I completely agree -- we need to simplify medicine and only treat injuries like broken bones and infections.

If the mob would stop stuffing processed food, sugar, and booze down their maws.... they'd not require all of these sophisticated medical procedures and products that do nothing more than prolong their miserable lives.

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In this vid Yeadon makes sure to note there is mRNA in the vaxes coding for something, this is promoting the official narrative of the vaxes.

On Yeadon


Omar Jordan


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Shall we have a chat?

Honestly, I’m completely independent. I’m not part of any “freedom community”. I’m following no script or orders.

Everybody knows who I am and is free to dig around and decide what I’m up to.

You on the other hand, are anonymous.

You could easily be working for the perpetrators.

You write as if you alone know the truth and can slyly point out where I wrong, impliedly on purpose.

How do you know anything?

I have long said I know almost nothing & that we can’t trust what we’re told.

I’ve said of the injections that we don’t know what is in them. I’m dealing with them AS IF they are as described.

I do it that way because I can readily show how seriously bad that is.

I promise not to reveal your identity, if you wish to remain anonymous.

I’d like to understand what you think has happened and is happening.

If you’re a seeker after truth, then we’re on the same side.

If you reject an open handed invitation to speak, I’m going to assume you’re a bad actor. I won’t read anything you write & I’ll advise others of your refusal to converse.

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Dear Mike, I really don't think a discussion is what we need, and honestly it is really too late to do anything. Enough of the world is poisoned and poised now to be dead or gravely injured with the upcoming next fake pandemic, radiation from 5G, and hospital protocols awaiting them. Your connections with Team Enigma and being on Alex Jones' Covid Land, promoting variants, bioweapons, and false positives which all keep the virus story alive- and arguing nonsense with me and Massey even is all we really need to know about you.

The only thing for you to do is follow my advice in the Yeadon Challenge post, still it's too late. Confusing the discussion and stalling are effective devices you guys like. It doesn't matter who I am, whether I am Jill, Susan, Steve, Bill, Yoshimitsu, no one really cares, people only care about facts.

From the Yeadon Challenge (Sept '23): https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-yeadon-challenge

Both myself and many others have been telling you for 2.5 [now 3.5 years] years that no Sars virus was found. The Fan Wu discovery paper itself says, a mixed sample of RNA was made into a library. How is that a frikin virus?

Then it says that a sequence as assembled by computer programs (Trimmomatic, Megahit, Trinity). Sequence of what from where? Where is the monster virus?

Even high school kids know a mix of RNA isn’t a virus!! This is completely incongruent with your high level of biological education and CV, and you were told by many of us many times, so you have been knowingly propagandizing the population.

You hem and hawed and made excuses that the virus must exist as advertised while the house was burning down. Now a few million persons have already died from injections that people like you instigated people take because of all the “variants” you spouted and that it was a “bioweapon”. I think this is the typical “sorry” after the bombs have fallen strategy, but I digress…

Omar Jordan has laid out your propaganda tactics here


You showed no interest in honestly reading, analyzing, or investigating what the truth was on the virus non-discovery, just like all of you in the “group” of fake freedom fighters.

For review of your past difficulties you may remember:



But, we are real people who love other people so I’ll give you another chance.

I call this the “Yeadon Challenge” to remediate yourself:

Put a monthly running full page ad in the NY times (you are not living in a bike garage [the photo your PR handlers made], you’ve got plenty of money), make videos on every major platform stating the following:

-No Sars-CoV-2 or any variant has been found.

-No virus has ever been shown to exist and there are no variants and no bioweapons and no gain of function of any virus or germ.

--Continuation Redacted

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Good to know. Endeavouring to add to the push to get it out as much as possible.

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