found. Nor do I possess the means to maintain a reasonable defence budget. One considers that the offerings of small governance limited in the classical liberal tradition may serve as a useful societal modulator....

...though it never turns out, or indeed ends like that.

So, we're back to the question that evolves eventually into one that questions a Government's legitimacy....and even now, tragically, it appears we're not yet even within shouting distance, despite all the assaults and toxic, tyrannical control imposed upon us.

And therein lies the lament.

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Indeed, the last several years have been the best argument for anarchy possible. This is not to be taken as an argument for breaking sensible laws; but rather, to live sensibly, as the senseless laws and government edits so strikingly expose themselves as such. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

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I think the question of governmental legitimacy is answered by what we're TOLD about our "government" - that "governmental power comes from the consent of the governed", and what we see occur in REAL LIFE from our government.

If we're told that our government's power comes from our consent, and if we clearly don't consent, then I think the question of "governmental legitimacy" has answered itself.

I have a good book on the subject that I recommend called "The De Facto Government of the United States" by Charles Weisman. A de facto government merely "occupies the offices", and has no legitimacy in law like a de jure government enjoys. Charles Weisman wrote a lot of great books actually, he's one to look out for.

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I worry about the people who think the most important thing is who gets into Parliament. I worry about those shed up9n who think they are still "purebloods"

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Here is why the jabbed have changed: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEp62UaWXB0x/

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People were set up for this by lifelong programming to believe that vaccines saved us from so many diseases, scientific research is inherently pure and honest, and any vaccine that is approved is good. The corruption that has been baked into the approval process and corporate controlled scientific establishment was simply unfathomable to most.

It is in this light, viewing them not as dupes, but good people from whom the ugly facts were purposely hidden for profit and face-saving, as we give unconditional love and support from a humble perspective, we can possibly channel this realization into righteous outrage.

People understand cover-ups when things so awry. Even if we know they didn't exactly go awry, except for the fact too many may be catching on for the perpetrators' liking. From there, the rest will follow naturally.

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Thankfully there are so many of us who bear witness to the travesty of politics, ethics, humanity, and science. The forces arrayed against us appear palpably desperate to memory hole the entire assault (in preparation for their next attempt). Even with the MSM on State fuelled largesse, and faux academic platforms like "The Con" pumping the narratives for all they're worth, they always forget in their unbridled hubris,

"You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

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Important info, thanks.

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