Good to know that evil takes its toll. I for one can't imagine what it is like to be a complete asshole forcing others to comply and killing millions. It truly must wear down one's soul. Maybe those who haven't completely sold their souls to the devil are redeemable and this "I just can't go on!" cry for help is the start. Or maybe they just want to leave the sinking ship in the first lifeboat. I betting on the latter. Here in the US we have the CDC director whining about "life being hard on her" and resigning. I couldn't give a shit about how hard it is to murder millions. They gleefully did it for power, prestige and PRIDE (welcome to Pride month BTW). In my book they can go to hell. In God's book they will go to where they deserve to be.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023Author

Evil, premeditated intentional malevolent acts, mortal sin, must eventually hollow out the person and likely, their soul?

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Deep analysis there. The answer is quite simple (for me at least).

Future wannabee despots require their ingrained psychopathic tendencies to be reined in by capital punishment & seizure of personal assets.

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There are many who would doubtless agree with the underlying sentiment. I think politicians should be held directly responsible for the idiot policies they implement. They'll need personal indemnity insurance up to say $1B, funded by themselves from their overinflated salaries. Once out of office they will continue to be held to account for 15 yrs. Capital punishment for acting treacherously (treasonously) against the populace or operating under the aegis of an undeclared manifesto would probably also help focus their attention.

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There are another couple of inputs that may have made Masky Mark decide to quite:

1 - Upcoming change to the Aboriginal Heritage Act, that means all Freehold land above 1100m2 now is subject to Heritage Considerations.

2 - Was there another extra marital indiscretion?

3 - Recent trip to china where he was recorded bagging out a Federal Pollie. That was a <1minute clip. He was there for a lot longer time, and was not sober, not drunk, but unusually chatty. Did he blabber about something he should not have (ie did the spooks get involved?)

4 - Upcoming Referendum, did he see a strong no vote and decide to bail before the feds force through a yes vote result, regardless of the vote itself?

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023Author

Great points, thank you. Doubtless he is juggling any number of political hot potatoes, some of which he'd rather hope cool down before he stops juggling. Still he acknowledges that the COVID charade took its toll, and he has gazed into that abyss deeply. I'm hoping it may have frightened him, or at least gave him pause for thought.

Too optimistic? Maybe.

Perhaps I should have place a question mark after the title.

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