In the light of the recent UK Perseus Group Report ‘Safe And Effective’ (PDF of report here) it is timely to once again illuminate the extraordinary increase in death ABOVE THE MEAN, referred to as EXCESS DEATHS from all causes in New Zealand. This will be one of the means at our disposal to eventually hold to account an institutional trinity of culpability, namely those who caused, those who presided, and those who fostered the moral, ethical, medical, and scientific travesty foisted on the populace, in what must surely be considered the greatest exercise in political, media, institutional, and corporate malfeasance ever witnessed in the country?
The exact proportion of the excess of death that is fueled by the repetitive ineffective, unsafe and unpredictable shots is made (intentionally) tricky to discover (the obfuscation of ‘cases’, death with/of, absence of strict controls). It is more usually the domain of the learned mathematics and statistics luminaries such as Norman Fenton (Professor of Risk and Information Management, Queen Mary University of London) and Martin Neil (Professor in Computer Science and Statistics, Queen Mary University of London) who have and continue to distinguish themselves with their rigour and insight.
I propose to show you our New Zealand data, to make some comparisons with other countries and to highlight some media embodied fallacies. May be showing some simple graphs to others can ‘nudge’ them, perhaps help open their eyes, even possibly their minds. One can but live in hope.
To properly hold to account the New Zealand (and Australia) trinity of culpability would in likelihood lead to an unraveling of the local elements of ‘civil society’ and a probable restoration of true civilisation. Elsewhere, where a critical intellectual and moral mass is easier to achieve, genuine progress is being made. The Perseus report (is not long and is truly worth a read) is an example. It will contribute to the growing light being shone on the trinity of culpability in New Zealand.
This Perseus report has been co-authored by a multidisciplinary team of experts from various fields including medicine, safety management and pharmaceutical regulation. Its purpose is to bring to the attention of politicians and policy makers the serious shortcomings in the current regulatory system for drug approvals in general and the Covid-19 vaccines in particular, and the significant safety issues that result.
There is no immediate prospect that New Zealand authorities will concede an iota of error or misjudgement in any of their COVID policies. In fact, these have already been quietly doubled down upon. Just check out the euphemistically termed ‘Ladder of Intervention’ (aka. coerced compliance).
So when another WHO WEF orchestrated ‘pandemic’ arises, gird your loins; Humanity will be under open siege, aimed at the acceleration of and guarantee arrival at 2030, fully “transformed.” After all, it is The Transformation Agenda with the dated implementation of 2030 that tirelessly ‘transfects’ the narrative.
To The Data And Graphs
Please stay with me. I believe it is worth it even though this is ‘free’.
The excess weekly death data for New Zealand and Australia is graphed and compared. Further comparison is made between New Zealand and Australia, and Sweden. Finally, comparison is made with the Nordic countries.
These data are then contrasted against published ‘scientific’ articles (ideologically fueled opinion pieces) and media propaganda. The stark contrast appears self-evident. The background of implemented policies (masking, distancing, mandates and injections) and the relative ferocity of government subjugation will for the most past already be well appreciated by readers here.
In adhering to the data that is arguably less likely to be manipulated, namely all cause excess mortality, I consider greater truth and fact may be found there. As many of you will already understand, death with/of “COVID” is a dead end in the dark, while “cases” are the blind ally in a maze.
New Zealand And Australia Excess Death
The graphs below show one tangible repercussion of mass experimental injection (until proved otherwise) with the ‘COVID-19 “Vaccine,” mRNA’ (‘Comirnaty’) manufactured by BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH.
Please do keep in mind that using ‘experimental’ here lazily implies the usual assumption of established ethics and method, both of which were aggressively ditched in New Zealand and Australia. Indeed, it appears more accurate to replace experiment with the word assault. Science left the room when the experimental controls were abandoned in 2020, with ethics close behind. Government and corporate injection mandates were subsequently imposed giving an altogether novel and draconian spin to public and private partnership.
The salient point here, as you will see below, is that there appears a significant year on year escalation in all cause weekly excess deaths when compared against the 2015 - 2019 average (zero value - blue line), notwithstanding a small increase in population since then, clearly a trend that heads relentlessly upward in three recurrent steps. The New Zealand and Australia linear and polynomial trend lines hardly differ so for simplicity I stayed with linear. As trend lines, they are conjoint twins.
As described in Australia, a causal relationship of the expedition of cruel “government policy” to the dodgy premise of a ‘pandemic’ is well demonstrated. Given an apparent extraordinary and unnatural concordance between Australia and New Zealand, it is reasonable to contend that a similar causal logic holds.
Australian official mortality data show no clear evidence of significant excess deaths in 2020, implying from an older WHO definition that there was no COVID-19 pandemic. A seasonality analysis suggests that COVID-19 deaths in 2020 were likely misclassifications of influenza and pneumonia deaths. Australian excess mortality became significant only since 2021 when the level was high enough to justify calling a pandemic. Significant excess mortality was strongly correlated (+74%) with COVID-19 mass injections five months earlier.
What is perhaps harder to explain is the nigh on perfect concordance between Australia and New Zealand and the obvious divergence with the “government policies” of Sweden. Whatever is taking place Down Under is not being replicated in Scandinavia, not by a country mile.
It begs a hypothetical rhetorical question; just which elements of the corporate globalist WEF experiment were/are being tested in regional Oceania?
All Cause Weekly Excess Death 2020 - 2023

The near perfect coupled integration of the New Zealand / Australia weekly excess deaths is self-evident. (nb. Australia has not published its 2023 data on the oecd.stat platform). Approximate injection dates (‘government policy’ for New Zealand) are inserted on the horizontal axis in addition to the date of the widening use of ‘antivirals’.
The gradients rise in concert, in step wise fashion in both countries. The difference between linear and polynomial trend lines (best fit) is insignificant.
Comparing New Zealand And Australia With Sweden
Now, let’s compare New Zealand and Australia with Sweden (green line), whose population is approximately twice that of New Zealand and half that of Australia.

What is clear is that the trends in excess death trends between New Zealand/Australia and Sweden are divergent.
Nevertheless, we do see the similar ‘3 steps’ in Sweden (green line), with a first large peak in Spring/Summer 2020, prior to injections and prior to “cases,” showing poor concordance between ‘cases’ and deaths below, WHO Sweden graph, in WHO Coronavirus Dashboard
The Persecution of Sweden
Sweden was viciously criticised for its policies and the supposed consequences. The typical media propaganda prose ran like this:
"The Swedish response to this pandemic was unique and characterised by a morally, ethically, and scientifically questionable laissez-faire approach, a consequence of structural problems in the society," the team wrote. "There was more emphasis on the protection of the 'Swedish image' than on saving and protecting lives or on an evidence-based approach."
“As a result, Sweden had a higher COVID death rate than the surrounding Nordic nations.”
“The authors said the PHA [Swedish Public Health Authority] discouraging the use of masks and claiming they were ineffective helped spread fear in the population and misinformed the public about how COVID spreads, that asymptomatic people can be infectious and that masks protect the wearer and those around them.”
The actual report which fueled the abcNEWS propaganda (Evaluation of science advice during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden ~ March 2022) stated:
If Sweden wants to do better in future pandemics, the scientific method must be re-established, not least within the Public Health Agency.
Elsewhere, The Economist abstract (article pay walled) wrote (Nov 2020):
THE NORDIC countries share similar political models and cultural norms. So when covid-19 arrived in March 2020, many expected Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden to adopt similar policies. Instead Sweden took a loose approach, keeping restaurants and primary schools open and relying on citizens to observe social-distancing recommendations themselves. The others enforced strict lockdowns and relaxed them only as the epidemic receded.
Compare ‘COVID’ Deaths And Excess Mortality
New Zealand, Australia and Sweden
So let us review using WHO data (and population data here) for the period 2020 - 2023.
New Zealand est. population ~ 5,228,100 (‘COVID’ deaths 2716; 0.05% population)
Sweden est. population ~ 10,612,086 (‘COVID’ deaths 23,971; 0.23% population)
Australia est. population ~ 26,439,111 (‘COVID’ deaths 20,119; 0.08% population)
The picture portrayed here purports to show just how well New Zealand and Australia are doing with their COVID death rates when compared to the “unscientific” and “unethical” Swedes. People in Sweden appeared to die (pro rata) of COVID approximately 4.6 times more than New Zealanders and 2.9 times than Australians. So, it seemed Sweden did not perform so well, as we were hysterically ‘informed’.
But …
Were we to instead review the cumulative excess weekly death data over the same 2020 - 2023 period), the emerging picture would look quite different.
Cumulative weekly excess deaths 2020 - 2023
Australia and New Zealand pro rata (population) have seen twice the number of deaths than seen in Sweden.
New Zealand ~ 8,636 deaths (0.17% population)
Sweden ~ 8,555 deaths (0.08% population)
Australia ~ 41,728 deaths (0.16% population)
The difference is as self-evident as it is stark and it underscores the divergent trends seen in the above three country comparison excess all cause mortality graph.
And for a little further contrast, remember how the claim was asserted that:
“As a result, Sweden had a higher COVID death rate than the surrounding Nordic nations.”
While as written it may appear correct, the insight resides in cumulative excess all cause death, which as one can see below show Sweden doing best of all the Nordic neighbours.
Cumulative weekly excess deaths (2020 - 2023) Nordic Nations
Sweden shows the least.
Sweden ~ 8,555 deaths ~ 0.08% population (10,612,086)
Norway ~ 5962 deaths ~ 0.11% population (5,474,360)
Denmark ~ 11,037 deaths ~ 0.19% population (5,910,913)
In the pro rata population Death Table line-up, Denmark leads New Zealand and Australia, while Sweden shows the least of all.
Denmark ~ 11,037 deaths ~ 0.19% population
New Zealand ~ 8,636 deaths 0.17% population
Australia ~ 41,728 deaths 0.16% population
Norway ~ 5962 deaths ~ 0.11% population
Sweden ~ 8,555 deaths 0.08% population
Interestingly, the cumulative injection rates between countries differs, the lead again also held by Denmark.
We recognise and understand well that monumental uncertainty, inconsistency, variability and unpredictability exists around manufacture, composition, delivery, and individual response to the different synthetic nucleotide/lipid nanoparticle injections. As time continues to pass, the truth will continue to emerge. The wider research as you all know accounts for and points to the emergence of dire health-span and life-span consequences.
The all cause excess deaths in New Zealand and Australia are historically epic and unprecedented and yet, formally ignored. The mainstream media, the politicians and institutional leaders daily demonstrate their modus operandi of stonewalling silence and a total intolerance of dissent. In the face of demands to respond coherently and rationally to overwhelming data and published science, even afflicted as they are by a haemorrhage of dwindling influence, trust, and subscribers, they choose silence and exercise delegitimisation.
Meanwhile, a plethora of networked outlets and learned commentators flourish in debate and analysis, furnishing their compelling critiques exposing and dissecting the signs of our times. Termed by those within the bubble of manufactured delusion as ‘conspiracies’ they form a plague of ‘disinformation’, currently being posited as the greatest democratic and political threat of our time. This desperate inversion of truth is as nauseating as it is revealing.
In this milieur, brutal realizations materialize out of a fog of incoherence deliberately foisted upon us all since January 2020. ‘They’ gave themselves a decade to fully implement the ‘Transformational” 2030 Agenda. Why? Because ‘they’ had the temerity, the hubris and apparently the means to name the installation date. The failure to fulfill this date predicts their further decline and irrelevance. And therein lies our task and battle.
The Finale: 2023 Graph Of Excess Death Above The Mean
The New Zealand authorities appear to be doing very well.
Australia and Canada have not published their data, Canada from week 45 (2022) and Australia from week 1 (2023).
In the background, the literature is replete with thousands of studies attesting to the deleterious and potentially lethal unpredictable effects of the synthetic gene/LNP cocktail, yet the red flag of political, media, institutional and medical silence persists. We understand why.
Think about it. What political choice do the collective elite possess except to crush and delegitimize any dissent? Not doing so would, in the first instance, be a profound act of political suicide probably leading to criminal prosecution up to and including crimes against humanity. Second, the current crop of policy makers epitomise a fulfillment of the infamous principle infamously articulated in Mein Kampf,
“It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
This principle is aptly expressed in the following way with compelling Alinsky-esque overtones:
‘never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it’.
Refer: here
Little wonder then that PM Ardern of New Zealand resigned and departed to Harvard University to “teach.”
Well said :) the Three points of culpability is helpful labeling:). Ed Dowd, ex Blackrock hedge fund guy, has a team putting together excessive death stats, you are probably aware of this- group is called
Superb piece of statistical research , if only Auckland University, and the media in NZ would take notice.