The Greatest [anti] Social Experiment Of All Time
Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions ~ predetermining the most effective coercing psychological gambits up to and including pathological lies.
Well, thank God someone is ‘on to’ it.
The gurus at Oxford University’s Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) have torn back the toxic veneer of pecksniffian hubris pedalled and hermetically defended by the New Zealand government with its devout national acolytes in medicine and academia, revealing at its heart some very disturbing facts (and truths), and a lot more by inference.
Little wonder that PM Jacinda Ardern recently and abruptly exited stage Left.
Our Oxford gurus include:
Professor Carl Heneghan, who is Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University and a practicing GP, while his co-author is Dr Tom Jefferson, Senior Associate Tutor at the University of Oxford, a former researcher at the Nordic Cochrane Centre.
Their short article, How New Zealand Dealt with “Disinformation” just published at the Brownstone Institute revealed the sordid and fraudulent disinformation advanced by the heart of darkness. It has served to conveniently and irretrievably mess the data (cases, hospitalisation, death with/of etc..) making accurate post hoc discernment of an uncontrolled, unethical medical assault with novel needled barrels impossible … arguably with the exception of ‘excess mortality’ (unless that data is now also deemed as ‘disinformation’ by the New Zealand supra-parliamentary Stasi, The Disinformation Project/Unit, chaired by the New Zealand Intelligence Service)? '
Those excess death data presently run silent, run deep in New Zealand, at epic historical levels. The safe and effective ‘mess’ is maintained with a combination of silence, suppression and stigmatization. But … it is gradually disintegrating under its own crushing hubris.
Professor Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson write:
One consideration is that the Covid narrative in Middle Earth (as elsewhere) is based on the misuse and misinterpretation of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the death of clinical medicine, as we have made clear.
Cases may not have been active cases, hospitalisations may not be due to SARS-CoV-2, and deaths may be due to various causes related or unrelated to SARS-CoV-2. We will never know for sure. Why? Because the PCR cycle threshold for testing PCR “positive” in Middle Earth was 40 to 45, ensuring that most tested people would test positive even in the total absence of contamination (a very tall order).
So presenting figures of cases, hospitalisations and deaths based on qualitative PCR results inflates the totals and undermines the confidence in the competence and honesty of public health bodies: it is disinformation.
Furthermore, just to be clear here, there was no medical ‘experiment’. The derailing perversion of politics ensured that established ethics and the scientific method plunged over the embankment several years ago. What took place cannot and does not justify the word ‘experiment’. In what seems a combination of wilful intent and wilful stupidity, the COVID fiasco facilitated an orchestrated brutal political assault where a number of instruments were and continue to be wielded in the expedition of The Greatest [anti] Social Experiment Of All Time.
The Experiment
This terrible [anti] social experiment with its constellation of instruments (the many divisive and socially destructive blunt policies of useless masking, lock-downs, mandates, deprivation of income, denigration, coercion, conning, restriction of freedoms, media propaganda and the relentless censorship of dissenting discourse and data), and with its millions of very sharp needled barrels releasing a fusillade of unpredictable consequence accompanied by a media spruiked choral requiem of manufactured ‘cases’, possessed two fortunate aspects: its own self-selecting control group and through manifest over-reach, an attention getting exposé of the strategies and tactics employed by corporate globalist tyrants who would wish to dominate the Earth and its peoples with their dystopian, inhuman and inhumane ideology requiring of absolute control and obeisance.
Unlike the hapless participants of the politically manipulated, scientifically uncontrolled, unethical medical assault, those individuals that went along to get along, or who were simply conned or regrettably coerced, the absence of formal controls meant that they were devolved to an unfortunate status, that of ignorant lab rats randomly spinning a revolver cylinder in a game of Russian roulette ~ Kill Shot or Clot Shot? Russian Roulette Pfizer Injuries 101. Play For Free.
In the background, official black-box invalid modeling doled out manufactured hope that could of course only be expressed as ‘effectiveness’. Real world studies, for example here, here, exposed the dreadful lie being actively suppressed.
Premeditated Predetermination Laid The Ground Work
I have previously discussed the ‘pilot’ Yale study used to predetermine the most effective coercing psychological gambits.
These gambits were unsettlingly determined as:
‘Not Bravery’, ‘Community Interest’, and ‘Community Interest’ + ‘Embarrassment’
Not bravery
Soldiers, fire-fighters, EMTs, and doctors are putting their lives on the line to serve others during the COVID-19 outbreak. That's bravery. Refuse to get vaccinated isn’t brave, it is reckless. By not getting vaccinated, you risk the health of your family, friends, and community. To show strength get the vaccine so you don't get sick and take resources from other people who need them more, or risk spreading the disease to those who are at risk, some of whom can’t get a vaccine. Getting a vaccine may be inconvenient, but it works.
Community interest
Every person who gets vaccinated reduces the risk that people you care about get sick. We can all protect every-one by working together and getting vaccinated.
Community interest + embarrassment
+ Imagine the embarrassment and shame you will be if you choose not to get vaccinated and spread COVID-19 to someone you care about.
The psychological gambits were no more than blatant lies designed to dodge ethics and consent.
The authors of this very discreetly funded Yale study that involved some 4000 people (Erin K. James, Scott E. Bokemper, Alan S. Gerber, Saad B. Omer, Gregory A. Huber) had the temerity (or was it a veiled caution?) to write in their study limitations:
"The experiments presented here are not without limitations. First, we measured intentions to vaccinate at a time when a vaccine was not currently available and the effectiveness and side effects of potential vaccines were not known. This also meant that we could not observe actual vaccination behavior, which is ultimately the outcome of interest."
The injected lab rats remained unaware that they could never be provided with properly informed consent, anymore than the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists and uncle Tom Cobbly ‘n all vaccinators could or would provide it. Some likely opined it was above their pay grade to make any attempt, while others considered their pay grade took care of ignoring the published literature evident by March 2021, Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease
COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.
Since then much has unfolded and been revealed for it now established that the experimental injections possess negative risk benefit.
“Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest…”
Furthermore, as we all knew from early on neither did the injections prevent infection nor arrest transmission. The Texas prison study and the Vietnam hospital study showed that back in June/July/August 2021.
Right now, excess death analysis indicates that at least 13 million people have been killed by the novel shots across the World.
The COVID-19 vaccines did not only not save lives but they are highly toxic.
On the global scale, given the 3.7 million fatalities in India alone, having [a vaccine-dose fatality rate] vDFR = 1 % (Rancourt, 2022), and given the age-stratified vDFR results presented in this work, it is not unreasonable to assume an all-population global value of vDFR = 0.1 %. Based on the global number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered to date (13.25 billion 24 doses, up to 24 January 2023, Our World in Data),3 this would correspond to 13 million deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. By comparison, the official World Health Organization (WHO) number of COVID-19 deaths to date is 6.8 million (6,817,478 deaths, reported to WHO, as 3 February 2023),4 which are not detected as COVID-19 assignable deaths in ACM studies.
These millions have perished right now from the vaccine, and the future consequences appear potentially and unpredictably dire according to the promise of Pfizer’s own 6 month analysis (Appendix 1, the 9 page ‘List of [>1200] adverse events of special interest)’. Moreover, we’re all too familiar with the titanic edifice of adverse events, and safety signals, their associated underestimation and the official mantra of nothing-to-see-here.
So what?
The experiment continues, and the people continue to roll up their sleeves and the sleeves of their kids; but apparently somewhat less so now.
The [anti] Social Experimental Controls
Fortunately, we also learned that critical thought is not entirely dead as millions of people ran the outlier gauntlet wisely declining the experimental, unpredictable, synthetic polynucleotide shots wrapped in a lipid nanoparticle cocktail (Self-Selected COVID-19 “Unvaccinated” Cohort Reports Favorable Health Outcomes and Unjustified Discrimination in Global Survey).
It raises the important question of ‘why?’
Such individuals bring a variety of fascinating responses when asked, some of these are described in the paper linked above. A closer look at this subject may be the consideration of a future post. I find it an interesting question because people who knew literally nothing about the biotechnology involved smelt a rat. Once their wide-view pattern recognition had been perturbed they began to undertake research to establish a more tangible basis for their sensed concerns, some moral, some religious, some ethical and some scientific. All reasonable and rational. Crucially then, they were willing to translate their conviction into action, to be ostracised, criticised, denigrated, denied access to various services and even church, unemployed, financially and career penalized.
These were very unpleasant and damaging personal consequences.
In spite of this, I have yet to meet anyone who chose and committed to this path that later regretted their action. On the other hand, there now exist a legion of dead and sickened, those with “vaccine” regret, those on the ‘long’ ride, those with startling new aggressive cancers and autoimmune conditions, and those immunologically compromised succumbing to novel, hitherto personally unseen health afflictions. Most apparently continue to remain ignorant, perhaps in proportion to the culpability of their colluding physicians?
As for the ‘controls’, those of us who declined to participate, some might say that such individuals were simply alighting on confirmation bias and reinforcing wrong-think. But such critics invariably omit to acknowledge that we were ALL surrounded by an impenetrable media of relentless psy-ops propaganda and coercion. In fact, it was child’s play to readily regurgitate the verbiage and the official line spouted by New Zealand’s former PM, Jacinda Ardern and her administration who took indoctrination into over-drive and consequently, over-reach.
We all knew the play-book backwards, and some of us even saw through it. /sarc
“We will continue to be your single source of truth,” she said. “We will provide information frequently. We will share everything we can.”
With the official abandonment of established ethics by seemingly almost everyone, all those in New Zealand who once pretended to possess ethics including the ethicists themselves, a Pandora’s box of unutterable evil has been opened.
As many now know, quite a bit of the evil has escaped into the open, while a preponderance of it still lies in waiting. The awakened know and discuss it, while Yuval Noah Harari, the mesmerizing doyen of the WEF and Schwab’s personal Rasputin throwback poses the question, doubtless a rhetorical one from his perspective, “Will the Future Be Human?”
Reading around the substack community makes that question abundantly clear. The WHO/BMGF/CEPI promise so much more to come; CEPI’s promise to deliver 15 billion novel injections by 2026; escalating infertility rates; recurrent hints of mass extermination in the shades of the 500 million carrying capacity of “Gaia.” (It might come as an inconvenient surprise to some that it is considered that the population will decline precipitously; hardly surpising really?)…
The global population will peak at 9.7 billion around 2064, according to the new projection, and then drop off to 8.8 billion towards the end of the century.
It may well be a lot less than that by then.
In Brasil, “President” Lula, devout WEF adherent, who was officially ‘decriminalised’ by the Brasilian Supreme Federal Court to ensure his elevation to political office could take place, appears to be following the WEF plan having just announced,
“The children have to be vaccinated. Suppose they don’t have a vaccination certificate. In that case, the mother will lose the benefit.”
There go a few ‘useless eaters’, while over in Africa the BMGF have been hard at it for decades (abridged article):
(LifeSiteNews) Google-owned YouTube has once again censored LifeSiteNews, — this time for our reporting on a World Health Organization (WHO) tetanus vaccine used to sterilize young women of childbearing age in Kenya.
The Big Tech video sharing platform has deleted an interview conducted by editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen with Dr. Wahome Ngare, a Kenyan obstetrician and gynecologist. In the interview, Dr. Ngare speaks out about how the WHO’s tetanus vaccine campaign, carried out in conjunction with the Kenyan government, was actually intended as a population control effort.
A 2017 study conducted by Dr. Ngare and other researchers, “HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World,” concluded that the WHO’s anti-tetanus campaign from 2013 to 2015, funded in part by UNICEF, acted as a “front for population growth reduction.”
The key piece of evidence was the presence of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in several of the vaccine vials. HCG is a hormone integral to alerting a woman she is pregnant. Dr. Ngare explained to John-Henry Westen that the tetanus vaccine laced with HCG would produce both anti-tetanus and anti-HCG antibodies.
HCG is also a key ingredient in the WHO’s “birth control” vaccine developed in 1976. It is estimated that 2.3 million Kenyan girls and women of childbearing age received the tetanus shots between 2013 and 2015.
In its “vaccine misinformation policy,” YouTube refuses to allow “medical misinformation about currently administered vaccines that are approved and confirmed to be safe and effective by local health authorities and by the World Health Organization (WHO),” including any claims that vaccines are “part of a depopulation agenda.”
BigTech Censorship Continues Apace
For the military-industrial complex narrative to survive, censorship and propaganda appear vital to both maintain the lie and to hide the truth. The increasing use and reliance upon censorship and propaganda appears to not only expose their use but to incrementally render them counterproductive. It’s a version of the Streisand effect.
The Streisand effect refers to a phenomenon in which an attempt to hide or censor something causes that thing to get more attention than it would have otherwise.
There is also habituation. Being told over and over again simply leads to tuning out. (‘Every cloud has a silver lining’)
What Future?
That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 NKJV
…not even in the futurists crystal ball.
And Yuval Noah Harari is no futurist, he’s an academic in the Department of History at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Harari speaks of ‘controlling information’ while envisaging unimaginable dehumanisation. He pejoratively alludes to ‘hackable animals’ and ‘useless eaters’ and concedes to being ‘more worried about the dangers of natural stupidity than AI’.
In 1970, Alvin Toffler authored ‘Future Shock’. In it he made clear far more presciently, that the future would be captured by those who know how to use information.
We have the WEF and Google et al. attempting just that.
Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications at the United Nations, highlighted that the UN had partnered with several big tech companies, including TikTok and Google, to control COVID and climate narratives while claiming, “We own the science.”
With access to almost limitless quantities of information comes the risk of ‘information overload’, described by Toffler. One of the many downsides might well be diminished discernment, another one might be difficulty teasing out the hidden or obscured truth. An absence of critical thinking is likely to be unhelpful. These all however, become redundant when information providing algorithms including AI inference algorithms are subject to a search engine manipulation effect, a priori manipulation.
Nonsense in, nonsense out. Manipulated or limited data in, manipulated or limited conclusions out.
So, according to a very successful plan trialled through the greatest [anti] social experiment in human history a vast majority of the global populace willingly rolled up their sleeves, and a meaningful chunk of that malleable group, many millions as highlighted earlier, died as a result, while millions more will suffer life-span and health-span shortening consequences.
The real ‘informational overload’ is seen in the official propaganda. It betrays itself. It’s burning out.
It has freeze framed rigidly around a narrative and daily becomes ever more distant from reality. It is breaking down incrementally while a palpable desperation is projected by a tightly controlled monologue of increasingly absurd distractions, including pointless wars, new plagues, the climatism Trojan horse, balloons or even UFOs.
Future Shock by Alvin Toffler may be reviewed on .pdf here.
I’ll leave you with this great vignette taken from Toffler’s book.
After all, we’re really going to have to do quite a lot better to ensure our recent trip into the sunlight doesn’t come to a miserable end.
It has been observed, for example, that if the last 50,000 years of man's existence were divided into lifetimes of approximately sixty-two years each, there have been about 800 such lifetimes. Of these 800, fully 650 were spent in caves
I usually don't jump onto the newest fad. I wanted to wait a while (WA hahaha) and see what this new injection would do.
In a short time, the 5 other blokes who worked in my very small office, enthusiastically submitted quite early on to get their "protection."
About a month or 2 later, they all went to the Docs to gets suspicious skin cancers removed.
That was it for me, I saw that and put 2 and 2 together. Outright refused the jab.
Seeing the "anti-vaxxer" hysteria brewing, my normal and default response was " I want to wait until stage 3 clinical trials are completed". Seemed to stop most mouth throthing responses, but i got feedback from friends who said the pro jabbers considered me nuts and dangerous.
Thanks to Substack, this platform gave me a lot of evidence to support my ongoing "pure blood" status.
Wonderful article Dr. The whole "science" aspect of this madness is the problem. Science was supposed to be oh-so-much more rational than those who believe in an unseen God. Science was all about what can be proven, what is the "truth." Now science is whatever the propagandists say it is.
The truth about the more than useless bioweapon shots was laid out there by science from day one - even in the scientists own limited (and even self-censored) trial results. It was there. The PCR tests were scientifically noted as useless for testing for covid, from day one, by the PCR test scientist inventor himself. Masking was proved by science to useless decades ago.
All of the covid me-too freakout was proved by SCIENCE to be wrong, from day one. But science was thrown away, just like religion was thrown away decades before. Science and religion are not polar-opposites, they are on the same team in uplifting the human race. It is the transhumanists, communists, demons, and others of their ilk that are on the opposite team. Would that the scientists finally see this.