Unfortunately nobody cares about data. The only thing that will matter is body bags. When enough people see the bodies piling up in their own small circle, then things might change. A good analogy is the Vietnam War in the US. Ten years of data, protest, etc, did nothing to change or stop the war. It was only when the deaths started hitting families and were too difficult to hide anymore that things changed. Ten years. We would be lucky to only have to drag out this covid madness for ten years. God has His plan.

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Why limit yourself to two pieces of evidence when you can have 200?! https://metatron.substack.com/p/the-covid-vaccine-saved-millions

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'Control the language, you control the people' ~ Saul Alinsky.

Say after me, "safe and effective." Repeat, ad nauseam.

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I've noticed in the US, "safe and effective" has been replaced with "just get it!" Like a Nike slogan.

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Psy-ops collectivist persuasion and coercion has been fully tested and the results are in.

Now they're just testing the effectiveness of a trite, sloganized order on the resistance.

I predict it'll invert to become a jibe slogan against the perpetrators.

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