Fascinating. My take is that Desmet is a wicked man. His history of “curing” a serial killer therefore not needing to report him runs parallel with him finding fault with the victims not the monsters with his mass formation nonsense!
Thank you Laura, I was unaware of MD's wider history. Both MD and our authors Broudy, Hughes, and Kyrie highlight an potentially incipient evil dystopia. The former, it is suggested, points to paralysis and terrifying soul destroying, de-humanising ideology, while the latter point to a tiny number of possessed elite hell bent on running the World that may be arrested by numerical weight.
The former embodies the Soviet Union, communist tyranny at its apex, while the latter embodies another Left political format based around a leadership cult of military fascism, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NAZI). As Adolf stated: "National socialism is the determination to create a new man. There will no longer exist any individual arbitrary will, nor realms in which the individual belongs to himself. The time of happiness as a private matter is over."
Ray, your point is well made. Thank you for the links. I read the articles, also Rappoport.
I agree entirely.
As you know, there is a desire to join dots in an instinctive manner that makes a picture of subjective sense, whether or not they are followed and joined in a previously designated, objective numerical sequence. As you point out, there are a legion of faux-academics who keep themselves and their institutions occupied doing this for decades. The faux-academics exposed themselves when they went along to get along. It was beyond bathetic.
There is comfort derived from perceived patterns and generalisations. It's lazy think but... it may also be useful to help transcend the misery and seeming powerless of the moment?
People are unwilling, unable to face their own cowardice. It seems cowardice^2.
So, out of compassion I am inclined to tolerate a degree of soft soaping if it helps lead people circuitously to the truth. Maybe it doesn't?
In the meantime, another utterly evil, stupid generalisation installed in the beginning by the evildoers was that the jabs act in a generalisable manner.
Not they don't. Not even close. And the research clearly showed that fact.
Unsafe, ineffective and unpredictably lethal, sickening or simply useless.
Nonetheless, Desmet may have put his finger on the small percentage who don't go along, which appears vital, because in so doing they prevent the unfettered descent into atrocity (which has already transpired when one thinks about it)?
Thank you for the exhaustive response. Sorry, my time is limited, so I can hardly ever write a lot in comments.
The academia was not always as bad as it is now, but at this point, it is nearly exclusively for a show. If you are not a fake, you don't last among the freaks and the morons. They defend their turf tooth and nail and take every attempt to help them as a threat which, in retrospect, help for them indeed is, because it immediately reveals them for what they are: crooks and snake-oil salesmen. For comic relief, here is my take on "science" (after 23 years of teaching in higher ed in the US and in Europe, I have a pretty good idea):
As for Desmet, I think, it is a psy-op, collecting the lemmings to the edge of the cliff. Also, what he wrote a whole book about, I believe, I explained in my articles in a page or two in plain English in a way that even explains his own sham... (Yes, I have a big mouth, but I don't think it's time to act coy or assuming a position of fake humility; everyone is responsible for the gifts they have, too, not only for their wrongdoings. Humility, in my vocabulary, accepts responsibility for the gifts one has, too.)
Your end must have been a lot harder than mine. Even here, my wife and I were prepared for six thugs dressed up as highwaymen jumping on us, but luckily for everyone, that never happened. Rural Kentucky, after all, is a polite place, although during the muzzling period, I only met with about six people in the grocery store in a small town (where we do our shopping) who were breathing free air. I usually shook hands with them. Other than that, we usually walked in next to the doormen and cheerfully said, "Thank you, we know," when they said something like, "Please, Sir, you have to wear a mask."
The 23 years were at several colleges and universities and I usually lasted until the crap rose to the top. :).
New Zealand materialized into a South Pacific gulag in which a larger part of the populace became well paid compliant camp guards and jailers. It was disgusting and revealing. New Zealand is noted as a particularly compliant 'don't stand out, blend in' kind of place, unfortunately where 'tall poppy syndrome' appears institutionalized.
Why do you think that they have the pressure valve release of emigration to Australia? It's a tight ship this country is. I have some funny conversations in this place. But I do know of two academics (one NZ & one European) not on board with it.
Thank you for writing this. I watched one of Desmet's first interviews and the take-away I got was that he was making excuses for the "covid-me too freakout." He basically said people are too stupid to think for themselves. I didn't really like that defeatist attitude. Plus many people didn't fall for the hysteria. Why? In addition Desmet talked about God without admitting God exists. He talked about a universe force, but would not admit to God. I get he's an atheist, but why talk about a universe force if we all just go poof and all that exists is the atoms of the physical body? He seems all over the board.
Desmet skirts The Truth, ironically possessing the faith of atheism. I sense (hope) that in time he may complete the intellectual journey and surrender to acceptance.
He answered that he slowly began to see how all the great scientists moved away from the rationalist ideology.
He cited Niels Bohr, the Nobel prize winning physicist who said,
“When it comes to atoms, language can only be used as poetry. This behaviour of elementary particles is so intrinsically irrational that it transcends all rational understanding, that you need poetry or mystical discourse to resonate with it, to have a certain feeling with it.”
The essence of life is irrational, as illustrated oddly and paradoxically by highly rational complex dynamic system theory, which shows in a strictly rational manner that the essence of life is irrational.
Physicists cannot even agree on how many dimensions they need to explain their paradigms; the range is between seven and 13.
Humanities and "social sciences" are even worse, because they invent worlds that they describe, and create the cognitive experience of their worlds in their texts. If somebody has something new to say, it can be expressed in plain English, wouldn't you say? Oh, well, in that case, the redundancies would be too obvious. Such "academic" materials are also full of extensions to the human experience that they generate for the reader and, as such, the conclusions usually cannot apply beyond the texts. Circular reasoning, teleological arguments, and reversed logic abound in such discourses and are especially common in postmodernist (deconstructionists are the worst) BS that creates and thrives on the average reader's ignorance and cognitive dissonance. Arguing against them is just about as futile as trying to convince a virologist that viruses, as they describe them, do not exist.
P.S.: Never been an avid reader of "'sage' Hanna."
Appreciate the comment Ray. Your obs/comment about Desmet (Rappoport etc) struck me as being on the nail. With further exploration (Desmet/Breggin discussion) Desmet makes it abundantly clear that individuals act on their own in choosing to follow good/evil, independence/mass formation and refutes a claim that they may be unwilling subjects of some kind of collective hypnotic mindset.
You know, the old chestnut, the 'solution'. They created the problem and offered the solution.
The populace (including the legion of overpaid spineless clinicians and their institutions) were a focus of the greatest most accomplished psy-ops operation ever planned and executed on the World (Yale study: James et al. 2021), relentlessly pursued in uniformity by all legacy media and the main social media platforms, and press ganging all corporations and private companies to adhere.
Teasing out the strands of the compliant, the 'going along to get along' from the 'conned' or the 'coerced' seems tricky. If the same globalist stunt is pulled again (their hubris assures their over-reach?) I suspect we'll see with greater clarity a far starker divide between the willingly muzzled and those that reject the shackles.
If only they knew that they are not going to be spared, either; their blood money will not be worth a penny in a few years and they will be replaced by AI and robots, while waiting for their turn on the road to the proverbial slaughterhouse. Idiocracy is progressing at full speed. :)
Those, who partially tell the truth are the worst, because I cannot fathom if they have been bought, intimidated, or simply stupid. Either way, their acts fit into the psy-op:
Fascinating. My take is that Desmet is a wicked man. His history of “curing” a serial killer therefore not needing to report him runs parallel with him finding fault with the victims not the monsters with his mass formation nonsense!
Thank you Laura, I was unaware of MD's wider history. Both MD and our authors Broudy, Hughes, and Kyrie highlight an potentially incipient evil dystopia. The former, it is suggested, points to paralysis and terrifying soul destroying, de-humanising ideology, while the latter point to a tiny number of possessed elite hell bent on running the World that may be arrested by numerical weight.
The former embodies the Soviet Union, communist tyranny at its apex, while the latter embodies another Left political format based around a leadership cult of military fascism, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NAZI). As Adolf stated: "National socialism is the determination to create a new man. There will no longer exist any individual arbitrary will, nor realms in which the individual belongs to himself. The time of happiness as a private matter is over."
It all sounds a too familiar 'doom loop'.
Thank you sincerely, Alanna.
I don't think Desmet needs to be controlled. He is "only" a run-of-the-mill "academic."
Still, he is doing a great job at gaslighting and making intellectually-challenged people believe they are smart.
I also wrote about it last July and in September:
Ray, your point is well made. Thank you for the links. I read the articles, also Rappoport.
I agree entirely.
As you know, there is a desire to join dots in an instinctive manner that makes a picture of subjective sense, whether or not they are followed and joined in a previously designated, objective numerical sequence. As you point out, there are a legion of faux-academics who keep themselves and their institutions occupied doing this for decades. The faux-academics exposed themselves when they went along to get along. It was beyond bathetic.
There is comfort derived from perceived patterns and generalisations. It's lazy think but... it may also be useful to help transcend the misery and seeming powerless of the moment?
People are unwilling, unable to face their own cowardice. It seems cowardice^2.
So, out of compassion I am inclined to tolerate a degree of soft soaping if it helps lead people circuitously to the truth. Maybe it doesn't?
In the meantime, another utterly evil, stupid generalisation installed in the beginning by the evildoers was that the jabs act in a generalisable manner.
Not they don't. Not even close. And the research clearly showed that fact.
Unsafe, ineffective and unpredictably lethal, sickening or simply useless.
Nonetheless, Desmet may have put his finger on the small percentage who don't go along, which appears vital, because in so doing they prevent the unfettered descent into atrocity (which has already transpired when one thinks about it)?
Thank you for the exhaustive response. Sorry, my time is limited, so I can hardly ever write a lot in comments.
The academia was not always as bad as it is now, but at this point, it is nearly exclusively for a show. If you are not a fake, you don't last among the freaks and the morons. They defend their turf tooth and nail and take every attempt to help them as a threat which, in retrospect, help for them indeed is, because it immediately reveals them for what they are: crooks and snake-oil salesmen. For comic relief, here is my take on "science" (after 23 years of teaching in higher ed in the US and in Europe, I have a pretty good idea):
As for Desmet, I think, it is a psy-op, collecting the lemmings to the edge of the cliff. Also, what he wrote a whole book about, I believe, I explained in my articles in a page or two in plain English in a way that even explains his own sham... (Yes, I have a big mouth, but I don't think it's time to act coy or assuming a position of fake humility; everyone is responsible for the gifts they have, too, not only for their wrongdoings. Humility, in my vocabulary, accepts responsibility for the gifts one has, too.)
"If you are not a fake, you don't last among the morons."
23 yrs ... you did well. My own 20 yrs tertiary involvement UK, Australia, NZ proved ample.
The last 3 years have been an awful trial. I have become increasingly conscious (and therefore careful) of being entirely overtaken by cynicism.
Your end must have been a lot harder than mine. Even here, my wife and I were prepared for six thugs dressed up as highwaymen jumping on us, but luckily for everyone, that never happened. Rural Kentucky, after all, is a polite place, although during the muzzling period, I only met with about six people in the grocery store in a small town (where we do our shopping) who were breathing free air. I usually shook hands with them. Other than that, we usually walked in next to the doormen and cheerfully said, "Thank you, we know," when they said something like, "Please, Sir, you have to wear a mask."
The 23 years were at several colleges and universities and I usually lasted until the crap rose to the top. :).
New Zealand materialized into a South Pacific gulag in which a larger part of the populace became well paid compliant camp guards and jailers. It was disgusting and revealing. New Zealand is noted as a particularly compliant 'don't stand out, blend in' kind of place, unfortunately where 'tall poppy syndrome' appears institutionalized.
Why do you think that they have the pressure valve release of emigration to Australia? It's a tight ship this country is. I have some funny conversations in this place. But I do know of two academics (one NZ & one European) not on board with it.
Thank you for writing this. I watched one of Desmet's first interviews and the take-away I got was that he was making excuses for the "covid-me too freakout." He basically said people are too stupid to think for themselves. I didn't really like that defeatist attitude. Plus many people didn't fall for the hysteria. Why? In addition Desmet talked about God without admitting God exists. He talked about a universe force, but would not admit to God. I get he's an atheist, but why talk about a universe force if we all just go poof and all that exists is the atoms of the physical body? He seems all over the board.
Desmet skirts The Truth, ironically possessing the faith of atheism. I sense (hope) that in time he may complete the intellectual journey and surrender to acceptance.
“Are you a man of faith?”
Matthias was asked, “Are you a man of faith?”
He answered that he slowly began to see how all the great scientists moved away from the rationalist ideology.
He cited Niels Bohr, the Nobel prize winning physicist who said,
“When it comes to atoms, language can only be used as poetry. This behaviour of elementary particles is so intrinsically irrational that it transcends all rational understanding, that you need poetry or mystical discourse to resonate with it, to have a certain feeling with it.”
The essence of life is irrational, as illustrated oddly and paradoxically by highly rational complex dynamic system theory, which shows in a strictly rational manner that the essence of life is irrational.
Oh, and on another subject, there's this:
Physicists cannot even agree on how many dimensions they need to explain their paradigms; the range is between seven and 13.
Humanities and "social sciences" are even worse, because they invent worlds that they describe, and create the cognitive experience of their worlds in their texts. If somebody has something new to say, it can be expressed in plain English, wouldn't you say? Oh, well, in that case, the redundancies would be too obvious. Such "academic" materials are also full of extensions to the human experience that they generate for the reader and, as such, the conclusions usually cannot apply beyond the texts. Circular reasoning, teleological arguments, and reversed logic abound in such discourses and are especially common in postmodernist (deconstructionists are the worst) BS that creates and thrives on the average reader's ignorance and cognitive dissonance. Arguing against them is just about as futile as trying to convince a virologist that viruses, as they describe them, do not exist.
P.S.: Never been an avid reader of "'sage' Hanna."
Appreciate the comment Ray. Your obs/comment about Desmet (Rappoport etc) struck me as being on the nail. With further exploration (Desmet/Breggin discussion) Desmet makes it abundantly clear that individuals act on their own in choosing to follow good/evil, independence/mass formation and refutes a claim that they may be unwilling subjects of some kind of collective hypnotic mindset.
PS. Is 'avidity' a necessary requirement ;-)
The phenomenon of the lynch mob has been around for a while and it does have a mesmerizing effect. Why else were people so much willing to be muzzled?
You know, the old chestnut, the 'solution'. They created the problem and offered the solution.
The populace (including the legion of overpaid spineless clinicians and their institutions) were a focus of the greatest most accomplished psy-ops operation ever planned and executed on the World (Yale study: James et al. 2021), relentlessly pursued in uniformity by all legacy media and the main social media platforms, and press ganging all corporations and private companies to adhere.
Teasing out the strands of the compliant, the 'going along to get along' from the 'conned' or the 'coerced' seems tricky. If the same globalist stunt is pulled again (their hubris assures their over-reach?) I suspect we'll see with greater clarity a far starker divide between the willingly muzzled and those that reject the shackles.
If only they knew that they are not going to be spared, either; their blood money will not be worth a penny in a few years and they will be replaced by AI and robots, while waiting for their turn on the road to the proverbial slaughterhouse. Idiocracy is progressing at full speed. :)
Those, who partially tell the truth are the worst, because I cannot fathom if they have been bought, intimidated, or simply stupid. Either way, their acts fit into the psy-op:
They will pull a lot more than just another plandemic: