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Dear Readers,
I am so excited to bring you this article. It is important.
I first saw an interview with Ant Critchley on the
Show and I was absolutely floored by his sensitivity, strength, and compassion.You can watch the interview here and Ant starts at 28m.
He was so charming and engaging that I just wanted to know more about his story.
Ant exemplifies the deep, spiritual non-compliance necessary to not just overcome tyranny but collectively pull us out of the terrible hole in which we find ourselves.
Ant did not need a ‘leader,’ he did not need permission, he just did what was right, on the day when it counted. If everyone in his village followed his lead, the tyranny would have quickly ended.
However, to be expected, his selfless actions came at great personal cost; this is because the system (and society in general) punishes moral, spiritual people like Ant who defy their death cult. This is a story that is familiar. The people (the ‘little man’ as Ant says in his essay) who resisted hard from the beginning have tended to suffer the most.
For new readers, many also did not comply in Western Australia. When faced with what one American reader called “the Patriot Act on steroids,” we did this:
(I keep reminding you, because there will be a next time).
After carefully watching what has been happening over the past four years, I do not think we will have any meaningful change by engaging with ‘the government.’ What that means is that the people who would not comply are the most important people in society for creating change and resistance.
After I saw the interview with Ant, I emailed him and asked if he would like to write an essay for my Substack. Now my readers in 78 countries will see his story. I am very keen to hear from more people who did not comply.
If we can share and elevate these stories of deep non-compliance by citizens, more people will understand what to do when confronted with tyranny.
So, in his own words, please enjoy this essay from Mr. Ant Critchley, soulful warrior of The Crown, Croston, Lancashire, North West England.
Yours Faithfully,
I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.
Ant Critchley, in his own words
I have always been against corruption, always against a machine that crushes the little man. And now it was literally my turn.
In 2020 my wife, Lou and I went through the process to take over The Crown in Croston (Lancashire, North West England), an opportunity to get back home to a village we loved after falling foul of drug corruption from our previous brewery in a pub in a different town. We knew that this pub (out of 5 in the village) was the troubled pub; it always seemed quiet. But we just wanted to get back to what was our home for a number of years.
It was at this time that news reports were coming through from Wuhan in China about a virus, with television pictures showing people just dropping dead in the street. I remember as the news was being broadcasted in our previous pub, and I was saying to the punters at the bar that this was a load of rubbish.
I had spent many years prior to 2020 diving into rabbit holes, and I sensed a false flag. I had a spiritual awakening in 2012, after the numbers 1111 took me to a video interview of researcher or conspiracy ‘realist’ Rik Clay, which opened my eyes to the real world. Then Rik died mysteriously which really woke me up to corruption.
We received news that we had been offered our lifeline back home as Thwaites had offered us the pub, so we went and signed the contract as news was coming through of a potential shutting down of all the pubs and restaurants in the UK due to the ‘killer virus’. We got back to our current pub, to be informed that we must close up. We didn’t care. Instead we arranged transport of all our personal things to be moved back to Croston and to The Crown the following morning. We couldn’t wait to get out of here.
Then came the lockdown.
This was our first actual rest as a family…ever. I used the time wisely to fix up The Crown and get it ready for when we could open. I had my feelings on what was going on, but I didn’t know how long this madness would last. I knew it wouldn’t be 3 weeks to flatten the curve though. I knew what ‘they’ were up to.
Our plan when we opened was to play the game. We wanted to win the village over, as we wanted to get settled back in the village. So, we stuck to the ridiculous ‘rules’ implemented in pubs. However, once the rules started to become more ridiculous, I started to get annoyed.
I recognised the totalitarian control that our governments were placing us under. I had previously been in a 10-year relationship where my every move was scrutinised and controlled. When that relationship ended, I vowed never to live my life in that way again.
Now the governments around the world in lockstep were bringing in measures ‘for our own safety’ that were simply designed to control movements and minds.
I also knew way before that it was announced that a ‘vaccine’ would be used as a way out of the fear. Lou and I had experienced pharmaceutical (there’s a ‘harm’ in pharma for a reason) drugs over these years, and due the research we had done over the years, I knew this would be at worst a huge profit-making exercise but I also knew deep down these injections were dangerous. It was simply going to be a game of Russian roulette for people. Good people were going to get hurt over lies and deception.
Amazingly, we even managed to put on a music festival (Music Matters) in this period. I have always been a lover of music, a real passion. And seeing how local talent were unable to work at this time, I saw an opportunity to get them a payday. We had to jump through hoops with the local council for them to allow us to have so many people at the pub at one time. All the silly rules had to be followed or they would shut us down. We managed it and 12 local acts got paid that day.
I didn’t come into the pub trade to treat people like cattle, I could see where this nonsense was heading. And I will not be a part of something so dark and corrupt. My soul was crying out to me, and I had no choice but to listen to my inner guidance.
I threw the rule book out of my pub. No longer was I abiding to this nonsense, and due to my personal stance, my name became mud around the village. We soon became known as the ‘superspreaders’ and we started to lose custom. When they brought in a new rule that customers must enjoy a ‘substantial meal’ with their pint, I shut the pub. It was pointless. We did have an amazing Chef though, and we decided to deliver food and operate a takeaway.
This pub did have regulars that were vulnerable. The pub was their life, and I knew from conversation how hard the first lockdown hit them. I was not going to see these guys' mental health deteriorate further on my watch, so I kept the back door open for them and they could serve themselves and enjoy the pub.
When a new lockdown hit, I sourced beer where I could, so these guys had a place to go.
I was very active on social media with my views, and it cost me a lot in terms of losing the respect of my long-term friends and family members. It hurt a lot to be honest. In my mind I was just trying to help them, to wake them up to what was really happening. To help them break free of the spell they were under. But I just got attacked. At times it was vicious, and it hurt. But to protect my energy, I started to block the people I grew up with, to move away from the bad energy that was being sent my way. My intentions were always to help the ones I cared for, in fact to help anybody and I stand by that 100%. But what happens when you start to break your own programming, and see reality differently to others, you are no longer in alignment and you are no longer dancing to the same song. It’s a different frequency, and I learned that I had to let them go.
But as my voice was being heard by others ‘aware’ of what was really happening, a new circle of friends was being formed. We all had the same goal at that time, we had our backs against the wall and we were fighting tyranny. We were the wall to protect our loved ones from the attacks.
The Crown soon became the place to go if you were ‘awake’ or as I prefer to say ‘aware’. People literally came from all over the UK. And during that lockdown period a small group soon became a very large group by the time we were allowed to re-open.
Our Tuesday evenings became one of legend in a way. ‘Truther Tuesday’s’ we would call it, and I don’t think there was a pub anywhere so full on a Tuesday evening. It was a place to call home for many that were now resonating on a different frequency to others. Many people during this time of ‘awakening’ lost very close relationships. We had elderly people coming to the pub, who could no longer even talk to their husbands or wives. When they announced that this was a ‘new normal,’ they weren’t wrong. This is a spiritual battle and sides were literally chosen.
Although the pub would be full on Tuesday, the rest of the week would be quiet. Business was not good. We had lost the village, and if you do not have regulars as a pub, you will go bust.
I remember chatting to Lou in bed one night, weeks before we shut the pub due to the substantial meal nonsense. Lou was actually frightened, she recognised what was going on as we had been on the ‘awakened truther’ path together for many years. But that did not stop her being frightened for what was to come and her way was to not really talk about it. I respected that, and her health was still very poor at this point. But I stated to her that we would lose everything. We would lose our home (again), we would lose the respect of the village, we would lose friends and family and we would lose all of our money. I am very, very lucky to have Lou as my life partner, although she was scared, she stood by my decision as she knew my soul would not allow me to do it any other way.
I had a meeting with the brewery, I explained to them I would not be following any of these draconian rules, and if they introduced any kind of ‘vaccine passport’ they would have my keys back. They refused to even look at me.
I also held a meeting with the staff, and a few were not happy about it. We also had hired a hero of the time, Carley Stewart, who had lost her job as a nurse protesting in her uniform at Trafalgar Square.
***Ed. -
DailyMail article title: “Care home nurse who claimed the pandemic is a hoax while protesting in her uniform against lockdown reveals she's been FIRED from her job but still insists she's seen 'no evidence' of a killer virus.”
We were on borrowed time for sure. We had regular visits from the council and the police, and I know that our Tuesday nights were also infiltrated by plain clothed police or worse. I have never in my life had to be as strong in my views and stand up in such a manner before. It was a real test, a soul test.
But if we were gonna go bust, let’s go out with a bang. I organised ‘Music Matters 2’, but this time the rules were thrown out. We still had to have it approved by the council, but I cared not if they came and shut us down. We were no longer here to run a successful business and cater for the village. This time it was different.
We had 15 acts on for this event, and this event was a celebration for our new ‘community’ that supported each other in this crazy time. Many of the people there we also gave a home to; we had a large back area and a static caravan that we gave home to people. It was an unbelievable time.
My physical health was starting to decline. My daughter, who thought I was crazy, didn’t want the vaccine as she had heard plenty of stories in the pub about it, and had informed me that her mum had told her that if she didn’t have it she wouldn’t be able to go to Disney World that Christmas with her. Her words were, ‘I haven’t spent £10k on this holiday to leave you at home, you are having it’. My daughter was very upset but told me she wanted to go on the holiday and she would be having the injection.
I was destroyed. If I couldn’t protect my own daughter from this, then what is the point?
Inside I actually started to die. I gave up on everything, there was literally no point in carrying on.
The pub was starting to get quiet, and once the summer was over and the darker nights closed in we were drawing closer to making a decision on our next steps.
My spiritual awakening and journey was more than just an interest, and although I had recently gained a qualification in Counselling, I wanted to offer more. So, I decided to go on an Angelic Reiki practitioner course. I wanted to connect more to my spiritual side, and I planned that this with my counselling would be a great service to others.
Lou and I both booked in on the two-day course and during the attunement, I was asked to practise some healing on another course participant. As I had my eyes closed, in my mind's eye, I had a vision. I saw a HUGE figure, I remember his shins being the size of a house, and he was in a very shiny suit of armour. The images were so clear, and as I watched, my daughter came into the vision. She was in her bed asleep, and this huge figure rested his hand and surrounded her in a protective manner, while she slept.
When I had finished the reiki treatment, I told the group of my experience. I was at this point extremely worried for my daughter’s safety due to her ‘coercion’ on the vaccine. Lou told me that I should trust that my daughter is to be protected. I remember saying that I just couldn’t accept that she was going to be ok, I had pretty much accepted that I was going to lose her.
I was defeated.
A few days later, the ‘vaccine bus’ was going to my daughter’s school.

My daughter had been at her Mum’s the night before, and I felt helpless. I didn’t sleep that night as my worst fears were about to become true. In the morning, I was cleaning the pub, getting ready to open. It was around 8.30am, when I received a phone call. It was my daughter. Normally at this time she would be on her way to school, I could tell she wasn’t in a car and so I asked why she wasn’t going. She informed me she had vomited, and therefore couldn’t go to school. I cannot put into words how I felt, I just wanted to cry. Thank you God!
A week later, the USA changed their entry rules to the States. Under 18’s were now allowed to fly without a Covid Vaccine. Talk about divine intervention!! I now know with absolute proof, that we are protected, we are looked after and we are guided! My daughter went on holiday that year and enjoyed it, without the necessity of playing Russian Roulette.
We closed the pub in November of 2021.
We left with over £20k debt, and I left broken, physically and mentally exhausted.
Being the ‘breadwinner’, I set about finding a job. I felt, if I just got myself a simple job, enough to pay the bills, I could have my evenings and weekends back and start to relax. I wanted a simpler life. I think I have earned at least that.
I had two interviews in quick succession, for sales jobs. I was offered both. The one I chose was because of the guy who interviewed me. I could tell he was a lovely man, and he was going to be my manager. I thought I would be happy there.
Due to the nonsense of Covid, a lot of the initial work was from home remotely. Although ridiculous in my mind, I welcomed that. The first few weeks were training exercises, and getting involved in zoom meetings so I could get to know the team I would be working with. Everyone seemed lovely, and a Christmas meal was organised and I went along. I wasn’t in a good place mentally, but I pushed myself forward.
I literally sank in my chair as everyone started passing around their vaccine cards and discussing which jab they have had. And how they cannot wait for things to go back to normal once everyone gets their jab. I just stayed quiet. I am so different to these people. I know how lovely they are but I see the world so differently. Would I be able to fit in?
It was also around this time that I needed to go to Sicily. After my father had passed away, and my Sicilian siblings wanted nothing to do with me, I decided to go for my inheritance. An illegitimate child is entitled to part of the estate in Italian law, and after Brexit, I wanted to at least get my Italian passport and see if I could do the same for my daughter. The process had been going on since his death, and I had had to provide DNA samples that were sent over but the courts in Italy had decided I needed to go over in person and have my DNA samples taken again with a court witness. Italy had gone Covid crazy unfortunately, and you needed a vaccine to be allowed into the country. Through my contacts during The Crown period, I managed to find a doctor that wrote a letter explaining I was exempt from having the jab. My solicitor passed this onto the Italian Ministry of Health, and they approved my stay for 24 hours only. I flew alone from London, played hell with the PCR testing gang, using my anxiety as a crux for being careful in how far they stick that ridiculous test up my nose and carried a letter written by the Italian Ministry as my only weapon if questioned as to why I was not vaccinated. Sicily was operating the Vaccine ‘Green Pass’ system, meaning you could not enter any building without a valid vaccination passport on your mobile device.
It was full on dystopia in Italy, and everything I was standing against back in the UK.
Since that period, I ended up leaving this job due to a complete breakdown of nervous exhaustion and proceeded to help others by offering Reiki and Counselling. I started podcasting with a friend of mine, and recently set up my very own channel as I look to explore not only the truth of this material world but what other controls may influencing this dark agenda. My podcast is called ‘Stellify’ which means to become a star, and I am trying to get the heroes from the past few years on for interviews.
“The only regrets we have from the past few years is that we didn’t go harder from the beginning.”
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