Grandstanding Ardern Declares Herself
... while NZ Ministry of Health figures show weekly excess death breaks records
NZ All Cause Deaths Highest In The World
When one considers how few people were awake in 2020, and how a multitude have become awakened since, I believe that there still is hope and the possibility of thwarting the unbridled attack on humanity.
It is however crystalline where the battle lines are being drawn and by whom.
New Zealand PM Ardern is a case in point. She received attention from a number of commentators with regard to her recent call for global censorship when she recently pontificated from her pecksniffian pulpit at the UN.
There exists an absolute reliance upon censorship and propaganda by corporate globalist extremists like Ardern, champagne Marxist and vaunted doyen of the WEF. She has incarcerated New Zealand in a bizarre dystopian ideology while bribing the New Zealand Fourth Estate to become willing Fifth Column mercenaries against its own population, not unlike Canada or indeed, the UK and Australia.
Ardern understands explicitly that an active, wise, disinterested and incisive MSM would obliterate her multiple narratives aimed at tyrannical control. Whether Pfizer injections, the concealment of excess death data and adverse events, the use of mandates, masking and coercion, destructive Green policies of destitution and dependency, the fallacy of climatism, Three Waters, the whole teetering stable of Trojan horses, all of it would be completely dismantled in weeks.
The blunt cudgel of global censorship to ring-fence her brittle narrative from the shattering assault of facts, reason, logic and values in her war for absolute unquestioning control and against morality, freedom, prosperity and reason is breath taking but predictable. Nevertheless, it serves to underscore her inebriated hubris, and that of the Schwabian Cult of Davos.
In the world of the sane, she would be decried as an outlier and outright liar.
I’ll come back to her at the end. In the meantime, to the tools of their tyrannical trade.
The Back Drop: What Is Going On At Injection Central?
Back on August 9th and August 15th I posted the following
In their own words, The Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovation, “(CEPI) is an innovative global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organisations launched (with exquisite timing by just the perfect cabal of the right kind of people, countries and corporations) in Davos in 2017 to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics.”
Coincidence or conspiracy?
I’m unsure how one arrests a “future epidemic” without a priori knowledge of the alleged pathogen, but we’ll let that one hang on its own fallacy. The CEO of CEPI however, asserts his unique insight into the solution, “Delivering a vaccine in 100 days against the next Disease X would give the world a fighting chance to extinguish the existential threat of a future pandemic virus.”
100 days … from woe to go in little over 3 months?
Just dwell on that for a moment. The implications are truly terrifying. The experimental platform technology granted emergency use authorization is already here. Synthetic polynucleotide (gene) sequences and their enveloping cocktail of lipid nanoparticles accompanied by worrisome adjuvants (an immunological agent that increases the antigenic response) and other troublesome excipient substances (PEG) are clearly intended by BigGov, BigPharma, and BigMoney to stay.
All poised and ready to go; just a tweaked gene sequence between “pandemics.”
From 10 Years To The Alchemy Of 100 Days
US$1.535 billion was pledged to CEPI. New Zealand pledged US$7m; the biggest commitments came from Japan $300M, UK $211M, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation $154M, Wellcome $150M, USA $150M.
The CEO of CEPI, Dr Richard Hatchett, announced the BigPharma alchemy of ‘100 days’ that was christened with pledges of cash in Oslo, Norway, on 8 March 2022 when the global[ist] ‘community came together to commit to the 100 Days Mission – the ambition to have safe and effective vaccines within 100 days of an epidemic or pandemic threat being identified’.
Hatchett tweeted that mRNA is an essential, critical component of our being able to achieve the 100 day mission
It is hard to know where ‘100 days’ arose from except possibly the incidental meeting of a marketing focus group at the water cooler. Buzz phrases are clichés before they even become marketing clichés. The intellectual wattage behind ‘100 days’ was a Rainbow of zeros, but it looked good and sounded better.
When did the 100 day alchemy arise?
CEPI encouraged vaccine developers to work towards the following aspirational targets (a lightening period of 210 days from woe to go) for their platforms (2019 ~ pp4).
16 weeks from antigen identification to product release for clinical trials
6 weeks from administration of first dose to achieving an immune response likely to result in a clinical benefit
8 weeks to manufacture 100,000—from a “go” decision to production, fill, finish, and release.
This has been shortened yet further by the emplacement of the mRNA / lipid nanoparticle envelope biotechnology.
Given the hideously unsafe and ineffective results observed to date, it seems unbelievable that this approach would continue to be lauded let alone utilised as a largely untested platform. However, it has reaped its proponents countless billions of dollars, providing them with a comfortable distraction from their unethical, unscientific actions, while simultaneously being employed as part of a local and global political tool to instigate tyranny, and perhaps much more.
As I wrote previously: All poised and ready to go; just a tweaked gene sequence between “pandemics.”
CEPI told us that this was exactly their policy when they explain how poised they were with their in situ mRNA “platform technology” broadly referring to a system that uses the same basic components as a backbone, but can be adapted for use against different pathogens by inserting new genetic or protein sequences.
So today, Dr Robert Malone posted, ‘FDA Is Using The COVID-19 Vaccines As A “Platform Technology” For mRNA Trials’.
He writes:
‘There was a World Health Organization (WHO) consultation in April, 2021 (Sept, 2022 online publication ahead of Dec, 2022 print) whereby US government officials laid out strategies for the process of future mRNA vaccine approvals by the FDA. A summary of this meeting has just been published online, ahead of print. So, we no longer have to speculate about what the FDA has decided about considering future mRNA vaccines and using the past pre-clinical data package as the foundation for these vaccines as being a “platform” technology’.
‘The 2021 WHO informal consultation on regulatory considerations discussed these issues. Dr Keith Peden (Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Food and Drug Administration presented the FDA’s experience and position on licensure of new mRNA vaccine products’.
Pause for just a couple of snippets from the published paper: ‘WHO informal consultation on regulatory considerations for evaluation of the quality, safety and efficacy of RNA-based prophylactic vaccines for infectious diseases, 20–22 April 2021’)
Re: Manufacture and control of mRNA vaccines & Nonclinical evaluation
Two very concerning statements among a longer list of the same caught my attention:
The use of starting materials that are appropriate for the stage of development of the product might mean that under emergency conditions, one might accept divergence from the otherwise expected full compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMP). This is an example of balancing a trade-off of risk and benefit in an emergency setting, such as with COVID-19.
Right. The WHO declares an public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) and all the players with impunity potentially orchestrate the ‘inadvertent’ death of countless more millions. Forgive my cynicism, the ‘balancing trade-off of risk and benefit’ is an appalling declaration.
Different types of impurities may be seen and different products may have different properties. Specifications, including upper limits, need to be set on a case-by-case basis, for example depending on the length of the mRNA. A suggestion was made to include a statement that limits should be reflected by clinical batch data.
Welcome rGO/GO. Just know your batch numbers. Nothing new here.
Malone goes on to write:
‘[The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Food and Drug Administration], has completely bypassed the issues of these vaccines not having a complete pre-clinical evaluation, and in April 2021 decided that new mRNA vaccines in development will not have to comply with the norms for vaccine development. That is all mRNA vaccines in the future, as long as don’t vary from what has already been done, will be like processed like the the influenza model, with only the “payload” to be tested.’
‘Finally, CBER has determined that bio-distribution studies on new mRNA vaccines using this “platform technology” will not have to be redone, even though they were not properly evaluated in the first place’.
‘What this all means is that using these flawed pre-clinical trials to support a platform technology was PLANNED from the beginning. By not focussing on the payload of the vaccines, but instead relying on the generic formulations prior to initiating clinical trials, this has allowed CBER (and Moderna, and Pfizer/BioNTech) to transfer these highly flawed pre-clinical data packages to all upcoming mRNA vaccine trials for new vaccine products!’'
‘The implications of this are enormous. First, it is complete regulatory failure as well as yet more evidence of regulatory capture. Second, that this “pandemic” has been exploited to drive approval of a mRNA platform technology -whereby only TWO companies will be allowed to compete (those that completed the two approved pre-clinical packages)’.
‘We know now that the pseudouridine-containing mRNA does not break down for months. But rather, it stays in the body producing protein. This is not natural mRNA by any stretch of the imagination, and it does not behave like natural mRNA. This technology, as currently practiced by Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech, employs a novel polymeric biomolecule, the properties of which have not been well characterized. The protein levels being produced by these vaccines is not known, the duration of protein production isn’t known, and the biodistribution of protein production is not known’.
‘Synthetic mRNA (pseudouridine was substituted for uridine) is immunosuppressive. Having this mRNA in the body suppresses not only the ability to fight off latent DNA viruses such as shingles, EBV and CMV, it is likely to also suppress the ability of the immune system to detect cancer’.
‘Currently a search on mRNA vaccine yields many, many results of clinical trials that have evidently used the incomplete data package from the COVID-19 vaccines as “platform technology.” At least 50 of these mRNA vaccine clinical trials are currently enrolling’.
Post Script
CEPI made their intentions abundantly clear sometime ago. It seems people are slowly catching on as evidenced by Dr Malone’s post today. As the living functional embodiment of BigPharma, the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and by extension the WHO, none of the above should be a surprise, and neither should the temerity on display that is the product of unfettered, infinitely resourced hubris. One can assume that most countries will be in lock step with this as they appear to be with their acceptance of WHO control over future plandemic orchestration. It would be an unmitigated catastrophe and assuredly turn into a full scale genocidal assault on humanity if allowed to proceed.
Given that the current excess death rate in New Zealand is reportedly 35% above the long term average, a few people must inevitably stir from their slumber?
Meanwhile, from other jurisdiction I take some strength. Truth appears to be gradually leaking into wider consciousness ~ Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on Covid-19 Vaccines Through Real Evidence-Based Medicine, the two-part article is published in the peer reviewed Journal of Insulin Resistance by a well known UK cardiologist, who had a literal change of heart after starting out as a clot shot advocate. The benefits and potential harms of these substances are outlined in Part 1, whilst Part 2 explores the root causes underpinning this ‘pandemic of misinformation’.
That these articles have made it to publication is astonishing, for it is exactly this kind of “‘dis’ ‘mis’ and ‘mal’ information” the likes of Ardern would seek to extinguish by censorship.
Background: In response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), several new pharmaceutical agents have been administered to billions of people worldwide, including the young and healthy at little risk from the virus. Considerable leeway has been afforded in terms of the pre-clinical and clinical testing of these agents, despite an entirely novel mechanism of action and concerning biodistribution characteristics.
Conclusion: It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.
Background: Authorities and sections of the medical profession have supported unethical, coercive, and misinformed policies such as vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, undermining the principles of ethical evidence-based medical practice and informed consent. These regrettable actions are a symptom of the ‘medical information mess’: The tip of a mortality iceberg where prescribed medications are estimated to be the third most common cause of death globally after heart disease and cancer.
Conclusion: There is a strong scientific, ethical and moral case to be made that the current COVID vaccine administration must stop until all the raw data has been subjected to fully independent scrutiny. Looking to the future the medical and public health professions must recognise these failings and eschew the tainted dollar of the medical-industrial complex. It will take a lot of time and effort to rebuild trust in these institutions, but the health – of both humanity and the medical profession – depends on it.
All this is precisely the kind of information that Ardern and her WEF/WHO corporate cronies wish to censor in their self-perceived war against humanity.
They will fail. They are too brittle and brutal to succeed and like any tyranny, are rigid and ultimately, unimaginative. Truth is corrosive to them and as we live in a networked age, they will not be able to claim sole unchallenged ownership of the lie. And like the wretch to whom the following is attributed, they will be held to account.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.”
Great writing. Those that designed this evil will ultimately fail. Failure is inherent in all evil. These evil doers have intellect but lack spirituality. Without spirituality you eventually come to an end. Brutal but brittle is what they are. God bless you doc.
Brilliant as usual. “They will fail” is one of the best lines I have read all week. It is a matter of how bad it is going to get before they do.