Memory Holing ... Not Here
Frappé fueled emoting regressivism, champagne socialism, virtue signalling ESG corporates, journavists, medical jabsters, genuflecting climatism, policy-based "science," collectivist "ethics" ...
Seriously, can a rapidly disintegrating, hedonistic, narcissistic clown World, obsessed as it seems with delegitimisation and dehumanisation be truly capable of holding it together? Just look at the abundance of overweight, over paid fat peckers, here (2020) and here (2023) and the dependence upon the manipulation of search-engine algorithms.
It was all so blindingly obvious to a few, that from the the opening days of 2020 the political and bureaucratic trajectories rapidly morphed into an irrational, unethical and wantonly destructive arc of expressed action articulated by policies of uncharacteristic political uniformity. It exposed a grave societal red flag that was succinctly expressed in one snide, conceited, twisted, and sneering phrase from the then New Zealand Prime Minister, culminating in one word,
Try to keep both her and that word in mind, just for a very brief moment.
NO politician interested in remaining in office has intentionally EVER left themselves without either plausible deniability or sufficient wriggle room to exit stage left … until then.
No electorate or political constituency appears to have readily, willingly and enthusiastically embraced its own delegitimisation, … until then.
The Manifest Dawning of Clown World
Sprung into diabolical play was a formulated and engineered a prior political purpose that instigated a fraudulent "pandemic,” and perpetrated the pan-global injection of ~ 71% of the World’s population (if one believes the accuracy of that value). The purpose, to habituate a vast number of people to pointless unpredictable toxic injections (see the end of this commentary). It was fueled by relentless and purposeful narratives of fear. State funded, media driven hyperbole furnished hypnotizing psy-ops. All of this was underpinned by readily co-opted business, corporations, banksters, scientivists, medical jabsters and universities, all collectively leeching on civilisation, overseeing a parasitical dismantling that continues today, albeit now with rather visibly fraying edges.
The mandated consequences of shots (yes, I wrote that intentionally) still proceeds apace today.
“Therefore, as of July 2022, 30% of England’s population remained completely unvaccinated. 34% was not double vaccinated and 50% was not triple vaccinated. However, the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for 95 percent of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023. The unvaccinated population, meanwhile, accounted for just five percent. However, it’s the fact that these deaths aren’t among the one-dose and two-dose vaccinated population that is truly alarming. The vast majority are among those vaccinated four times.The quad-vaxxed population accounts for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated.”
A similar and ridiculous narrative plays out in New Zealand, reliably buoyed by the Fifth Column.
Hidden Long COVID Crisis Deepens In New Zealand; Thursday, 11 April 2024. Socialist Equality Group
On April 2, Health NZ declared that 3,399 new cases, of which 67 percent were reinfections, had been reported the previous week, with seven more deaths attributed to the virus. Nationwide wastewater readings suggest that the real number of cases is twice as high.
Despite ongoing attempts by the political establishment (“far-right National Party led coalition government”) to convince the population that the COVID pandemic is “over” or no worse than seasonal influenza, in 2023 the coronavirus caused more than 12,000 hospitalisations and 1,000 deaths.
Total deaths in New Zealand attributed to COVID will pass 4,000 this week, but the real toll is likely higher. According to Health NZ there are 226 deaths that may or may not be COVID-related, and 1,773 people who died shortly after being infected with COVID, but whose deaths have been deemed unrelated to COVID.
While the counter-narratives state:
The Sinister Diarrhœa of Fear that Cultivates Societal Incoherence
We sense, feel, see, speak and hear a widely enforced diarrhœa of incoherence, an incomprehensible language whose core matrix is chaos and fear. It began with the anti-scientific incoherence of, ‘A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China’. It forces institutional and individual coercion that serves several purposes: bolstering the brittle fragility of a narrative that promotes the cutting assaults upon rational, prosperous civilisation; destroying the methodological and ethical tenets of sound science; obliterating corporeal sanctity and that of the family; delegitimising individual sovereignty.
The dowsing of civilisation by supra-national and State driven entities with an array of bio-psycho-social accelerant appears designed to promote a conflagration of pathology, incoherence, and degenerating social cohesion. It leads toward a readily controlled punch-drunk World. The specter of fostered sickness, dissociative pathology, division, tribalism, and social fragmentation stand as testament to the successful delegitmisation of everything and everyone. It is a tyrannical and frankly satanic monologue that apparently seeks to eviscerate the soul humanity.
A narrative of fear seeks to cultivate executive IQ diminishing characteristics (impaired cognition) that can potentially undermine the sovereignty of an individual’s mind (dense research).
Emotional and cognitive processes cannot be dissociated, even when considering such a basic emotion as fear.The cognitive apprehension of events and situations is critically involved in emotional experiences and also influences coping strategies or defense mechanisms.
The above observations are discussed in a more accessible manner between Dr. Michael Nehls and Tucker Carlson:
Post Script
You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.
C.S. Lewis
Realising that ‘they’ foster the preposterous illusion of a small world that bloats the delusion of individual control while fostering institutional control seems like a useful place to start unpicking the globalist strait-jacket. Wider local awareness; possession of a modicum of self-knowledge, these appear increasingly paramount.
Reaching out, connecting with and becoming familiar to tangible and palpable communities, enclaves of like-minded people is important. Turn the page, flick the switch, unplug, walk away, turn off the diarrhœa. Only switch-on out of occasional regrettable necessity.
Seek and marvel in truth, and in that which is right, beautiful, and good. Re-experience natural beauty, the sounds, smells, joys and colours of life. Recognise those things that touch and embrace the magnificent panoply of complexity that appears universally exalted in Creation by the manifestation of elegant simplicity. The words of John Gillespie Magee, Jr. express this admirably, “[ I ] Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.”
Re-hydrate your mind, avoid toxic fear laden narratives, and find the vital infusions of authentic, in-person social connection.
Finally, the importance of awareness and seeing the writing on the wall…
Thanks Latus. The Japanese Dr however reifies the virus in multiple places: viral genes, spike, stimulating immunity, etc. Still doesn't know? there is no-virus. He is a propaganda agent. I like YOUR post though. See you!
A great post. Thank you.