The Self-Selection of The Chosen. Self-Selected COVID -19 “Unvaccinated” Cohort Reports Favorable Health Outcomes and Unjustified Discrimination in Global Survey (Verkerk R, et al. (2022).
The Psy-Op BEFORE The Shots Appeared
The ‘Critical Thinkers’
Orchestrated Discrimination
An Intentional Withholding of Fully Informed Consent
Rear Guard Action ~ Scientivism, Climatisim, COVIDism ~ Fear Narratives
Lewandowski ~ Establishment ‘Anti-Aircraft’ Fire
Post Script ~ Puncturing The Narrative Of Fear
The Hill To Die On ~ Dr Mike Yeadon
Sidling is the present participle of sidle, which means to walk towards or away from someone, trying not to be noticed.
BACK IN 2022 AN IMPORTANT AND REASSURING ARTICLE was published that served to furnish some valuable insight. It helped understand the underlying rationale of the few people who rejected the forceful imposition of brutally unethical, financially ruinous, unscientific and clinically useless, unpredictably lethal and/or sickening, lipid nanoparticle injections, promulgated for no robust ethical, medical, social, economic, or scientific reason, but instead for a range of occult political and ideological reasons that persist to this day.
Under the steel mantle of a hermetically sealed narratives and a socially engineered psy-op, this published study garnered little attention, which is still the case.
Gleaning insight about those who possessed a unique threat perception, a native antennae or a Divine touch of insight, or simply the research experience and ethical awareness that led them to flee for the hills whatever the cost, such insight may furnish a guide by which the trapped minds of many more may be freed, while also providing supportive affirmation to those still soldiering on at the barricades?
For those well aware of the assault, and to those more recently sensitized and awakened, perhaps by the loss or their own well being, or observing the sickening of a friend or a family member or the ‘sudden’ death of frequently perfectly healthy individual, such insight provides reinforcement to the validity of their analysis.
The article’s full title is, Self-Selected COVID -19 “Unvaccinated” Cohort Reports Favorable Health Outcomes and Unjustified Discrimination in Global Survey (Verkerk R, et al. (2022).
At the time, I provided commentary about it. It was in its way a God-send because it affirmed the correctness of the instincts in play when confronted by rogue governments collectively implementing a flagrant bureaucratic and medically sanctioned assault that relied upon an a priori relentless social drilling in, ‘effective persuasive messaging that invoked prosocial vaccination and social image concerns to increase intended uptake and further condition a willingness to persuade others while also instilling embarrassment and guilt in those choosing not to vaccinate’.
Regrettably though, critique, the published study embraced the dual contrived narratives of a ‘contagious, virus pandemic’ and ‘natural immunity’ , for a non-existent pathogen. The conjunction to a meaningless lab test improperly and illegitimately used as a “diagnostic” test was designed to furnish the required case numbers for a non-specific collection of incredibly banal and routine symptoms indicative of anything and nothing. But let’s place that to one side for now; it has been considered here, previously.
The well placed rejection of this State sponsored and mandated personal assault, one powerfully orchestrated by a fevered media psy-op orientated to foster intense social coercion before injections appeared still remains a very smart choice, both at the time, and in hindsight provided by the present day. And by the way, it was evidently also a very smart choice made by 2,000 Hollywood Celebrities, European Elite Caught with Fake Vaccination Passports …
Vaccination records were falsified by thousands of celebrities, officials and European elites who gave themselves fake saline injections instead of the deadly mRNA jabs.
… in addition to the revelation that 11,000 exemptions given to a variety of healthcare professionals and bureaucrats in New Zealand (Secret Jab Exemptions for Healthcare Workers in New Zealand Come to Light ~ NewZealandDoc Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.).
The methodology of the study took a cohort of (n = 18,497) that was a sub-group comprising 6.2% of the 297,618 people who had registered for the Control Group Cooperative (CGC - by the end of February 2022 and who had provided data monthly over the first 5 consecutive months of the survey (October 2021 to February 2022, inclusive).
The broad reasons why individuals rejected shots may be placed into three categories, as below. The reason emerged from their direct historical experience, or it was an expression of preference or fear, or it arose as a consequence of their own analysis. A distinction was drawn between fear of immediate reactogenic events associated with injection (a sore arm for example, ascribed more to ‘preference’) or fear of disastrous long term adverse reactions AESIs ~ adverse events of special interest (ascribed more fittingly to ‘analysis’).
It was the latter and largest group (~65%) that bore a hallmark of independent critical analysis leading to the decision to reject a shot.
Experience: Medical complications: 4.39%; Previous vaccine injuries: 2.78%
Total: 7.17%
Preference: For natural medicine interventions: 16.78% Fear of short term adverse reactions: 11.48%
Total: 28.26%
Analysis: Distrust of pharmaceutical intervention: 16.43% / Distrust of government information: 16.41%; Poor / limited trail study data: 16.33%; Fear of long term adverse reactions: 15.42%
Total: 64.59%
(a small summation error of 0.02% appears in the published results)
Unfortunately, ‘ethics’ does not appear to feature in the reported decisions of individuals. Nonetheless, this subject is commented upon by the authors in the discussion:
‘The lack of a scientific basis for COVID-19 vaccination means that stigmatizing individuals who exercise their right to informed choice is unethical (Kampf, 2021). Jonathan Pugh and colleagues from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, argued the following in the Journal of Medical Ethics:’
‘Without compelling evidence for the superiority of vaccine-induced immunity, it cannot be deemed necessary to require vaccination for those with natural immunity (Pugh et al., 2022). It follows, therefore, that discrimination against individuals who have elected to invoke natural immunity, in place of vaccine-induced immunity, is unjust’.
Discrimination Alive And Thriving
In regard to discrimination, unsurprisingly the study described that respondents reported feeling even more victimized by the respective government authorities than by the non-state entities. Rates of perceived discrimination were greatest among respondents in Southern Europe (61%), Western Europe (59%), South America (57%), Australia and New Zealand (57%) (the legendary lands of the hypocritical “fair go” ~ New Zealand primed nicely with snitchers and dobbers , 2020 revealed a formidably biddable totalitarian predisposition that apparently broke the NZ police website according to RNZ (30 March 2020).
Between 20% and nearly 50% of respondents in the study, depending on region, reported being personal targets of hate, implying victimization, owing to their COVID-19 vaccination status
Discrimination Based On ‘Injection’ Status
The reporting of discrimination based on injection status appears consistent with other early publications around the same time, for example, Discriminatory attitudes against unvaccinated people during the pandemic. Bor A, et al. (2022) who identified the emergent horror of State cultivated persecution:
‘across three conjoined experimental studies (n = 15,233), that vaccinated people express discriminatory attitudes towards unvaccinated individuals at a level as high as discriminatory attitudes that are commonly aimed at immigrant and minority populations. By contrast, there is an absence of evidence that unvaccinated individuals display discriminatory attitudes towards vaccinated people, except for the presence of negative affectivity in Germany and the USA’.
‘National leaders and vaccinated members of the public appealed to moral obligations to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake, but our findings suggest that discriminatory attitudes—including support for the removal of fundamental rights—simultaneously emerged’.
Others also made similar observations consistent with those made previously, for example, the association between vaccination status identification and societal polarization. Henkel L, et al. (2023)
…the tendency to discriminate was especially pronounced among vaccinated participants.
Nonetheless, brutal stigmatization and economic deprivation did not shake the convictions of those that rejected the coercion ~ Resistance to COVID-19 vaccination and the social contract: evidence from Italy. Kreps SE, & Kriner DL (2023). In fact, it cemented conviction.
Confronted with stalled vaccination efforts against COVID-19, many governments embraced mandates and other measures to incentivize vaccination that excluded the unvaccinated from aspects of social and economic life. Even still, many citizens remained unvaccinated.
The Intentional Withholding Of Informed Consent
The rejection of State sponsored lies and the betraying absence of fully informed consent served to reinforce conviction. In any event, the latter was an obvious ploy. Almost no one in receipt of fully informed consent would have taken a shot had they been aware of the useless game of Russian roulette they had unwittingly signed up for.
The Rear Guard Action
A self-betraying counterpoint relying upon the age old tradition of an embrace of derogatory and discriminatory ad hominem labels was employed in the attempt to torpedo the discrimination outlined in these previous studies. Holford DL et al. (2023) assert the, ‘Psychological profiles of anti-vaccination argument endorsement’ are predicated upon ‘anti-scientific beliefs and partisan ideologies’.
Their article reveals more about their own psychological profiles as authors than that of any of the participants in their study. It is a manufactured hit piece with the well established stamp of its discredited author, Australian professor Stephan Lewandowski whose psychological language merely serves as a sign post of intellectual preoccupation polished by a gossamer veneer seeking to bolster the establishment narrative and undermine any independent critical analysis, to deride ethics, and all while engage in rank discrimination and character assassination.
Are we in a war? Almost certainly.
we found that participants exhibited monological belief patterns in their highly correlated endorsements of anti-vaccination arguments while psychological constructs significantly predicted argument endorsement strength and vaccine hesitancy. Four different latent anti-vaccination profiles were identified amongst our participants’ responses.
Our results confirm the notion that people who are opposing vaccinations will tend to endorse any and all anti-vaccination arguments within the taxonomy.
A monological belief system among those who endorse anti-vaccinations arguments.
We conclude that endorsement of anti-vaccination arguments meaningfully dovetails with attitude roots clustering around anti-scientific beliefs and partisan ideologies, but that the balance between those attitudes differs considerably between people.
Who is Lewandowsky?
Professor Stephan Lewandowsky scuttled off to Bristol University, England from the University of Western Australia.
Stephan Lewandowsky 'flees' Australia in wake of investigations whose earlier work attempting to discredit disagreement with the globalist and UNEP ‘climatism’ narratives by using risible ad hominem attacks. His paper, NASA faked the moon landing--therefore, (climate) science is a hoax: an anatomy of the motivated rejection of science (2013), is a classic of the genre.
His work was also discredited by his own professional and academic colleagues.
Stephan Lewandowsky's "Moon Landing Paper" scathingly criticized by team of psychologists in a new book.
Lewandowski et al. (2013) with a paper titled, “NASA Faked the Moon Landing – Therefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax” – strongly implied that people who doubt global warming believe bizarre conspiracy theories. As Lewandowsky et al. (2013, p. 622) put it, “… conspiratorial thinking contributes to the rejection of science.”
And here he pops up again in 2023 as an esteemed Bristol University professor regurgitating the same psychological bile he used on those refuting the climatism charade, almost verbatim, and once again endeavouring to debase those who did not succumb to the ‘consensus’ narratives of the establishment.
His manifest and perhaps intentional and well paid inability to address a broad and crushing body of literature now visible in every aspect of science, medicine, and ethics remains a transparent betrayal of intellect, ethics and morality.
A monological belief system among those who endorse anti-vaccinations arguments.
We conclude that endorsement of anti-vaccination arguments meaningfully dovetails with attitude roots clustering around anti-scientific beliefs and partisan ideologies
Post Script
ONCE UPON A TIME, in an earlier time The Chosen awoke to the fact that we were surrounded, under attack and experiencing the beginning of the greatest murderous siege in the history of humanity. Those who had awakened came to epitomize humanity with its manifest spark of divinity, while a vast majority descended into the abyss of its loss, coerced and complicit alike. Thankfully many have sought to (often painfully) return to humanity once again.
However, the globalist siege relentlessly focused on individuals, groups, regions, nations, upon the very World itself continues unabated today.
The siege will not stop until it is stopped.
While increasingly a growing number appear to acknowledge and recognise this fact, these individuals have also come to appreciate the existence (at the worst) of a coterie of disaffected, deluded and deranged despots with an insatiable lust for power and control and (at the best) a terminal, ideological and misguided case of “noble cause” corruption.
Noble cause corruption is corruption caused by the adherence to a teleological ethical system, suggesting that persons “will utilize unethical, and sometimes illegal, means to obtain a desired result,”[1] a result which appears to benefit the greater good. Where traditional corruption is defined by personal gain,[2] noble cause corruptions forms when someone is convinced of their righteousness, and will do anything within their powers to obtain or concertize the execution of righteous actions. Ultimately, noble cause corruption is police misconduct “committed in the name of good ends”[3] or neglect of due process through “a moral commitment to make the world a safer place to live.”[4]
Conditions for such corruption usually begin where individuals perceive no administrative accountability, lack of morale and leadership, and the general absence of faith within the criminal justice system.[5] These conditions can be compounded by arrogance and weak supervision. Reproduced from here, Dec 11, 2015.
Nevertheless, bounded as all people are by strict limitations imposed by their own mortality, these megalomaniacs exhibit an inter-generational turpitude that professes an enduring grooming all of its own. The malevolent aim of shackling of all humanity remains their inter-generational ambition and their persisting goal.
In the current actualisation of their regressive agenda they have over-exposed and over-reached themselves. Understandably, so many cannot or do not want to witness such evil in play. It is visceral, deadly, and very hard to stomach. It demands courage to face.
Nonetheless, there is an emerging reality that even the most spineless will seek to drift away from, namely the queue in which they quiescently await the potentially lethal roulette spin of a needled barrel.
In this we have reached a point of historical inflection, one in which humanity appears to show an emergent incremental awareness, one which assumes the poise to transcend that which was and is, namely, that which divides, steals, murders, persecutes, surveils and torments us. On the other hand, most have a preference toward survival and co-operation, while many possess a greater vision, that of prosperity, peace, trust, responsibility, accountability, freedom and happiness.
As even the New Zealand National Ethics Review Committee opined, The ability of government to use all elements of the ladder [of coercion] rests on social license or the population’s acceptance of the government’s governance.
National Ethics Advisory Committee (NEAC), 2022, ‘Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic’, Wellington: New Zealand Ministry of Health.
The ethical advisors to the New Zealand Ministry of Health informed us all about the means by which we reject the shackling lethal tyranny of the WHO/WEF, that murderous tyranny of delegitmisation, destitution, depopulation, deindustrialisation, and digitized dependency that the globalists wish to impose.
National Ethics Advisory Committee. 2023. Summary of Submissions – Consultation on the Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic. Wellington: Ministry of Health
As the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860) stated, All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident, or as others have opined,“Lies have short legs.” The Truth Will Dawn … And Then? (2022)
The unintended consequence of ontological change has been created, and it is this that dawns now, so clearly expressed in a hitherto unimaginable articulation by the National Ethics Advisory Committee of the New Zealand Ministry of Health, a clarion call to politicians and bureaucrats in New Zealand and elsewhere, that the social license will be withdrawn, as will the consent of the governed, those who possess the choice not to submit further to ever escalating torment.
I'm not worried anymore.
They failed!
They underestimated humanity.
What they tried to do with COVID showed how naturally resilient we are, even if delayed and not conscious.
We are witnessing evolutionary psychology in motion.
This is what they gambled on and almost succeeded in doing. But because they lost, we gained knowledge of the predator class, even if subconscious like animals do.
Michael Nehls explains the mechanism of creating cognitive zombies. I suppose that was their preferred type of slave.
That's why now they are on a blitzkrieg of propaganda of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. People are no longer reacting to it like they used to. And we even reacted differently to past generations. Genetics the same, but the environments were different.
Thanks for the great effort Latus!