Reductio ad absurdum is a mode of argumentation that seeks to establish a contention by deriving an absurdity from its denial, thus arguing that a thesis must be accepted because its rejection would be untenable. It is a style of reasoning that has been employed throughout the history of mathematics and philosophy from classical antiquity onwards.
Having now reached the 6 month mark of 2023, the excess weekly deaths in Australia and New Zealand continue to mirror each other with unwavering precision holding very close to 20% above the ‘zero’ 2015 - 2019 mean, while the trend in Sweden continues inexorably, now dipping below the 2015 - 2019 mean.
What has occurred in Sweden has not occurred in Australia and New Zealand, not by several country miles. The linear trend line week on week for the last three years bears no relationship between Sweden, and Australia and New Zealand. Whatever appears to have taken place in the southern hemisphere has never taken place in Sweden.
The observed variance is clearly a conspiracy looking for a theory and a gallon of lubricating misinformation.
If that’s so, then I’m a monkey’s uncle.
If that is true, then pigs can fly.
If he did that, then I’m the Shah of Persia.
Post Script
In many ways, so little appears to have changed in New Zealand in the last century. The stain of socialist tyranny had already touched the nation in its early years, unfolded in a manner that may be argued to have led incrementally to the awful tyranny observed today.
The history of New Zealand has been etched in ever tightening engravings upon the socialist ratchet, all the way to its present stranglehold of manifest and controlling evil. It was as self-evident in 1903 as it appears now; the same hackneyed, morally bankrupt memes being peddled for their endless media and political longevity. Only now, the depths of depravity appear measureless.
If one thought unethically imposed medical treatment and experimentation, wrapped in coercion, and the loss of livelihood might herald a stark future, one would be accurate. For next came pregnant women, breast feeding mothers, children and infants, with the overt compromise of their physical well being and health, and then the concerted plunder of their spiritual innocence by the unspeakable UN curriculum.
Yet in New Zealand, the masses of somnolent bystanders nod in rhythmic cadence, led by the invertebrate cheerleaders of institutionalized media and their State minders. They dance a tight diabolical tango of the insane, lost in a strident dissonance of discord. Meanwhile, the bloated government agencies and the politicians of vacant meaninglessness chant their approbation, without a backward look toward the wreckage of social fabric, the injuries and sickness, the eviscerated soul of a nation, the bankrupted people. These puppets stumble to define a woman and yet bizarrely, they enshrine a globalist elite.
Who is kidding who in this audacious parody of fools implementing their disastrous dance to nowhere?
But through all, they obligingly leave their mark. Should we call it another Mark of the Beast? For it is the emblematic sentence of their own destiny chiselled on their gravestone, the dead-end of a self-fulfilling prophecy best described by the acronym, DIE.
We are many and we are awake. With all that has been implemented and forced upon us, jammed into us from top down, from the medical assault, the wanton subversion of children, the excruciating demeaning of women, the material impoverishment, and the infinite array of psychological tools of torture … we have seen, felt and met them all, and most of all, while we experienced the degradation we triumphed in our humanity, and we became so much more.
Beware the anger of a patient people.