An opening acknowledgement
Hard to imagine but here it is, my 100th post since the August 6th, 2022, an ongoing attempt to muster sense from irrationality, goodness from evil, a humble place at the barricades where we fight an inhuman and inhumane enemy that is a quintessential embodiment of evil. I salute with deepest gratitude the illuminating and tireless perseverance of so many who I have encountered along the way. To know that none of us are alone in the darkness of this war while we steadily recognise the chess pieces in play and our own self-defining roles, therein lies a magnificent gift ~ Laus Deo Semper.
The flagrant nonsense and ideology of UNEP/UNFCCC/WEF/WHO "climate change,” revealed by its axiomatic dependence on an unfalsifiable definition with its explicit avoidance of “climate variability,” and tacit erasure of the inconvenient phrase “global warming” in 1999 (that has been recurrently falsified), while simultaneously absurdly claiming the same, is just one of many serpentine tentacles of the Medusa, the WEF, and its quest to implement the 2030 agenda of absolute control. The same may be said for the legion of terrible deleterious consequences arising from the novel polynucleotide / LNP shots. Meanwhile, the narrative remains deadly and fixed, like a poised, hypnotic snake.
A century ago…
Amply displayed by the UK Isle of Wight 1930 first infra-red aerial photograph taken in 1930 from 18,000 feet, (The Times; Past Present and Future celebrating 200 years publication; pp90) compared to current Google Earth images ~ almost a century later ~ falsification of catastrophic let alone even noticeable sea level rise is self-evident.

The birth of a supra-national New State of Disinformation
There exist an endless series of refuting publications and a long line of experts prepared to take on the New State of Disinformation. This is well demonstrated in the “climate change” narrative. They grind hard against a stone-wall, frequently in futility and career stymying frustration, occasionally in victory.
This time however, the psy-ops fuelled social experiment needs to “manage” not just a phantom menace of “climate refugees” but a mountain of 20 million dead and counting from shots.
And even though we already knew and were thoroughly forewarned by a legion of experts,
The UK Perseus Report and The Perseus Group on ‘X’ Twitter
This report has been co-authored by a multidisciplinary team of experts from various fields including medicine, safety management and pharmaceutical regulation. Its purpose is to bring to the attention of politicians and policy makers the serious shortcomings in the current regulatory system for drug approvals in general and the Covid-19 vaccines in particular, and the significant safety issues that result.
The Perseus Report and the failure of the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to properly regulate C19 injections
[In New Zealand it is MedSafe]
It has become clear during the Covid-19 pandemic that the MHRA has failed to meet its responsibilities in multiple ways, despite prior warnings of inadequate regulation published in Government reports.
The Perseus report was produced in the UK in April 2023. An executive summary of the UK report may be viewed here, and the main report may be downloaded here.
…all the experts appeared more or less vexingly powerless against the New State of Disinformation.
DownUnder, the New State of Disinformation
Most people in New Zealand no longer want to discuss or mention the tyranny born of “COVID” masquerading as ‘government’ that now exists in the country. Their cognitive dissonance is as palpable as their silence. The birthing trauma of the 2020 New State is daily becoming too uncomfortable for those that were conned and colluded, too painful for those who were coerced, and for those who were cancelled, it is anguished PTSD.
Select leading New Zealand politicians and health bureaucrats in 2020 manufactured an alignment that was designed to coalesce key corporate individuals, bureaucrats and politicians into the same swirling narrative born of the Medusa, the WEF.
And thus, a New State was founded
While the wheels of the New State funded media became exceptionally well greased, the supra-parliamentary methods for the manufacture and dissemination of mis- and disinformation switched into overdrive under the oversight of a group of nine NZ government agencies referred to as the National Security Group chaired by the NZ Intelligence Service and responsible to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, in conjunction with the ludicrous and Orwellian, Disinformation Project, the product of former PM, Jabaconda Ardern.
The dystopian WEF narrative is an alignment of manifest incoherence that relies for its existence upon a chronic state of disinformation, a stream of media propaganda and a relentless institutional output of intellectual diarrhoea. It co-opts the tacit co-operation of multiple parties, most obviously, corporate, bureaucratic, academic and political. It is the basis for the New State.
The New State of Disinformation.
The goal of the 2020 New State of Disinformation is to control and ‘manage’ the New Zealand population in preparation for Medusa’s 2030 coup d'état. This process is a prelude in which the levers of State and municipal control are further deployed and enhanced to promote the delusion of the UNSustainble 2030 Agenda. This seminal agenda was born in part out of the UN Evironmental Programme created by a Canadian communist, Maurice Strong. There are other subservient UN agendas concurrently at play whose roles are self-evident and designed to undermine the very constructs of a rational, prosperous, ethical, free and freely moving society. The Medusa is a Gorgon monster, replete with a head sprouting a multitude of hissing vicious snakes.
The New Zealand apical and low visibility bureaucrat John Ombler (COVID All-of-Government controller, deputy chief executive of the NZ Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, who resigned at the end of 2020) stated to Ministers on March 11, 2020 in the Ad Hoc Cabinet Committee on COVID-19 response that is reported in minutes of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, pointed the way.
A clear single source of truth will make it easier for the public to access information they need.
I recommend that you (all Ministers) note ALL the contents of this memorandum
New Zealand gave birth in 2020 to a new supra-national State, The State of Disinformation. This manufactured entity and its narrative continues today with the delusion of “truth” buoyed-up by relentless disinformation, playing out its required role of inexorably nudging the populace toward WEF/WHO/UNEP compliant subservience. The faux-change of politics indicated by the recent New Zealand general election fails to alter by one iota the political globalist alignment and crystallization of the New State.
So, let’s just be just to absolutely clear.
The cumulative facts, injuries and long term consequences of unsafe, unpredictable, unethical, consent-absent, ineffective polynucleotide, DNA plasmid contaminated (and God only knows what else) lipid nano-particled shots will inevitably become accepted as compelling, even in the face of a granite chiseled narrative (just think of the many hissing snakes, “climate change” or “open borders” or “fossil fuels” or “civil society” or “biological gender is a social construct” or simply, the prismatic spectrum of a coherent beam of white light turned into the ideological dystopian construct of a faux-rainbow, or the “15 minute cities” and the inability to move freely by private car).
A subsequent claim can never be made asserting, ‘we-did-not-know ’ while the prelude of the 2030 WEF coup d'état unfolded across the West. Medusa knows that most people are not destined to awaken.
But know this: Pfizer eliminated the control group before the trials were completed, that made the ascertainment of mid- to long-term side effects almost impossible. In addition, all cause mortality is no longer used as the gold standard to assess harms.
The over-reach is in play and upon that Gorgon must eventually founder.
Reject cultivated ignorance, vanquish the Gorgon’s head, slay Medusa, reach out like there is no tomorrow. Our future survival, well being and awareness depend upon holding a bright light of coherence to the darkness of this New State.
It is a fable for our age.
"The birthing trauma of the 2020 New State is daily becoming too uncomfortable for those that were conned and colluded, too painful for those who were coerced, and for those who were cancelled, it is anguished PTSD."
What I am coming across now is people out and out lying about taking the bioweapon shots. These people are getting heart disease, cancer, and other immune system ailments and when I ask them if they took the shots they say "oh no, no I didn't!" Liars. I know they took the shots since they were able to travel and keep their jobs during the height of the covid me-too freakout. I called someone out the other day. He was talking about his sister being sick all the time and I asked "did she take the shots?" He answered "no, none of us took the shots!" I replied, "I don't believe you, everyone is hiding that fact now." He did not answer, which tells me I was right.
They were all so proud before, now they hide. That is the work of the devil.
Totoesque. Keep pulling back the curtain as the Light kills the snakes.