Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by DrLatusDextro

tom cowan said it well yesterday:

"...if you're not willing to think- then that's their job to bamboozle you... if you're not willing to think then someone will come into that void and tell you nonsense to think and that's not their fault- there will always be the next person to do that and they will keep doing it until you stand up and say- No, I am a logical rational human being - I have a mind, I can think for myself ... this is very easy stuff to understand, I am not going to allow myself to be fooled-and to lessen myself as a human being, By choosing not to think you are choosing the path of lessening yourself as a man or a woman, as a functioning human being- because that is the gift we are given, if we can just get ourselves together and learn to think properly, and stick to that and not be swayed by all the people and all the emotions, and all the traumas, and all the conditioning and all the punishments, and all the rewards that convinced us that we better not think 'cause all kinds of bad things will happen...That cannot be the way to build a healthy world and we're seeing that whole agenda play out before our eyes..."

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Magnificent comment, thank you.

Essentially, if one is willing or simply malleable, to being led astray, seduced, hypnotised, or sold a bridge, then woe betide you; Darwin awards all about. However, I have encountered so many who were bereft of an education or even formal critical thinking skills. Nonetheless, their epigenetic/spiritual bullschitt antennae had them running for the hills at the same time as those (few) with formal scientific and ethically cultivated sensibilities were discerning the assault. I have huge respect and admiration for those people granted a divine blessing to see good and evil with such crystalline clarity! Deo gratias.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

Thank you, Rob. Excellent!

I was just endeavouring to keep this snippet short and sweet.

"Click here to watch the full interview." is also provided in the Vigilant News.

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Full interview is worthy of attention ~ all 2hrs 20mins

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