He's right about spiritual death, but we've been dead for decades.

That's why the corrupt medical pharma complex was able to introduce shitty vaccines and shitty drugs.

We went along with it.

Heck they used to burn women by calling them witches.

And so on....

Group think has always been strong.

These days I think it's falling apart though and it's not because we forgot our values, but because the values we thought were good were just fantasy (and in some cases based on following books of fantasy).

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Brilliant and important observation Rob. The descent into relativism with scientific, bureaucratic, artistic, moral and ethical turpitude abounding appears to have taken us quite uncomfortably to the cusp of murderous incoherence and chaos?

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Bob is a great example of the Law of unintended consequences.

Now he is free of constraint, his output can be unrestrained and highly targeted.

And lets face it, Memes and humor were a large part of the coping mechanisms we the unjabbed fell back to during those dark years.

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He's on the money (literally), but I am much, much more positive about where things are ultimately heading. I see us heading for a great reset, all right, but not the type the mad hatters have in mind.

But what is their endgame? The only way it makes sense even from a perspective of self-interest is being a gauntlet to select (or self-select, as the case may be) for the most fit to carry on after the dust settles, and that as their dupes gaslight us, those who are really running the show are rooting for us. I'm operating on that working model, quietly going about my business, and figurately (since I don't eat corn) eating my popcorn while watching the show.

Of course, being in the US, where autonomy is highly values in many areas, makes me very fortunate. And at least here, people are getting hip. For example, the sickness care industry is bemoning the low uptake of the latest jabs.

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Let us observe how the corporate and corporate / private partnerships, UN 'inspired' municipal authorities, BigGOV and usurped alphabet agencies fare once their tenuous grip on on the killing tools weakens? A majority of people must gradually come learn that standing meekly in line for a deleterious shot, albeit a State applauded past time, is one that is not associated with freedom, longevity and health.

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Right. And I'm all the more amazed that more didn't realize anything people had to be coerced or bribed into taking, let alone with the clinical trial results kept in secrecy, could not be good. Probably a majority are still unaware of the higher all cause death rate in the jab group than the placebo group of the Pfizer clinical trials.

Imagine if Trump were to ask Harris if she, being the Veep, who should know such things, was aware of that well documened fact about the shots she requires her campaign staff to be "up to date" on.

I'm sure the picture and audio would go out due to "technical difficulties".

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Given that the dreadful vicissitudes of 'natural' selection appear to have been obviated or at least mollified, do we require a restoration of the atavistic sense of threat perception? It seems so. “The whole aim of practical politics [and corporate control] is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” H.L. Mencken

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As of late, Mencken has overtaken Nostradamus in the prophecy department.

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Priceless! Thank you.

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"we need someone GOOD. There may be no one."

There is no good human. As Jesus said "why call me good? Only your Father in Heaven is good." We need to stop looking for a human savior (s)elected by us. Look upward instead.

Bob gets it, but won't go truly say it out loud yet: only Jesus saves our souls. The saving of our bodies and earthly lives matters not at all. Still, I wish I could afford one of his original paintings. I'd proudly hang it on my wall.

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