Myths may often be considered to stand the test of time. As cultural sentinels, they appear enduring signals from the very foundation of a culture, its customs and traditions. On the other hand there is another quite distinct genre of myth with a very short half-life, sometimes referred to as Urban Myth, and defined as:
A widely circulated story, often believed to be true by the teller, but usually distorted, exaggerated or fabricated for sensational effect, and often having elements of humour or horror.
As you may see, urban myths and conspiracy theories are very close siblings and, ‘very widespread, the product of normal human psychology, and extremely influential and dangerous’.
With these thoughts in mind, The 10 Anti-Vaxx Myths According To Helen Petousis-Harris are clearly portrayed as urban myths by mainstream media. As such then, they should theoretically not stand the test of time.
But as we all know, reality is a very harsh mistress.
So instead, it may be seen that these urban ‘myths’ have served to form an astonishingly prescient fore-telling. From Helen’s perspective they also unintentionally embody her purview of ethics and science stifled as it appeared, by the institutionalised political, medical and media thuggery of the moment.
Petousis-Harris attempted to falsify ten anti-vaxx myths and was paraded in grand front page style by the Otago Daily Times, a regional New Zealand newspaper. As you may see, this institutional assault has not stood the scrutiny of time at all well.
On Friday, the 24th of September, 2021, the Otago Daily Times, a provincial newspaper in Dunedin, New Zealand said to have circulation of 26,000 copies a day and a combined print and digital annual audience of 304,000, published a front page anti-vaxx hit piece, “Covid whoppers: 10 of the biggest vaccine myths debunked,” by University of Auckland ‘vaccinologist’ Associate Professor Helen Petousis-Harris. The opening byline asserted, “New Zealand's big push to lift ‘vaccination’ rates to above 90%,” although where this came from and what empirical evidence was cited to support it was absent.
The anti-vaxx myth busting hit piece was also published in the NZ Herald that same day, demonstrating the focused intent and reach of the NZ Government to implement political motivated fear laden policies bereft of ethics and scientific merit. The NZ Herald possesses the largest newspaper circulation in New Zealand, with 100,073 copies per day on average by September 2019 and a website viewed 2.2 million times a week.
Helen Petousis-Harris arrived with undeclared conflicts of interest that remained undeclared by the ODT or the NZ Herald in their mythological puff-pieces. Such potential conflicts appear linked to a variety of dedicated, mutually massaging interests devoted to injecting the entire planet’s populace in perpetuity, or at least as some tremulously go so far to suggest, into terminal decline.
The focus of the NZ Government and Ministry of Health to achieve injection rates of 90% was a political, not a scientific nor medical decision. It was also based on a NZ Ministry of Health un-validated model. Beyond these, it was a decision that rested on the political perception of ‘social license’ cultivated by all manner of a priori staged props, for example, Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions, and the unpleasant machinations of the New Zealand Behavioural Insights Team. In contrast, the spurious lock-down of Auckland was a factor that helped to erode the social license in New Zealand, an erosion made apparent in the distress manifested within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) minutes of November 2021, when the powers that be attempted to re-model the unethical medical assault by introducing a “new Framework.”
‘Transitioning to the Framework also has potential to impact on social license … as the principal impact from the change to the new framework is the introduction of measures that depend on the vaccination status of an individual, it is at a time when we are already facing diminishing social license in some parts of New Zealand, and more protest activity’. DPMC Minutes, PM Ardern, Nov 2021.
The incremental degradation of social license altered in the context of a political backdrop still remains an ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL lesson for people to appreciate. Too many seemingly stand in line, oblivious to an unpredictable fate and increasingly, possessed of a strange wilful ignorance, appear to remain blind to the fate of others.
As PM Ardern stated at the time:
“We have already seen protest activity from people who oppose vaccination, and/or mandatory vaccination requirements; as the principle impact from the change to the new framework is the introduction of measures that depend on the vaccination status of an individual, it is possible that such activity may increase.…DPMC Minutes, PM Ardern, November 2020.
One can almost smell the odour of political fear.
The 10 Anti-Vaxx Myths According to Helen Petousis-Harris
1. No, vaccine-related hospitalisations aren't being hushed up
This was and remains incredibly easy to answer with data, but notice the distraction and hand-waving response that literally avoided answering the question. The same question was made to the New Zealand Ministry of Health (MOH) on 30 April 2021 under the Official Information Act, “Please provide the data of the number of hospitalised patients and deaths, and their ‘vaccination’ status by month, since the start March 2020, to the current date.”
In a letter from the MOH in January 2022, the request for this data was refused saying that it would be made available, ‘publicly on their website in due course’. A further response from the MOH was forthcoming on May 27 2022, more than a year later, (OIA: H202117559) with an, ‘apology for administrative oversight’, after complaints made to the Ombudsman. This was published in an earlier series of substack articles.
2. No, vaccines don't affect womens' menstrual cycles and fertility
The literature says categorically otherwise, as the data and consequences continue to unfold.
The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women; Dr David Bell, Apr 19, 2023, Vaccines and elsewhere, the literature highlights
These data indicate that there is NO basis for saying the vaccine is safe in pregnancy. Concentration of LNPs in ovaries, a doubled pregnancy loss rate, and raised fetal abnormality rate across all measured categories indicates that designating a safe-in-pregnancy label (B1 category in Australia) was contrary to available evidence. The data implies that not only was the Government’s “safe and effective” sloganeering not accurate, it was totally misleading with respect to the safety data available.
Regarding Fertility (and pregnancy) Petousis-Harris stated:
“So, the best protection for women who are planning to become pregnant or who are already pregnant is vaccination against this virus.”
… which as seen from above, has all the appearance of an outright falsity.
The Pfizer vaccine approval did not include pregnant women. There was no safety data on how pregnant women as well as child in utero would react to the mRNA technology gene injection. Thus, it was simply not possible to know whether it is safe or effective to inject pregnant women.
Menstrual disturbances in 12- to 15-year-old girls after one dose of COVID-19 Comirnaty vaccine: Population-based cohort study in Norway; Caspersen IH et al. (2023)
‘In this study of adolescent girls, an increased risk of menstrual disturbances in the first cycle after receiving one dose of COVID-19 vaccine was observed. The risks of heavier or more prolonged bleeding than usual were significantly higher in the first menstrual cycle after vaccination than in the last cycle prior to vaccination. We also found increased risks of shorter interval, longer interval and more pain during periods following vaccination. Vaccinated girls had a more than two-fold increased risk of reporting heavy menstrual bleeding, and prolonged bleeding after vaccination compared to the last cycle for unvaccinated subjects’.
Although the COVID-19 vaccine has become available to children, not all countries have recommended a second dose or have delayed the recommendation for safety issues.
Others have also reported,
“In conclusion, evidence suggests that COVID-19 vaccines may cause menstrual changes in women of reproductive age.”
Menstrual disorders following COVID-19 vaccination: a review using a systematic search. Smaardijk VR et al. (2024)
The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, published its May 2021 report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body.
“…a high rate of massive vaginal bleeding, neurological damage, and damage to the skeletal and skin systems has been observed.”
The Israel Ministry of Health Survey also reported adverse events after the third Pfizer vaccine shot with 38% of women experiencing changes to menstrual cycles that included altered rhythm of menses, altered bleeding, cessation of menses, and inter-menstrual bleeding.
Professor Norman Fenton highlighted the chaos that lay in British ‘recommendations’ … BREAKING NEWS: UK Government website says vaccine not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Updated: Sep 3, 2022
The literature also repeats the appalling story, COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function; Thorp JA et al. 2022:
3. No, vaccines can't harm children
The Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 published in the NEJM Dec 2020 stated that the participants were 16 years or older. No children were included. The NZ Ministry of Health modeled their 90% ‘vaccination rate’ on the adult population.
OpenSAFELY: Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents; Andrews CD et al. May 2024
“All myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals.” … “There were no COVID-19-related deaths in any group.”
A short, concise but incredibly instructive video from a research pharmacist in Hong Kong helps one get one’s head around this.
What Pfizer Did Not Tell Us
Created, 29 October 2021
4. No, vaccines don't cause magnetism
Mystery of the ‘magnetic vaccines’; By Sally Beck July 19, 2021
The European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV) representing 25 European countries, took the magnet challenge to the Belle-Étoile shopping centre in Strassen, Luxembourg. The organisation represents over 100,000 medical professionals and scientists, from pro-vaccine choice groups, Their published report states:
‘In the non-vaccinated group, the number of people showing attraction to the magnet was zero. In the vaccinated group, 29 of the 30 individuals showed attraction to the magnet. The magnet adhered to their skin without difficulty’.
Once again we see widely reported observations discounted and deflected rather than being formally acknowledged, recorded, investigated and researched. Further, given that the ‘ingredients’ of the Pfizer injections were not fully disclosed asserting a categorical absence of ‘metallic ingredients’ is not possible.
5. No, natural remedies and immunity are not more effective against Covid-19
Historically established and time honoured ethics requires that we respect the right of bodily autonomy. The New Zealand Bill of Rights is clear that an individual’s bodily sanctity is paramount. It remains the absolute right for an individual to refuse to take part in medical treatment or in an experiment, and critically, to be in possession of all the information that provides fully informed consent. New Zealanders were compliant or conned while bereft of fully informed consent, and coerced while subject to loss of livelihood, careers, income and jobs. New Zealand politicians, businesses, bureaucrats collectively colluded from 2020 with the New Zealand Director-General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield, and his predetermined (Jan - March 2020) objective of getting as many shots into as many arms as possible. The subsequent political assertion of “choice” remains nothing more than a despicable and dishonest deflection.
We overlook at out peril the amazing physiological resilience and capacity of the mind, body and spirit to overcome adversity and disease since time immemorial. Our increasing awareness of the complex and vital contributions of nutrition, and spiritual and physical hygiene to bio-psycho-social health remain cornerstones of ‘optimal health’, and so called ‘natural immunity’. The institutionalised government / private partnership paradigm manifested by BigPharma / BigFertiliser / BigFood / BigMedia has evolved into a solidified corporate globalist scourge that resembles the Company Store, Company Scrip, and Company Housing of 18th and 19th Centuries, a damnable scourge that has emerged once again as an overt threat to liberty, health, wealth, life and well being.
6. No, Covid-19 vaccines can't alter your cellular DNA
‘Florida State Surgeon General Calls for Halt in the Use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines On December 6, 2023, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo MD PhD, sent a letter to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen regarding questions pertaining to the safety assessments and the discovery of billions of DNA fragments (plasmids) per dose of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines’.
In vitro studies exist that demonstrate that Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues (Zhang L et al. 2021) and
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line (Aldén M et al. 2022)
“Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.”
These authors also state: ‘In the BNT162b2 toxicity report, no genotoxicity nor carcinogenicity studies have been provided [26]. Our study shows that BNT162b2 can be reverse transcribed to DNA in liver cell line Huh7, and this may give rise to the concern if BNT162b2-derived DNA may be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects’.
The New Zealand Ministry of Health were asked on November 8, 2021 (8 November 2021, OIA ref.H202115700) whether,
“Recent in vitro evidence (Jiang, H and Ya-Fang Mei, SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In VitroViruses, Oct 2021) highlights the 'spike' protein may damage DNA and compromise adaptive immunity’.
nb. Interestingly (but not at all unusual these days), following an expression of concern in January 2022 by Eric O. Freed; HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, the above paper was retracted in May 2022 by the authors.
The NZ MoH categorically stated the following:
‘The vaccine does not affect your DNA. It does not affect or interact with your DNA or genes. mRNA vaccines never enter the nucleus of the cell which is where our DNA is kept’.
Would the Minister and Prime Minister please provide the explicit literature references that support the NZ MoH statement regarding DNA and the 'vaccine'? Will the Minister or Prime Minister now correct this statement, or at the very least, concede uncertainty in the light of emerging literature?’
New Zealand Ministry of Health reply, 3 Dec 2021, neither answered the questions nor conceded to any prudent uncertainty.
As is now well recognised, the ‘vaccines’ are not ‘vaccines’ in any sense, but are properly described as a ‘synthetic’ gene therapy.
Furthermore, there is now substantive concern being expressed by an ever growing number of experts regarding genetic contamination of the Pfizer shots and the consequential genotoxic and carcinogenic potential of the injections. And once again, the NZ regulatory authorities double down on ‘safe and effective’.
7. No, the vaccine can't cause cancer
Petousis-Harris makes the claim:
“To cause cancer, a vaccine would need to interfere with the DNA, particularly the genes that control cell division. There are no components in the vaccine that can do this. The vaccine cannot, and does not, cause cancer.”
Her understanding of cancer appears as rudimentary as her understanding of ethics in general, showing her again to have very obviously jumped the gun.
mRNA Vaccine Toxicity by Doctors For COVID Ethics clarifies the issue quite succinctly in chapter 6, under ‘Genotoxicity of mRNA Vaccines’, where it deals with the Genotoxicity of synthetic cationic lipids, Reverse transcription of vaccine mRNA sequences into DNA, Contaminating plasmid DNA in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines, Known and plausible risks posed by DNA copies of non-self genes.
Petousis-Harris also appeared to be fantasizing over long-term consequential follow-up data. She could not possibly have known about the genotoxicity or carcinogenicity of the shots as previously highlighted in Myth 6. There was insufficient time (2 months) to learn almost anything about the novel injected conglomerate of lipid nanoparticles and synthetic gene material. Perhaps she was unaware of Pfizer’s own 6 month BNT162b2 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports that highlighted some 1290 adverse events of special interest? Apparently the NZ MOH/MedSafe were fully aware, so perhaps she was too? She didn’t say.
Pfizer Never Stops Gaslighting Us
The American Cancer Society (ACS) expects new cancer cases in the US to rise beyond 2 million in 2024, a one-year milestone, with data showing an increase in younger people being diagnosed with cancer. … Sadly lacking is any introspection regarding the possible impact of new, inadequately tested gene therapy products injected into the world’s population starting in 2021. However, there are cancer doctors who trace the rise directly to the Covid-19 shots.
UK Oncologist, Professor. Angus Dalgleish has seen a marked increase in recurring cancers in his London practice, temporally related to the Covid vaccine rollout. Dr. Ryan Cole in the US, who owns a large pathology lab, began to see an unusual increase in breast cancer and recurring cancers in 2021. Oncologist Dr. William Makis, who has diagnosed 20,000 cancer patients in his career, says he has never seen anything before like the sudden development of aggressive and rapidly-growing cancers in young people. In his practice, Makis is seeing stage 4 breast cancers presenting in women in their 20s, stage 4 colon cancers presenting in men and women in their 20s and 30s, leukemias that kill in a matter of days after diagnosis, and lymphomas that kill in a matter of months
Pfizer’s recent $43 billion commercial gamble may also provide pause for thought!
8. No, the vaccines aren't still 'experimental'
The truly nonsensical statement appears as intellectually and ethically impoverished as it is disingenuous. It is also clear that whatever research had been conducted it could not by definition elicit a thorough description of ‘adverse events of special interest’ that embrace intermediate or long term consequences. The granting of US emergency use authorisation (EUA) and in New Zealand, Provisional Consent, indicated that the product remained by definition, ‘experimental’, and the original clinical trial study was only completed on February 10, 2023
Furthermore, Trevor Little, New Zealand Minister of Health in early 2021 instigated a change to the Medicine Act in March that year to ensure an experimental intervention could be used as a widespread public health measure. He and the Labour government of the day intentionally circumvented established scientific, medical and ethical precedent as Grant Robertson, the Finance Minister who signed the Pfizer / BioNTech waivers of liability in September and December 2020 would have known. They had acted ultra vires in contravention of the extant Medicine Act, which was itself amended post hoc to the signing of the liability waivers and which explicitly excluded large scale public health deployment of experimental interventions.
What emerges as crystal clear is that consent-lite, mass injection of the New Zealand populace raises the specter of it being the greatest scandal in New Zealand history. Clearly others realize the experimental nature of what took place, not to mention the “criminal negligence” alluded to in the 14 June 2024 Australian Senate Committee testimony of Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan on X ~ ‘Lock them up and throw away the key’.
9. No, vaccine companies aren't exempt from all liability
Petousis-Harris was probably ignorant at the time of her ODT puff-piece regarding the attempt by the FDA and Pfizer to conceal their data for 75 years, which was reversed by judicial ruling in 2022.
Why a Judge Ordered FDA to Release Covid-19 Vaccine Data Pronto, Jan. 18, 2022
Discussed here is the FDA release of COVID-19 shot safety data:
While the legal action requiring the FDA to expedite the release of the Pfizer data made national headlines, the documents that were released including the 1,291 adverse reactions to the vaccine was conspicuously absent from the news. It does not appear that even one legacy news source published a story that mentioned the significant BNT162b2 adverse event data dump from Pfizer, which included an admission of a nine-page list of serious adverse events reported post vaccination.
However, Pfizer’s own history of epic chronic malfeasance should have at the very least triggered ‘caveat emptor’? The FDA has 8 months to release all their hundreds of thousands of documents related to licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, which are now being currently being analysed in forensic detail.
While investigations continue, so does the escalating plethora of legal cases against Pfizer. Meanwhile, BioNTech faces hundreds of German compensation claims for Covid-19 jab and Kansas AG sues Pfizer for misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine with commentary about this US case, here and here.
Former New Zealand Minister of Finance, Grant Robertson signed off on waivers of liability for Pfizer and BioNTech in September and December 2020. One can only wonder what he and his advisors were thinking, other than a free pass without ever being held to account?
10. No, vaccines don't just reduce symptoms
The Pfizer shots cannot even claim to reduce symptoms, infection or transmission. A US appeals court has recently confirmed what was obvious from the start, that the jabs do not stop infection or transmission, so should not be called ‘vaccines’. They are in fact properly referred to as, ‘gene therapy’. Petousis-Harris makes a number of claims that are not supported by a variety of studies around ‘transmission’ and ‘infection’ and negative associations with an increasing number of shots, that do not appear supported by New Zealand data (hospitalisations and deaths). This appears to be quite well recognised (see below), though it still remains outside the bizarre and twisted purview of the State fed MSM misinformation and disinformation propaganda machinery.
Transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a federal prison, July-August 2021, Salvatore PP et al. (2023) demonstrated,
“…clinicians and public health practitioners should consider vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons.”
Elsewhere and more recently an old axiom looms, ”Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows." … where the evidence suggests that multiple doses of injected synthetic mRNA/LNP solution do not bode well.
The Cleveland Clinic study concluded: ‘The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses was unexpected’. … ‘The majority of subjects in this study were generally young individuals and all were eligible to have received at least 3 doses of vaccine by the study start date, and which they had every opportunity to do’.
The study found that the risk of ‘acquiring COVID-19’ was greater in those who received a larger number of prior vaccine doses. This is not the only study to find a possible association with more prior vaccine doses and higher risk of sickness. During an ‘Omicron wave’ in Iceland, individuals who had previously received 2 or more doses were found to have a higher odds of sickness than those who had received fewer than 2 doses of vaccine, in an unadjusted analysis [21. “Surprisingly, 2 or more doses of vaccine were associated with a slightly higher probability of reinfection compared with 1 dose or less.”]. Another large study found, in an adjusted analysis, that those receiving three doses of vaccine had a higher risk of sickness. [22. “History of primary-series vaccination enhanced immune protection against omicron reinfection, but history of booster vaccination compromised protection against omicron reinfection.”]. Yet another study found, in multivariable analysis, that receipt of two or three doses of a mRNA vaccine following prior sickness was associated with a higher risk of further sickness than receipt of a single dose [7. “Among those previously infected, receipt of 2 compared with 1 dose of vaccine was associated with higher risk of COVID-19”].
Post Script
Finishing up on one of the most egregious myths peddled by Petousis-Harris was her claim that being vaccinated, “will help get us all out of this pandemic.”
The assertion of a ‘pandemic’ has now become a closely scrutinized and questionable event, while its endurance surpasses cruel ethics and even medical irrationality. This has been demonstrated in a number of ways including an analysis of bizarre simultaneous ‘spread’, and the fact that anywhere in the World, the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never actually isolated. Multiple FOIs across the World reveal that there is no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere. Meanwhile, some patients requiring surgical or medical treatment appear to be denied on the basis of ‘vaccination’ status, as featured in this very recently written open lawyer’s letter to the New Zealand Ministry of Health, with copies to Dr Shane Reti (New Zealand Minister of Health), The Associate Minister of Health and All Members of the New Zealand Parliament.
And as others have already pointed out, the pandemic presents itself more as a political construct with harmonization to a tyrannical dystopia, rather than to any notable data point.
The BBC Confirms There Was No Pandemic
Slovak Covid-U Committee: There was No Pandemic
There Was No Pandemic. An essay by Denis Rancourt
Petousis-Harris and her enthused globalist cohorts are skating increasingly on very thin ice. Will they be leading a front page charge into the chilling dystopia of the Brave New World of 2030?
On a balance of probabilities, I rather think not. They’ve blown their social license.
this ....!!!
‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?
Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?
How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?
The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?
Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.
Yes !
What part of 'No'-
do you not understand... ?!!