This recent revealing study has been discussed by eugyppius: a plague chronicle. For those preoccupied by the “virus” narrative and “vaccine protection,” it may feed a few tidbits to the choking beast though on balance it should be taken as a clarion call of warning.
For those more concerned preeminently with the unethical, coerced, political, social and medical assault and its profoundly injurious consequences, read on.
This is the research article to which I will return later in the Post Script, Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine; Shrestha NK, Burke PC, Nowacki AS, Simon JF, Hagen A, Gordon SM. 2022.
Drawing 2022 To A Close
First, as 2022 draws to a close with the muttered prayer, “Thank God I’m actually here to say that’s over,” I want to reiterate a number of important sentinel markers. I do this because all too often these disappear down a memory hole whether personal or institutional, deliberate or simply forgotten, obliterated by a ceaseless torrent of anxiety inducing verbiage. There appears an orchestrated accelerando of institutionalised amnesia, a pan-societal selective memory loss amplified by a white hot conveyor belt of events, and its delivered cargo of government fueled threat, change, chaos and war that inevitably and tediously reminds one, yet again, of Orwell:
Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past
Sentinel Markers
Encapsulated by UK ‘nudge units’ (aka. Behavioural Insights Team) that have been successfully marketed globally and are promoted, implemented and utilised in New Zealand in addition to the more structured Yale University study: Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions, psy-ops has been a concerted, dedicated tool for imposing novel synthetic gene injections on the populace. These injections have become a proxy for absolute control and psy-ops provides a means to instigate the incremental hypnosis that segues seamlessly through bribery and fines into outright rigid and ruthless control. The depth of the depravity is explicit and manifest in the New Zealand Intervention Ladder (that bizarre ‘ethical’ ladder of coercion that aims to deny the non-compliant unvaxxed access to both medical treatment and the supermarket).
The authors of the Yale study state their key findings:
We find that persuasive messaging that invokes prosocial vaccination and social image concerns is effective at increasing intended uptake and also the willingness to persuade others and judgments of non-vaccinators.
The experiments demonstrate how persuasive messaging can induce individuals to be more likely to vaccinate and also create spillover effects to persuade others to do so as well.
Keep in mind that the Yale study was completed before mRNA shots were available(!) and before a wider populace perceived the absence of safety present in unpredictable adverse events, and ineffectiveness of synthetic mRNA shots. The study determined that the a priori promising messaging themes for psy-ops were, ‘Not Bravery’, ‘Community Interest’, and ‘Community Interest + Embarrassment messages’. These themes are described below. The gas-lighting is as self-evident as the themes are frighteningly compelling. There was no shortage of this thematic chant in New Zealand as the bribed NZ media pumped and gas-lighted the populace for all they were paid.
‘Not Bravery’
Soldiers, fire-fighters, EMTs, and doctors are putting their lives on the line to serve others during the COVID-19 outbreak. That’s bravery. But people who refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19 when there is a vaccine available because they don’t think they will get sick or aren’t worried about it aren’t brave, they are reckless. By not getting vaccinated, you risk the health of your family, friends, and community. There is nothing attractive and independent-minded about ignoring public health guidance to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Not getting the vaccine when it becomes available means you risk the health of others. To show strength get the vaccine so you don’t get sick and take resources from other people who need them more, or risk spreading the disease to those who are at risk, some of whom can’t get a vaccine. Getting a vaccine may be inconvenient, but it works.
‘Community Interest’
Stopping COVID-19 is important because it reduces the risk that members of your family and community could get sick and die. COVID-19 kills people of all ages, and even for those who are young and healthy, there is a risk of death or long-term disability. Remember, every person who gets vaccinated reduces the risk that people you care about get sick. While you can’t do it alone, we can all protect every-one by working together and getting vaccinated.
‘Community Interest + Embarrassment messages’
+ Imagine how embarrassed and ashamed you will be if you choose not to get vaccinated and spread COVID-19 to someone you care about.
The Inhumanity Of Coercion, Sickness, Injury And Death
To begin with, the sheer inhumanity taking place in New Zealand (frankly, little different from elsewhere) is openly described at The Truth Project – Insider’s Stories. If you’re looking for “safety signals” there are plenty on display here that would under different circumstances have led to legal action and quite likely, arrests. How things change.
As an aside, the Growing Archive of testimonials rendered by health professionals of all disciplines and fields in New Zealand should be accompanied by a Department of Internal Affairs red label restricted R18 category. After all, this designation purports to protect against ‘objectionable material’. 'Objectionable' is defined under the Films, Videos and Publications Classification Act 1993 as:
a publication...(that) describes, depicts or expresses, or otherwise deals with matters such as sex, horror, crime, cruelty or violence in such a manner that the availability of the publication is likely to be injurious to the public good.
Reading through the personal accounts of a wide variety of professionals is as simultaneously heart wrenching as it is enraging and spiritually injurious.
Unfettered State and institutionally sponsored cruelty to individuals serves to underscore the powerless of individuals, and highlight potentially dire resultant personal consequences. In a counterpoint, it also reflects the unspoken consequences of not co-operating with one’s fellow man. Strength in numbers remains a truism that eluded most in this time of government precipitated crisis. It was salient that government policy strongly relied upon the old premise of divide and conquer.
New Zealand possesses a generic debilitating fetish for paralysing expensive bureaucracy that swung into crushing relentless action to implement jab mandates and a diet of cruel propaganda. In the health domain, a massive, unreasonable, burdensome, asymmetric relationship exists between health professionals and a multitude of controlling and regulating health bureaucracies. The professional Boards and Councils, District Health Boards, Government (COVID-19 Act) and the Ministry of Health applied an awful dilemma, a Catch-22, upon their captive audience: State imposed career and practice ruining destitution or the State imposed, pointless and unpredictable risk of ill defined injury and death? Either way insanity prevails.
One sensed that a few may have uncomfortably recognised that the tenets of ethics had been erased, with a multitude of Articles of the New Zealand Bill of Rights trampled over, and what one must now consider farcical, The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights, with its demonstrated uselessness of peak virtue signalling around fully (un)informed consent. However, any vestiges of discomfort were quickly erased not only by relentless psy-ops but by a politician, Grant Robertson BA(Hons) political studies, New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, who signing off on the waivers of liability for the Pfizer and BioNTech synthetic mRNA / lipid nanoparticle experimental injections. Others have rightfully pointed out, “if they were so bloody fantastic, why did they require waivers?”
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34
The abrogation of ethical values and the brutally won and established historical legal precedents embodied in the 10 articles of the Nuremberg Code ["Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10", Vol. 2, pp. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949.] has an uncomfortable bedfellow in the form of the breadth and depth of the number willing to go along to get along. That alone has been a valuable learning experience.
Therein lies the dull witted, spirit crushing complicity that facilitates totalitarianism, the stupified mass of the duped, conned, coerced and compliant whose talking points are little more than the echo chamber of the State manufactured TV grooming aka, “The News,” those who form the back bone of the snitching culture.
The accounts available to read at The Truth Project’s The Growing Archive are just the tip of an iceberg of misery perpetrated by the sibilant voice of kindness, the double speak embodiment of political parody, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Ardern.
The Web Of Silence. The Crickets Of Compliance.
The formerly cacophonous State media is inexplicably and uncharacteristically silent surrounding the weekly mortality in New Zealand, to wit:
Excess Death in New Zealand 2022 ~ final weeks not in ~ 44 weeks cumulative excess deaths amounting to 4871
Excess Death in New Zealand 2020 ~ full 52 weeks ~ (negative) ⎻ 160
OECD.stat provides all the data. 2022 is graphically displayed below. Zero % indicates the mean. The societal and political red flag of delegitimising silence from NZGOV and its propaganda arm, NZ State Media is a dead give-away (pun intended). Politicians unfailingly reveal more when they are silent.
Informed consent simply cannot exist in an uncontrolled experiment whose results are unknown and whose underpowered Pfizer phase 3 clinical trial was limited to a data cut off slightly longer than 2 months. Science left the room hand in hand with ethics, both a long time ago.
…was sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials’.
The Pfizer 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports (6 months) of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) received through 28-Feb-2021, with its litany of dreadful adverse events numbering well in excess of 1000 listed conditions should have got the studied attention of everyone in officialdom and the media. It didn’t.
By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of death allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.
The Texas prison study of July 2021 demonstrated that the synthetic mRNA injection intervention did not lead to any useful difference between its recipients and the uninjected.
As this field continues to develop, clinicians and public health practitioners should consider vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons. These findings are critically important, especially in congregate settings where viral transmission can lead to large outbreaks.
Also, at the same time in July 2021, Olliaro P, Torreele E, Vaillant M published their findings that further established a hallmark of ineffectiveness based on data from heavily jabbed Israel, COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room
The only reported indication of vaccine effectiveness is the Israeli mass vaccination campaign using the Pfizer–BioNTech product. Although the design and methodology are radically different from the randomised trial, (2) Dagan and colleagues(11) report an RRR [relative risk reduction] of 94%, which is essentially the same as the RRR of the phase 3 trial (95%) but with an ARR [absolute risk reduction] of 0·46%, which translates into an NNV [number needed to ‘vaccinate’ in order to achieve a single ‘immunisation’] of 217 (when the ARR was 0·84% and the NNV was 119 in the phase 3 trial).
Had New Zealanders’ been widely aware of the trivial, unpredictable utility of the experimental synthetic gene injection compared against its potentially dire risks, I doubt the Ministry of Health or NZGOV could have carried the day to the extent they did, also knowing that the so called affliction was comparable to a seasonal ‘flu with the added ‘bonus’ that about 30% of so called ‘SARS-CoV-2 infections’ were estimated to be asymptomatic in a variety of widely separated studies (Oran DP and Topol EJ, May 2021; McDonald SA, et al. Jul 2021; Shang W, et al. Jun 2022).
In spite of the massive and rapid development of data and evidence of profound harm from the synthetic mRNA injections, New Zealand political and health authorities remain gridlocked in an intellectually castrating policy wedge of their own manufacture.
They have no exit strategy other than a vain hope that people will forget and move on.
They have yet to realise that their position is as delusional as their policies are, particular given the current avalanche of weekly excess mortality and the significant and growing number of awakened.
In this paper they highlighted the fundamentally unpredictable consequences of mRNA / lipid nanoparticled injections. While this applies strictly in context to ‘effectiveness’ it must also be considered to apply to the likelihood of adverse events and death. Without the detailed study and follow-up of an individual recipient, the consequences of a synthetic polynucleotide lipid nanoparticled injection were shown to be unpredictable.
We did observe highly variable immune responses including those with well below average anti-RBD IgG levels and avidity. It is therefore important to monitor immune responses at the individualized and personalized level, identify those who are still at risk even after vaccination, and provide meaningful measures to protect them from infections.
Assertions alleging population wide utility are generic nonsense.
The truly vast gamut of publications describing the constellation of potentially terrible known and unknown consequences of receiving the synthetic mRNA injections is intercontinental. 1250 publications are cited here for example. Elsewhere, in COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine - Part III (Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Thorp EM. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):118-158), the authors state,
The mRNA vaccines were an unqualified disaster: they neither halted viral spread nor conferred herd immunity and, in their wake, spawned unacceptably high morbidity and mortality rates: to data there have been approximately 1,183,493 COVID-19 vaccine-related adverse event reports in the US-based Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) including 25,641 deaths. Globally, this translates to about 23.67 million adverse events and about 512,820 deaths. Medical science has unleashed yet another mass casualty event which will likely surpass any of the pharmacologically-induced tragedies of the 20th century.
We conclude by discussing implications of the fraudulent mRNA vaccine scheme and the dark web of manipulation and disinformation promulgated by those who sponsored this dangerous and ill-conceived experiment. The pandemic sounds a clarion call mandating widescale reform of the healthcare system, medical-industrial complex, and their incestuous relationship with governmental and academic oversight bodies.
The unfolding of this orchestrated political, medical and social travesty as revealed by sickening and dying individuals was predicted by the basic science and is also discussed, and is (at least the myocardial element) now categorically supported by the post mortem results and histological investigation detailed in a recent German pathologists autopsy study.
Overall, autopsy findings indicated death due to acute arrhythmogenic cardiac failure. Thus, myocarditis can be a potentially lethal complication following mRNA-based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.
The next important work will to be to chase down another clear safety signal emerging from neurodegenerative sequelae to injection in a similar manner, alluded to in a basic science review, The potential neurological effect of the COVID-19 vaccines: A review. Lu L, et al. Jul 2021
Meanwhile over-paid, wilful doctors in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and elsewhere feign “bafflement” as ‘sudden adult death’ becomes a major “cause” of death.
A disturbing signal screaming from the original clinical trials data,VAERS data, life insurance data, disability data, reports of cardiac arrests of professional athletes, rises in ambulance calls for cardiac arrests in pre-heart attack age young people, and the massive increases in illnesses and data manipulations in Department of Defense databases.
As these events become more and more recognized by the average citizen (and occasional journalist), a new pathetic ‘Disinformation Campaign’ was launched in response trying to blame all the young people dying as simply a need for increased awareness of the rare condition called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), rather than examples of the legions dying from the vaccines.
The Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome; Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola citing a June 13, 2022, Substack article by Dr. Pierre Kory.
Post Script
This brings us back to the start, and the research article, Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine; Shrestha NK, Burke PC, Nowacki AS, Simon JF, Hagen A, Gordon SM. 2022.
Of the 51011 employees included in this study, only 10804 (21%) took up the option to receive bivalent vaccine boosters with 9595 (89%) taking the Pfizer shot and the balance receiving the Moderna product. It seems people are cottoning on.
Chief among the findings:
The risk of COVID-19 also varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 (see graph below)
There were too few severe illnesses for the study to be able to determine if the vaccine decreased severity of illness.
(Unpredictable) ‘effectiveness’ was calculated at 30%. In stating ‘effectiveness’ we know that there were no formal controls. There are obviously some devoted “vaccine” enthusiasts, 16 took 6 shots, presumably since 16 December 2020 when shots first became available.
More is clearly not better. None however, is king.
And lest we forget, A Happier New Year to One And All. Forwarned is forearmed.
'Praemonitus, praemunitus'