I usually don't jump onto the newest fad. I wanted to wait a while (WA hahaha) and see what this new injection would do.

In a short time, the 5 other blokes who worked in my very small office, enthusiastically submitted quite early on to get their "protection."

About a month or 2 later, they all went to the Docs to gets suspicious skin cancers removed.

That was it for me, I saw that and put 2 and 2 together. Outright refused the jab.

Seeing the "anti-vaxxer" hysteria brewing, my normal and default response was " I want to wait until stage 3 clinical trials are completed". Seemed to stop most mouth throthing responses, but i got feedback from friends who said the pro jabbers considered me nuts and dangerous.

Thanks to Substack, this platform gave me a lot of evidence to support my ongoing "pure blood" status.

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Well done, sensible. I was struggling with my health in 2020 and still am (no thanks to cretinous NHS doctors). I was slightly wrong footed to start although I did think it rather strange to lock down for the 'flu when the sun was shining. After a long winter people need to be enjoying the sun and fresh air.

Then I considered the anti-social distancing and realised in the UK, and being a reasonably clever sort of chap who has experienced feet and inches and metric, that 2.0 m is NOT the same as 6'. And if 6" is no big deal why the fuss about a distance, if the government doesn't know for sure.

By June 2020 the current virology theory scam collapsed in my thinking and I knew that vaccines would never do anybody any good whatsoever.

Except perhaps big pharma and beneficiaries who like money, lots of it.

I wrote to the UK government to say don't waste taxpayers money. Obviously they ignored me. However, this was just as well as the whole experiment would not have revealed to the wise that vaccines and big pharma are utterly pointless at best, but typically harmful and deadly at worst.

It also exposed a whole lot more to the world at large so that it could not be ignored and people would fight once more for truth and justice.

Anyway I will not have vaccines or big pharma drugs (even the reasonable one have cheaper and safer alternatives called good food and drink not treated with pesticides and chemicals).




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Bravo Sir. Get well, stay well.

Forgive the generalisation ..."who has experienced feet and inches and metric" ... digital immigrants are parsecs ahead of the pond-skating digital natives. It provides an decent edge.

The likes of Harari et al. are trying their best to erase (among several things) institutional memory, and we have targets ("birth marks" ~ dates) painted on us in true Gary Larson tradition. https://i.pinimg.com/236x/4e/30/fe/4e30feb06e28148af63948b1ffe63f67--hunting-season-far-side-cartoons.jpg

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Thank you. Gary Larson is priceless! I love this one. Makes me think of the vaxxers who still insist on being further vaxxed despite the injuries.


And my take.


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"I took the vaxxes, they made me sick. I keep on having them, I’m rather thick."

In truth that is so. It is also unrelated to previous suppositions of intellect. I learned the other day of an individual with a PhD in statistics who turned up in in GP practice for his 4th shot.

'Midvale School For The Gifted' ~ unfailingly comes to mind when I nervously check out a swing door just to make sure....

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Like you I will await the long-term trial results - 10 years. I also expect to see nobody getting common colds/respiratory viruses who got the shots. The short term trial results across planet earth don't seem encouraging to me. I'll pass.

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Th epic kick-back of evil and a restoration of Good would seem an excellent (and unintended consequence for the purveyors of the [anti] social expt.) result?

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True except it was ultimately intended not unintended despite appearances to the contrary. The thing is, evil is ultimately brain-dead stupid and easily persuaded to go all out when they were persuaded it was time to try and rule the world.

But they were suckered so exposed themselves to be dealt with accordingly.

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Over reach is revealing!

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Wonderful article Dr. The whole "science" aspect of this madness is the problem. Science was supposed to be oh-so-much more rational than those who believe in an unseen God. Science was all about what can be proven, what is the "truth." Now science is whatever the propagandists say it is.

The truth about the more than useless bioweapon shots was laid out there by science from day one - even in the scientists own limited (and even self-censored) trial results. It was there. The PCR tests were scientifically noted as useless for testing for covid, from day one, by the PCR test scientist inventor himself. Masking was proved by science to useless decades ago.

All of the covid me-too freakout was proved by SCIENCE to be wrong, from day one. But science was thrown away, just like religion was thrown away decades before. Science and religion are not polar-opposites, they are on the same team in uplifting the human race. It is the transhumanists, communists, demons, and others of their ilk that are on the opposite team. Would that the scientists finally see this.

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They will, willingly or not.

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Thank you. This is such important encompassing commentary.

Maurice McGraths “jab fetishists” remark wins a medal. Steve Kirsch’s Elephant pdf should be available wherever wifi is present. The graphics and statistics are arresting.

The world is now full of injected lab rats and a great many who partook of saline shots as alluded. We can only hope there are many more ethical inject-ors like the German nurse. I hope there is a special purgatory for those elite or of political persuasion who whilst mandating the killing weapon for others were slipping themselves a wee bit of NSS. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-12/germany-nurse-saline-solution-switch-covid-vaccine/100370204?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know someone who didn’t employ a faux vaccine passport while Western Australians were locked out of society. As mentioned with so much more to come (they need to use their Pandemic Treaty powers) what will folk be prepared to do to resist harm for themselves and their families, to provide sustenance and exposure to unpolluted food? https://thefamilyfarm.com.au/ Gaia’s finite resources apparently are to be consumed and divvied up according to WEF calculation and preference and it don’t include nothin’ for us as useless eaters.

President Lula reminds me of another fascist dictator I know, unfit for a leadership role, who has thoroughly discounted all harms from the injectables and continues to promote uptake. Coercion has been unprecedented but I suspect Australians vaccinated are lower in numbers than official statistics would have us believe. https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/vaccination-numbers-and-statistics

In WA most practitioners are still looking the other way (as the 1000’s of vaccine injured are reporting) when confronted with a vaccine injured person despite their statutory duty. ‘Medical and nurse practitioners have a statutory responsibility to notify adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) to the Chief Health Officer, as per the requirements of the Public Health Act 2016 and the Public Health Regulations 2017.’ https://www.safevac.org.au/Home/Info/WA

Australian Senator Gerard Rennick is still actively collecting accounts from those vaccine injured in Australia to coerce/shame the GOVT into halting the Bioweapon program. https://gerardrennick.com.au/vaccine-injuries/

I too have not met anyone who regrets NOT participating in the jab con. I’ll happily continue running the “outlier gauntlet”.

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Thank you Dr MM for your considered comment. People seem to slowly be awakening and acquiring some awareness, at the least that something is amiss, at best, we're in a full hot war against murderous tyranny. Where there's hope ...

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Yes I believe so. What bothers me deeply is the assertion (David E. Martin https://www.datascienceassn.org/content/dr-david-e-martin-testimony-july-9th-2021) this was in the oven cooking for ages before they served the cake.

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I've kept an eye out on Dr DM since the beginning. His analysis of patents is extraordinary, helpfully unclothing some of the corporate / governmental subterfuge.

He's very articulate and appears immensely capable.

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I thought you may have ;-)

Yes he’s definitely a good find.

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Brilliant as usual. That 40-45 cycles were used in NZ for covid testing was clearly stated in the Otago university explanation of PCR but when I questioned the completely braindead Mike Baker he accused me of spreading disinformation.

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Thank you! So nice to see Middle Earth administasi acquiring some international notoriety in exactly the right quarters, being framed in precisely the correct manner after the pecksniffian posing of the Jabaconda at the UN and her proclamations of an information 'war'; a useful cannon shot to point and discharge at the MC?

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I like the word Jabaconda!! I call her the Tooth Fairy among other things, that and the fact she was brought up a Moron (sic).


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Another astonishingly brave New Zealander, Squadron Leader Phil Lamason, 'Airmen of Buchenwald'.

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Thank you very much. I have logged Phil Lamason, and might well do a post latter. Amazing chap. I had a very good New Zealand friend who came to the UK, the family were in the nursery business in West Sussex growing tomatoes. I have lost touch sadly.

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“[P]eople who knew literally nothing about the biotechnology involved smelt a rat.” This phenomenon supports my theory that some people for some reason are blessed with a BIBSD—built-in bullshit detector. Now whether it’s a product of nature or nurture is a matter ripe for debate.

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"Now whether it’s a product of nature or nurture is a matter ripe for debate."

Epigenetics or experiential, a (highly) sensitised threat response begins with the detection of a perturbation of usual complex patterned and frequently chaotic input from all senses. The cumulative processing may lead to a higher than average rate of false positive evaluations, resulting in a hint of 'edginess' or 'paranoia'?


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"nature or nurture" - why not both.

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Fair comment.

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