"The birthing trauma of the 2020 New State is daily becoming too uncomfortable for those that were conned and colluded, too painful for those who were coerced, and for those who were cancelled, it is anguished PTSD."

What I am coming across now is people out and out lying about taking the bioweapon shots. These people are getting heart disease, cancer, and other immune system ailments and when I ask them if they took the shots they say "oh no, no I didn't!" Liars. I know they took the shots since they were able to travel and keep their jobs during the height of the covid me-too freakout. I called someone out the other day. He was talking about his sister being sick all the time and I asked "did she take the shots?" He answered "no, none of us took the shots!" I replied, "I don't believe you, everyone is hiding that fact now." He did not answer, which tells me I was right.

They were all so proud before, now they hide. That is the work of the devil.

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I hadn't considered that.

DownUnder in NZ, shots are still being 'mandated' by businesses (the GOV instigated plausible deniability, get out of jail card).

Satan remains on full parade.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by DrLatusDextro

Totoesque. Keep pulling back the curtain as the Light kills the snakes.

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What is held in the darkness will come to light. It always does. The question is does anybody really care?

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A new Govt has been formed, and there is a faint light in the east. We may feel alone in our awareness but I suspect (hope) that more are waking up day by day. Thank you for your courage and your strength to speak out on this trough of corruption and malevolence that we see in all our institutions. We are coming for them, and they know it, and fear us. Doctrina vim promovet.

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As always, beautifully written. All 100 have been so. Thank you.

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