It appears tricky to divine 'the truth' except to opine here that according to analysts, it appeared that Assange 'famously called out the sad reality that the goals of our foreign wars are not to be successful but to be endless and thereby continue to fill the coffers of our security elite', (linked in commentary) and, 'What was clear to keen geopolitical observers became indisputable when Wikileaks leaked an email involving Hillary Clinton in which a State Department official casually let it slip that “Al Qaeda is on our side in Syria.”' (linked in commentary). There appears ample justification for the Deep State mobilise against him? If he apparently annoyed the Clintons, he scores major brownie points.

On the other hand, I ponder a possibility of a Deep State psy-op playing out as suggested above ("globalists who are using [Assange] it for a number of agendas."), and to counter, could not RichPlanet itself be presenting a concerted psy-op effort here, intent on discrediting the importance and effect of Assange?

Wherever the truth lies, what concerned me most in his speech was the apparent and extraordinarily incongruous blind spot he displayed regarding the manifest censorship, propaganda, gaslighting, astroturfing and damned arrests playing out in a Europe in general and the UK, Germany and France in particular since 2020 and the imposition of pointless, unpredictably deleterious or lethal 'shots', and where it seems that an unadulterated dystopia has been implemented in the form of a frank, multilayered institutional, corporate and governmental assault against the populace.

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Yes many rabbit holes, not the holes in the rabbit they use frequently, I mean the ones they live in of course. It is also clear that JA's info on the US mil wanton killing of a family here and there got the people irate at the US Mil instead of the 1 mil + Iraqis killed in apparent genocide, same as play game in the Indochina in the 60s. Population control is necessary of course.

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Psyo-op are you out if your Frigging mind....you VOLUNTEER..to live MONITOURED in solitary day after day week after week year after year..with the threat hanging over you of EXTRADITION or Assassination by theGreat “ democracy “ ( get the irony)


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You have No compassion ..psy-op -insane - arm chair critic...SWAP PLACES WITH HIM

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So.... you really believe that Assange was holed up in the Equadorian Embassy for all those years? Further, you really believe that he was kept in solitary confinement in Belmarsh for more years?

Did it never occur to you that it might have been very easy to make this all seem real with a bit of clever skullduggery?

How many Belmarsh prisoners ever saw Assange? None. That was the whole point of the solitary confinement!

I am curious why they have now staged this release.... maybe the predator class has a bigger job lined up for our Julian.

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Whatever I am, I don't call people names on SS comments. But you should write and argue with richplanet.net who put out that info if you think you have a point to make. Did you see any of those links?

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As much as I'm happy that Assange is free because he did nothing wrong... In fact we should have journalism that helps whistle blowers, as going through official channels ends up with burial of the information....

Assange repeatedly talked down looking into the 911 official story. I recall him on democracy now saying that instead WikiLeaks was going to release stuff on the banks. We're still waiting on that....

I couldn't find the democracy now video, but here's one where he directly addresses a question from the audience on 911 and he goes in circles and then says 911 isn't important... REALLY??


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dr L ...re the surprise/disconcert re his tipping his hat to Europe as a journalistic bastion of free speech...my suspicion is he has been isolated from the absolute corruption of true journalism over the ENTIRE time of his illegal detention -so he is-was blissfully unaware if the ROT there now ( as is MOST) of the Western workd

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That may be one possible contention that would have further been reinforced by the authorities surrounding him, although in his position one might have been inclined to have defaulted to the disbelief of everything until proved otherwise? As you may have read, I wondered whether he was actually permitted his platform so long as he doffed his cap to the tyranny in play in Europe? ... and may be he knew that most would detect the mis-beat? He highlighted the grave and present danger seemingly presented by the US/UK. One wonders in these tumultuous days then, just where resides the "axis of evil?"

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God Fantastic Substack -thank you so much.

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