Well said :) the Three points of culpability is helpful labeling:). Ed Dowd, ex Blackrock hedge fund guy, has a team putting together excessive death stats, you are probably aware of this- group is called


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I was going to ask why we aren’t hearing anything about excess mortality rates in the U.S. So you are saying Dowd is working on it? Awesome to hear.

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oecd.stat excess weekly deaths data published at https://stats.oecd.org/

includes USA. (but in 2023, not Canada from week 45, 2022 or Australia from end 2022).

For week 10, 2023, New Zealand weekly excess death rate % change from mean is: 16.7%; Denmark: 1.9%; Sweden: -6.4%; USA: 3.8%

OZzzz and NZzzz track each other perfectly. So we can reasonably infer the awful numbers from Australia.

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Yes, he began with statistics from employee life insurance claims for both deaths and disability claims- huge signal as the payouts were not sustainable for the companies.

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Isn't it mind boggling how silent the insurance companies are in this surge of excess mortality? How are they staying in business?

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Discovered a few weeks ago that the $ for the PPP in 2020 - almost half went to insurance and a few choice corporations, before it was doled out on the street to businesses to pay employees for not working.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by DrLatusDextro

Superb piece of statistical research , if only Auckland University, and the media in NZ would take notice.

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Interesting and informative.

For what it's worth, here are two other sources -

published last December


A little out of date, but if you scoot down to "5.What do the results show us?" there is data on European (including Sweden) and UK excess mortality rates and on the RHS, rates per 100k

and this:


methods and madness used need care!

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Thanks Peter. Appreciated. Being aware of the other databases (and variance between them) is useful ... although I sincerely promise I will not make it a project in and of itself.

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I hear that. It is easy to get lost in (crap) data. For example, there are no seasonal adjustments for NH and SH data. We have seen elsewhere that there is very little difference in flu season cycles over the last few years.


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