I want to borrow a few opening words and their thoughts from a musical icon, one I still savour, who died earlier this year in May. “Lightfoot died at a Toronto hospital on Monday night of natural causes, according to his publicist.”
Just like an old time movie
‘Bout a ghost from a wishing well
In a castle dark or a fortress strong
With chains upon my feet
You know that ghost is me
And I will never be set free
As long as I am a ghost, you can’t see
My thoughts were prompted and drawn to Gordon only the other evening by a radio announcer who blandly remarked of Lightfoot, after playing one of his memorable songs, “Gosh, what a funny year this has been; haven’t we lost so many fine artists like him.”
Paid to play … or to just too dumbed down … did anyone ever really care I thought? Does anyone actually care about the legion of the silently dead?
The Heartbreaking Meaning Behind Gordon Lightfoot’s “If You Could Read My Mind” crystallizes a personal insight by the maestro into the tribulation of his own life. There are elements within it that struck me as applicable to our wider context, facets which prompted me to reflect how our humanity has been ravaged by the Satanic and psychotic delusion of individuals who plot and insanely claim the whole World as their own.
To wit, Matthew 4:1-11: 8Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
A majority it seems, could care less. This is presumably a similar majority who wouldn’t or who couldn’t recognize the monumental conflicts of interest at play since 2020, the conned and compliant, those who continue to steadfastly ignore the many ways in which their lives are being dismantled. Some 71% of the global populace are now recipients of at least a single shot (with an incredible 35.53 billion shots delivered).
Paid to play … or to just too dumbed down … does anyone really care about the silently dead?
Apparently not, and certainly not the “trusted” institutions :
I have record-level data from multiple countries and it’s clear the COVID vaccines are killing at least 1 person per 1,000 doses on average which means that around 12,000 New Zealanders were killed by the COVID vaccines.
The Excess Death Debacle Of New Zealand And Australia
As the few who read these commentaries may know, I have endeavoured to maintain some focus on the running debacle of death Down-Under. Here is the latest release of excess weekly deaths % change from the mean, concomitant with the release of data by oecd.stat
The data begins at the start of 2020 until week 40 of 2023, now closing in on year 4 of the orchestrated hiatus and tumult.
I have fitted a polynomial trend line that perhaps better captures the multiple peaks and troughs on display since the beginning of 2020. Once again the concordance between New Zealand and Australia is near perfect, while the trend in Sweden remains the inverse of Down-Under. This must be deeply troubling to the narrative, except that very few people appear interested.
Meantime, a closer analysis of the New Zealand data compares slightly older adjusted (updated) oecd.stat data with currently published data, separated by a month or two. I have come to recognize that the excess weekly death data above the 2015 - 2019 mean is usually updated with trivial changes and so presents no obvious problems, particularly as numbers always change slightly in an upward direction.
On this occasion the changes seen in the New Zealand data between the end of September 2023 and mid November 2023 appear “baffling.” See below. The interesting effect for 2023 is to nudge down the cumulative % weekly excess death for the year by 2.6%.

So, now let’s be absolutely clear.
In New Zealand (population: 5.3M) the excess deaths below/above the 2015 - 2019 mean are as follows:
2020 ~ -159
2021 ~ 2170
2022 ~ 5697
2023 ~ 3600 (to week 40)
In New Zealand, the total number of excess deaths above the mean from 2020 until week 40, 2023, was 11,329
Bring to mind the article by Steve Kirsch at the start of this commentary: we can see an approximating closure toward 12,000 excess deaths above the 2015 - 2019 mean in New Zealand, with the end of 2023.
For fatuous comparison, let’s look across the ditch at Australia (population 26.5M).
2020 ~ 1306
2021 ~ 11,069
2022 ~ 29,353
2023 ~ 13,995 (to week 30)
In Australia, the total number of excess deaths above the mean from 2020 until week 30, 2023, was 55,723
Australia and New Zealand have lost (above the weekly mean) since 2020, conservatively, around 67,052 people
And finally, let’s look in contrast at the northern hemisphere, to Sweden (population: 10.7M) with a little less than half the population of Australia and double the population of New Zealand.
2020 ~ 6453
2021 ~ -27.4
2022 ~ 2288
2023 ~ 1190
In Sweden, the total number of excess deaths above the mean from 2020 until week 40, 2023, was 7524
Clearly, whatever took place in Sweden bears no relationship whatsoever to what has taken place, and is still taking place in Australia and New Zealand.
New Zealand lost an excess 0.21% of its population to date, since 2020, the same proportion as Australia, while Sweden lost an excess of 0.07% (one third) of its population in the same period.
Just different arms of the pilot experiment? Who knows?
Institutionally Approved Polite Talk: ‘Bafflement’
Consider first how the ‘D’ word has gained uncommon ascendancy at this time. To coin a currently approved institutional euphemism, it all seems “baffling.
"The Cult of Moloch has devised a road to ruin, poverty, disease and despair."
The Davos Cabal and its overloads are attempting to engineer a grand societal dismantling, one that is seeking, oh-so-crucially, to quite literally rob us of our humanity …
… destitution, disease, despair, depopulation, de-industrialisation, demoralisation, depravity, de-legitimization, drugs, dependency, delinquency, death …. demons?
We can clearly observe Cloward-Piven strategy in full force; we can see the enablement of ignorance, the erasure of critical thinking, and the systematic demolition of values and ethics. And at the same time wider society is drowning in the Kruger-Dunning effect (Cornell University), "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments," (1999) two psychological scientists who provided a priceless piece of insightful and valuable work.
A perfect bidirectional storm has been created, its implementation is the apotheosis of the kakistocracy and the willingness of a submissive multitude to blindly, if not willingly, accept their terminal fate.
But, as the old saying goes: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
For many of us tempered by fire, hope abounds!
Post Script
Having dodged death and overcome medical crises, not to mention outlasting most of his musical contemporaries by sticking to his tried-and-true folk sound, Lightfoot may be pop’s ultimate survivor. How long will he keep going? “To quote my friend Bob Dylan,” he replies, “‘Work while the day lasts because the night will come when you can no longer work.’ I’ve simply never wanted to retire.”
It’s getting late, and I know that Lightfoot, a fitness freak, turns in early to be at the gym every day before 10, so I finish by asking whether he’s learning to like himself more. “I guess I’m doing okay,” he says, “but I always think I could do better. Gordon Lightfoot Reflects on Life, Love and Musical Inspiration Nicholas Jennings | November 25th, 2021
Gordon Lightfoot ~ imdb
Gordon Lightfoot ~ Canadian singer and songwriter ~ Britannica
Regarding NZ adjusting its excess death downwards: I was comparing Births & Deaths 2022 v 2023, and noticed that the 2022 data has been adjusted with 138 live births removed, and 522 deaths removed. I was scratching my head trying to work out why. Regardless, when I plotted a 'Natural Increase' graph, the results still looked pretty bad ('Increase' is currently a misnomer).
2022: https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/births-and-deaths-year-ended-december-2022-including-abridged-period-life-table/
2023: https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/births-and-deaths-year-ended-september-2023
Despite its sanity on lockdowns, Sweden was so gung ho on the bioweapon shots. So what explains its lower excess mortality? Less depression and suicides?