this ....!!!

‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?

Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?

How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?

The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?

Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.


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Sage Hana has taken a similar line. The UniParty appears alive and well, as do its policies.

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The worst part of this is that I'll have to endure listening to the morons natter on about this for a full news cycle... and if I dare suggest it's fake ... the morons will laugh at me....

This is why I am ok with the morons injecting more Rat Juice. When they drop with vax injuries I get the last laugh...

They can refuse to watch this... but if they would have watched... they probably would have never injected Rat Juice https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-most-important-documentary-ever

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The spell is v.strong. Even now. People simply will not 'go there'.

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I woke to a flurry of whatsapp messages ... pulled up the video .. and immediately upon watching throught -- this looks fake...

I spent no more than 10 minutes reading details... and I knew it was fake.

It took about 5 minutes to write that SS post...

Most people will reject my assertion ... but then most people believe humans can fly through the Van Allen Belts and live... and that a helicopter can be charged in -60C and flown where there is no atmosphere...

Dumb F789s.

Did I mention most people injected an experiment hahaha

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If we watch and study the MSM, the selected grooming narrative will emerge.

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Jul 13Liked by DrLatusDextro

Yes !

What part of 'No'-

do you not understand... ?!!


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Great info Latus, thanks.

"The European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance... took the magnet challenge to...shopping centre in Strassen, Luxembourg. ‘In the non-vaccinated group, the number of people showing attraction to the magnet was zero. In the vaccinated group, 29 of the 30 individuals showed attraction to the magnet.'

On the spike wrecking DNA, the paper is promoting Sars virus (never found) and spike protein in shots (never found)


So, something might affect DNA but this paper seems to be wrong on many fronts and was even retracted:


"statements regarding the effect of the spike protein on the adaptive immunity are misleading as in this article no experiments related to the adaptive immunity were performed, and the full-length spike-based vaccine was not studied. Therefore, conclusions related to vaccine safety are not validated and lacked experimental support. This article [1] is retracted and shall be marked accordingly. This retraction was approved by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Viruses."

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

PM, even though the paper was retracted I thought I would let it back handedly just sit. You may note the author of the retraction.

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These guys are the authors, They do lots of work on fake virususes, esp Mei.

Hui Jiang 1 2 , Ya-Fang Mei 2

1. Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden.

2. Department of Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Umeå University, SE-90185 Umeå, Sweden.

And these guys are the retractors, also deep into viruses.

Eric O Freed 1 , Oliver Schildgen 2

1. HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD 21702-1201, USA.

2. Institut für Pathologie, Kliniken der Stadt Köln gGmbH, Klinikum der Privaten Universität Witten/Herde.cke mit Sitz in Köln, Ostmerheimer Str. 200, D-51109 Cologne, Germany.

What did you make of them? Is the paper and retraction a farce of sorts?

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I was unable to clearly identify the lead author Hui Jiang at either institution, who may be an unnamed research student at Umea, supervised by Ya-Fang Mei. https://www.umu.se/en/staff/ya-fang-mei/. It struck me (irrespective of the underlying falsification) that this very small research 'group' in an equally small university in Sweden, in stating that, "....and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines," required such potent squashing from 'acclaimed' researchers in the US and Germany, who also interestingly received their PhDs within a year of each other, asserting, "Therefore, conclusions related to vaccine safety are not validated and lacked experimental support."

It has the odd scent of an evil pantomime, the important part being the putative falsification of any idea of unsafe 'vaccines'?

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I see, great clarification Latus! The US and German guys are purporting vaxes are safe against the guys in Sweden who are saying they are dangerous but it's a BS danger. It all just leads to confusion because they're all missing the main points that there is no spike, it is not an mRNA shot for a virus, and they are not safe.

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